Tree of Savior Forum

Wugushi is it good?

Anyone can make a wugushi build for almost pure group pve (mobbing) / boss hunting.
And explain how to distribute status and atributes?

or. ORRRRRR you can go to TOSbase and click the skill simulator…and experiment with what you want to do… now doesn’t that sound like more fun than just waiting for someone to tell you what to do?

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The best way to play is to play what you want to play. kekekkekekekeke

Yes, but I cant find what should I use before get Wugushi on rank 4.

Yes. Anyone can, but nobody will because it’s not everybody’s responsibility to provide somebody with a build.

If you want to learn how to make one yourself, you have the links provided by the very kind @xFeur . Honestly, if I wouldn’t be tagged into this thread I wouldn’t even bother replying to you.

If you’re curious about Wugushi, watch this video

What do you guys think about this build? Is it good? What do you change on it?

Its pure PvE build for group hunting/boss hunting

I like it. Well, I don’t but who of us is perfect?

Mind explaining to me how do you see it in action? For example two situations, first mobbing and killing, second boss fight. Maybe then I can help you, ok?

i prefer archer 2 for the 25% extra crit attribute, since i will prefer str over dex, higher swift step and multishot as well as instant full draw for those oh-■■■■ moments.
i’m still undecided on my rank 3, either Qs for pavise and aoe trap aggro on caltrops or hunter for more single target lockdown, aggro sponging and reducing defense on enemies.
imho ranger doesn’t look that useful combined with wugushi/fletcher, since you allready have massive aoe, supported by strong aoe and single target from fletcher. i haven’t heard anything positive about steady aim so far either, so no reason to take ranger for that alone.
if you want the costume though, i’d take ranger and make the best out of it and use it to find out about rangers weaknesses/ strenghts :smile:

Well steady aim is flat damage, if you look at the attribute - the skill actually gives 100 more damage then it states. Depending on the skill level you end up with it on it might be a buff or it might be a debuff. Question is - do we really think flat damage added at the end of the damage calculation, that isn’t extraordinarily high - is worth the investment?

Well, that’s how I gauge the skill. It Will help on low levels, it… won’t really change a damn on high levels and frankly - if you buy a good sacrament scroll you’ll get more(?) damage or similar damage - with no debuff and no investment other then some money.

I’ll hold back with actually criticizing the build until he gives me his idea, he might just have one. I still find discrepancies as is, but not every build has to have perfect synergy to work so who knows.

if it were an archer skill it would probably quite the worthwhile choice, but at rank 3 ( if he should decide on going with archer 2) it looks exactly as you described it just now.
as far as i know steady aim doesn’t work with skills, if it would it might be quite awesome for multihit skills like multishot and barrage

I’m having so many doubts about archer lately man :cry: and it’s tough cause it’s almost beta time and I’m unsure what to build myself :cry: now isn’t that fking ironic, I’ve been holding so many people’s hand and guided them through and yet I can’t help myself :sob:

dude, 1 month playing with high rates, we can probably get several classes easily to 150+, which is far enough to get a good feel for them and help iron out what feels wrong :slight_smile: i’ll also try tomake some spear builds for hoplites and if i get around to it a linker build. if any build feels like garbage find out why and try again!
added benefit: you get to avoid this problem at release and that is where it counts :slight_smile:

Btw, Linkers have three attributes to joint penalty that increase either earth, electric or poison damage.

linker + wugu parties will be so awesome, linkers can stack enemies easily on one spot, while zhendu increases party damage even further: +50% dmg throw gu pot and zhendu dots on 10+ linked enemies will melt anything, even enemies with higher poison resistance.
if i knew i’d have a linker in the party i’D go circle 3 wugu without a doubt, those insects need stacked enemies

No man that’s not what I mean. You got to realize my inner conflict here.

Basically archer is split into two divisions - classes that are strength dependant and classes that aren’t. You have hunter and wugushi ( well, initial damage from skills in wugushi I guess ) that are not dependant on str almost any of their damage. Not sure how to classify a falconer, I guess it goes in there aswell.

Then you have the strength dependant co-parts which is QS, Ranger, Fletcher, Rogue, SR. No, you don’t have to build your character into strength if you want to play those classes - but they would undoubtedly benefit strongly from it.

Yes that’s a very shallow way of looking at it, and yes I do realize there are far more variables. Gear changes builds dramatically for one thing. But it is true though. Thing is, I don’t like being the crit dependant evasion type of a guy because I know that magic will screw me over, AoE will screw me over and evasion is really only good for PvE if that even. Frankly SR blows evasion out of the water with it’s movement where nothing can really get to you.

I have so many awesome builds on my mind I have no idea what to go with. And that’s the real problem here, the abundance of fking awesome things to see in this game starting tomorrow. Just can’t decide man, can’t decide… I’m just like this guy, just without paint on my face and without being mentally insane I guess :joy:

That’s how I feel about entering the beta tomorrow, we’ve been waiting for a long time and now’s the time to see it all in full glory and it just feels overwhelming man.

ah gotcha, well i’m of the opinion that pure dex is bullshit anyways, that can only work in a full pve group with tank and support, so why bother thinking about it.
even if wugushi doesn’t use str to enhance it’s damage, you get a benefit for all the other ranks and then there is always gems etc; i bet there will be stuff for those classes that don’t scale well.

on the pvp side of things there is such a immense abundance of specialists in all class trees that there will always be strong counters to your play, but at the same time you will always find an easy target for your build as well.

can’t escape their damage? chances are you can burst them before they can kill you; they are tanky? you can probably dot and kite them or use your pet to disable them.
you can try out a lot of builds, so why not just start anywhere, maybe one of them just clicks with you.
i bet there are classes/ builds that will feel awful right quick, so there is a big chance you don’t have to spend much time on a lot of them :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a starting build I want to try but its still painful because theres so many others I want to try that it feels like I will be longing to play SR or fletcher while I’m wugushing the ■■■■ out of people ^^

Maybe I’m exaggerating, thats just how it feels to me right now. Gonna check if the pro wannabe from the other thread replied and if not going to sleep, gnight man and good luck tomorrow! ^^