I’ve spent the last month wasting my dungeon runs with my main char to stockpile dungeon 180 cubes, hoping to get some max petamion recipes (and if possible a manamana recipe) for some of my alts. So today I decided to find a good empty place and opened them all. The results were not what I was expecting at all…
So out of roughly 500 cubes, I got:
- 120 talts (I was really expecting way more of these, I guess the % chance is not that high)
- roughly 300 – totally GARBAGE – weapons/armor parts (Aston Martins – or Rapiers whatever, Tyla Filthy Rags…)
- 60 or so recipes (Roxona garbage, some decent level 170 weapons)
- 15 or so gems/ores
- 4 flammidus cards (not even 1% drop, that’s BS…)
- 1 animus recipe (the only really good item here)
No manamana (it is that uncommon? or even… does it still exist??), fine… but no max petamion? What the f***ing f***? It was supposed to be 0.5 or 1% drop chance from the old level 200 dungeon (I remember getting the recipe for my first two characters REALLY quickly…).
Suggestion: remove the BS weapons/armor that nobody sane will ever use, replace at least with talt and do something with the drop rate of cards and useful stuff.
Conclusion: I decided to buy the two max petamion recipes that were sitting in the market… That was a 16mil hole in my budget, but at least now I won’t have to waste my time doing useless dungeon runs.