Tree of Savior Forum

Yellow-eyed flower petal after update

I wait 6 hours today, nothing. Check every 15 mins and nothing

the update said something about the class-reset voucher allowing you to become any class without the quest requirement, they prob forgot that the hidden classes needed flag triggers from items and werent auto-unlocked like the others and just fked it all up

actualy this only afect the new classes…i wonder what kind of limbo the player will have to endure after this 2 weeks(i mean the pre quests to unlock these class) sinse we already strugle in shinobi,appraiser,miko…sorry bad english,i dont realy care about grammar


  • For 2 weeks (until December 26, 2017), you can advance into any of the newly added classes (Matador, Shadowmancer, Bullet Marker, Zealot) without unlocking the corresponding requirements.

Maybe someone need to crash the channel to fix it.

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