Tree of Savior Forum

Your Top Three Complaints of the Game

  1. Lag
  2. Market 48H
  3. Can’t trade Silver.
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  1. Latency and fps issues
  2. Dungeon Bug
  3. There really isn’t any but I can see trade being an issue down the road as well as gold sellers when upgrading weapons becomes a big thing for min and maxing at end game.
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Server sided lag (NPC not responding).
Gold Sellers & Gold Bot.
Dungeon bug.

  1. God-awful Spawn Rate
  2. Silver Seller Spam… which I believe could be part of the cause of 3
  3. FPS Shuttering

-1 Team Storage being ridiculously restricted for no reason whatsoever.

Should be available by default (or even a one time payment unlock, but absolutely not locked behind a pseudo-subscription… makes you wonder how additional character slots aren’t Token-bound with this kind of logic), not reduce potential at all (seriously, we cannot even put a fancy headgear on on another character as we please? WTF?), and include silver-transfering between characters (even assuming that restriction of silver-trading between different players is completely necessary, it still makes 0 sense to limit it for between your own characters. And not to mention it completely wrecks the idea of making a character your money-maker/vendor-class as well).

-2 The spawn-system is a horrible mess right now.

Basically, if you clean some place, it’s then empty for like 15 minutes.
If I understand this correctly, each monster already had its own respawn-timer that worked fine, but for some reason there has been a change since the iCBT2, which added a map-related second respawn-timer that doesn’t let things respawn earlier than 20 minutes or so? It’s ridiculous and it makes me wonder whether it was even intentional or if whoever made that decision even tried it in practice, because it’s glaring once you try to grind somewhere or try to hunt a bigger/rarer mob (go find a Vubbe Fighter in Crystal Mine 3F if you want an example).

-3 just put a level100 requirement on using Megaphones already geeez

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-No trade

-Lack of party search for every day play, or at least a functioning one

-How absolutely useless the cleric is

Lag/Drop FPS
Dungeon bug

  • Trade
  • Lag
  • Respawn rate

1 - General Economy ( trade, market and etc )
2 - Respawn Rate
3 - Silver sellers

  1. Trade restrictions. I don’t really have a problem with needing a token but I think restrictions should be completely removed with it, like the limit on number of trades. Would it be okay to give a small daily trade limit to F2P users instead of token-users? I like the idea of having it available at a certain level/story point.

  2. Personal (within own account) trade/transfer restrictions like not being able to transfer silver and move your own items freely without penalty. It’s fine if team storage is premium but it seems like that’s not even that great. I would like it if silver could be sharable across account by default, no token, but at least have it available for token-users.

  3. Server issues/lag. At this point April 28th sounds terrifying.

Thank you for this thread.

  1. No Eye cover Glasses costume!!!
  2. Bot/Chat Spammer
  3. Trade
  1. Trade
  2. Account silver/item storage
  3. TP/Token Prices and TP/Token Effects
  1. Poor optimization
  2. Network latency
  3. Weird leveling system/strategies
  1. Trades
  2. Dungeons being broken
  3. Servers having no room.

Just 3? Kind of limiting my options there.

  1. Klaipeda does down almost every night. It’s down right now, can’t login again.

Like the first one is bad enough lol

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Silver sellers ain’t going anywhere, get over it.

Love this thread

  1. Trade system
  2. Token System
  3. Bugs

hoooo! GODDESS HELP US! the monsters there!! but the lag is killing us?
and the trade i want a kafra like in ragnarok with premium with only in on your character are something like thas…

i mean kafra where you can trade yor premium items between yor character


Also, I wanted a concise report of how people felt, what with the cacophony of different complaints being thrown around. Here you can at-least be precise. And as for why only three: You’d be able to answer that instead of someone asking you everything that’s wrong. Pretty sure people would write page-long ideas on what to do.

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