Tree of Savior Forum

Would you prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

Cash shop.


It’s you who don’t understand it.
If I had more money I would gladly invest in for example game so others would enjoy it too.

A cash shop with cosmetics, effects, costumes, and anything that grants optional FUN is best. Whatever doesn’t effect players winning PvP or progressing faster in the Adventure Journal/Ladder than non payers is okay to charge for money. This also includes convenience, but that shouldn’t be mistaken for completely taking away features everyone should have like trading to give them to donors.

Creators succeed in making an amazing unique game with limitless potential and destroy it by ruining its good name with P2W. I have seen this happen to many games like ToS and I am tired of it. Creators and publishers want money and recognition ASAP for having something great, everyone would. Relying on getting money from whales has shown to be less efficient though, being branded as P2W loses companies a whole market of gamers no matter how fun the game is. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising for a new game, friends bring friends, soon famous youtubers like PewDiePie might give it a try to do it first, that brings attention. No one wants to live in a P2W world, we should be able to get away from our reality… games like ToS are supposed to feel magical and be in their own world.

Micro-transactions are the way to go now a days. Every player should be able to play like a king without whaling a cash shop + $1,000 donor status. Make players fall in love with ToS before spending cash on the game to support their love for it.

We also should be able to buy permanent donor status so we can start supporting the game. KToS is tanking from what people say, we shouldn’t let them ruin IToS. A game’s reputation does wonders. As soon as everyone learns its P2W they’ve lost millions of future dollars that could’ve been put into development and beautiful art.

[quote=“Chiryuu, post:122, topic:143086, full:true”]
It’s you who don’t understand it.
If I had more money I would gladly invest in for example game so others would enjoy it too.[/quote]
Considering the inherent selfishness of the statements you made that started this conversation, I simply don’t believe you. You can’t just do a total reversal and expect me to take you seriously.

But then you would be a


So? Would it be bad? I wouldnt mind to be rich kid :).

But… why “kid”?

There are rather positive cash shop examples as well. Look at warframe for instance. Cash shop is in, but next to everything is obtainable (maybe the only exception being weapon and frame slots) through playing. Furthermore platinum (shop currency) can be traded in game, so technically there is absolutely zero things you cannot buy from the shop just by playing the game.

Meanwhile subscription is an extreme turnoff. It will mercilessly cut off a huge chunk of the playerbase who would refuse to pay up front, each month for something they may or may not like.
You have to face the subscription question directly: There are literally only two games which succeeded with it, one being world of warcraft, the other being eve online, but the latter never reached high player numbers to begin with and is now facing real issues due to dwindling numbers.

TL;DR: Subscription model is suicide. Thats all there is to it.
Im hyped to hell about tree of savior, open up skill simulator and this website on a daily basis, but if it would be subscription based, i would opt out even though i could afford paying the monthly fee.
So no. Unless you want TOS to exist even 6 months after release, subscription is not an option. The mere idea of it is stupid.

What you should argue for is not having the shop littered with pay to win items. THAT is a legitimate claim, but to basically run the entire game into ground with a subscription model just because you are afraid of the cash shop… its pretty much akin to setting fire to your own house because you saw a huge spider and could not catch it, so its somewhere in there.

How about not throwing around the concept of who is paying more to maintain the game servers?
I mean there are certain community destroying cancer behavior types, such as for instance elitism, wanting all the “noobs” and those who do not fit your personal idea about skill removed from your gaming experience, but what you are implying here seriously made me face desk.

Sure, lets wreck the community over the concept of who is paying and thus supporting the game, and who is not. In fact, call everyone a disgusting pest who is f2p.
How about no? F2P exists because even those who are not paying are contributing towards the game experience. In short: You have a community. You have opponents, friends, help, rivalis, pvp, trade, etc etc etc. There are subscription model games out there, literally starving due to the fact that only the old players, old guilds, static things remain in it and there is zero influx of new players which would keep at least certain aspects of the game fresh… would make it feel alive.

TL;DR: what you implied here is a very rigid idea, which also ignores a lot of reasons why f2p is used in the first place.
Thing is, you do not get to look down on others just because you spent money on the game and they did not. End of story.

I dont prefer anything…or wait If I prefer smth its b2p.

But the game will be f2p with cash shop (we all know)
if the Cash Shop is ok I am totaly fine with f2p.
I have played allready some f2p games who had rlly good
CS while others had p2w CS. I think ToS will have a good one
cause if I were IMC I would know how to build up a good CS that
isnt P2W for this game. Easy

Does anyone actually know how much it costs to run servers for an MMO? My guess would be in the tens of thousands on a month scale.

your guess is wrong…sure it cost smth but its not that expensiv and with a cosmetic CS + some small boosts = not pay2win = enough money for them.

I am running a server too btw…sure its just one and different to a cluster like they got but its not a big dimension like guess. We are in 2016 yo :smiley:

Thats like 200 bucks a year tho :s kinda pricey if you ask me… especially if thats USD cuz then im lookin at like 260$ CAD at least.

Id pay like 8 a month. Pretty sure that’s what other mmo’s have charged. Or at the very least an option to reduce the monthly cost by buying longer duration of subscription.

Personally? Cash Shop.

This post should have a survey result =)

cash shop for sure - whoever plays mmogas like LoL and HotS knows that skins are P2W - fashion > all

trillions of headgears gonna keep peeps interested - usually spend 200-300 bucks on games a month so they better update the shop weekly