Tree of Savior Forum

Would you like to be a Game Sage(GS)? Você gostaria de ser um Game Sage(GS)?

What’s is a Game Sage?

Game Sage are people who knowledge in the game and who wants to help.
But unlike the gm’s the gs’s are not IMC employees, so they do not have access to their account, tickets and also do not receive special powers.

The duties of a Game Sage are:

  • Test and report bugs in the game
  • Report situations that require GM assistance / intervention
  • Provide support for forum and in-game events
  • Assist player in the game and forum
  • Give suggestions to the GM team on specific issues (often received by players)
  • Collaborate with the GS / GM team in creating or editing guides for the game and community

It is important that the community realize that Game Sage is also a player and as such there may be times when it can not help, who will always be responsible for guaranteeing players is the Game Master and if you do not have the possibility to contact you always have access to the customer service.

What do you think of the idea? Have IMC already wondered about this? Drop your comments below. :thumbsup:

---------- PT_BR ----------
O que é um ** Game Sage **?

Game Sage são pessoas que conhecem o jogo e querem ajudar.
Mas, ao contrário dos gm’s, os gs’s não são funcionários da IMC, então eles não têm acesso à sua conta e também não recebem poderes especiais.

Os deveres de um Game Sage são:

  • Testar e relate erros no jogo
  • Reportar situações que requerem assistência / intervenção de um GM
  • Proporcionar suporte para eventos do fórum e do jogo
  • Dar assistência aos jogadores tanto no jogo quanto no fórum
  • _Dar sugestões para a equipe de GM’s em questões específicas (muitas vezes recebidas pelos jogadores) _
  • Colaborar com a equipe GS / GM na criação ou edição de guias para o jogo e comunidade

É importante que a comunidade perceba que o Game Sage também é um jogador e, como tal, pode haver momentos em que não pode ajudar, quem sempre será responsável por garantir que os jogadores é o Game Master e caso vocês não tenham possibilidade de o contatar tem sempre acesso ao serviço ao cliente.

O que você acha da idéia? O IMC já se perguntou sobre isso? Deixe seus comentários abaixo. :thumbsup:

We have plenty of GSs, IMC staff mostly ignore the players reports and we players have to deal and solve most of the issues, specially the patcher ones and try to help others.

Meanwhile, the company keep the silence only doing whatever they want.

Also, you don’t need much of a guide to play this game, since it barely have any mechanic except a few skills, the rest is most tank-spank with very few variation of dodge that and stop attacking for a while.

1/2:They got a discord server where you can report bugs within the game, also report hackers/bots
You can also report to support with tickets, which no regular user has access to view.

3:Events are handled by NPC’s, except the mini events when there is a GM meetup, but thats a GM Meetup.
4:you can do that any time, dont need a special title/rank for that
5:If a user makes a guide, and you find an error, just message him where you think he did wrong, if hes inactive, it means the guide is most likely out of date, just write a new one.

No i dont think we need a so called GS, anyone can do free labour for IMC without being called a GS.

I don’t know if they ignore us but, sometimes seems like our reports don’t make any chance. That’s because we just want bots banned as soon we click the report button.

Yes, it’s really a easy game to play, but some have difficulties. Aka: don’t know how to google

1/2: I don’t like to join Discord to do this. Maybe you have you own Discord server for your clan, or don’t like the app (like me), etc.
3: Events like hide and seek and other mini games, something that everyone would join to have some fun and be more close to the staff.
4: Not everyone do that, some are trolls, this is just someone who you could trust. My server is full of trolls because br’s.
5: It’s not class, build kind of guides, something more technical.

That’s just a idea, there is games with gs’s out there, it’s like a gm who you can talk to and there will awalys be someone online.

3: So youd like to have a second account with no special privilegies to help out in certain events?
^It also takes deep trust in who IMC picks to be an helper for events as there is a risk this GS will be able help friends.

4.Be more specific, troll a player? troll a gm? You do realize how underhanded even GS would be helping out players constant cries for help? Just how many GS’s do you have in mind per server,t hat will help players without any special privilegies, such as certain GM commands or other means?

5: What more technical, things, like calculating crit rate?Spirit?, you need to elaborate. You say"Something" sounds like you havent thought about it at thoroughly

I’m not only talking about the bot reports, I’m talking about any relatively, proper and useful report (bugs, exploits, glitches, etc…).

They simple don’t care, but when ■■■■ hit the fan in the KR or JP server, they have the cleaning cloth ready to clean the ■■■■.

Why? You might ask, the answer is simple, these regions are under a publisher and they have a contract to keep with the publisher.

Also, the publisher is responsible for the reports, they have people on forum to run through complains and keep things clean.

Here, we are on our own under the developer, we don’t have a publisher, only a distribution source (Steam).

3: No, the account you are trusted to, gs’s will not have any gm power. I said that in the first paragraph.
4: GS wil not take you by the hand and help you out. GS’s would have direct contact to the staff.
5: Check the guides tab

So, wouldn’t GS’s help with that? As they would be in contact with the staff?

3:So what makes the so called GS any different from asking to be a Sub GM?
4:Send tickets to support, i high doubt IMC would immediately help out just because a “GS” forwards a repoted issue
If you read through the forum, youd see there are times a GM already said “i will forward this tot he dev team” but nothing happens instantly anyway.

Just like you said in one of your previous posts, there are trolls,
There is no telling what info this “GS” would come over->potential leak.
There is no telling wether a “GS” will secretly attmept to spawn free bosses or other things for people.
There is a chance the person who does become a GS mgiht be a troll in the end.

5:So there are already guides then, for what reason should these have the power to edit these?.

I stand by my opnion that having more Sub GM’s, or as you like to call it, GameSages runnnig around is not necessary.

I am positive that GM’s would answer more frequently in forum, especially in certain rage threads, however they can throw out personal opinions about eberything that is being complained at.

If imc needs more people to work, they better do it like a real company and hire people with real sallary, not some person sitting at home doing free labour whenever he feels like it.

Hope you realize how much trust IMC needs to put on an outsider who have never set a foot in their office, and likely never will.

  1. The title doesn’t matters, did u know some gm you can chat ingame? I never saw a gm and doubt they will respond to you.
  2. Tickets take ages, the same goes for forum reports, the idea is that you could report someone, the gs would check, if it’s something really illegal they would talk to gm’s to add to the ban wave. gs’s would be someone who the staff really trust.

Has a already said gs’s would NOT have any ingame power.
Have you ever played a game with game sages?

You are only increasing the walk to the goal, we already report directly, be it by forum or ticket system, GMs don’t do ■■■■ unless people start an arson in the forums, even so, it’s 10% of the reports or even less that are taken serious.

Now asking someone to act as a GS to report stuff to GM, is asking people to get even more stressed, because by the end of the day (or week or month, you pick) who will hear ■■■■ is the GS guy, because people will think he didn’t report ■■■■ all to GM since GM here don’t do his work properly.

That works with other games why would tos be different?

My bad your reply to what i said made me misread as you said they WILL have GM powers.

  1. i see no specific reason for the need to sit and chat with a GM inside a game, even less the reason to sit and chat with GS, there are plenty of humans in the world if i felt i had to chat with someone.
    2.I Second what Nirimetus said.

And yes ive seen GS in another game. It ends up with an actual GM having to reinvestigate what the GS reported before banning. Besides that, they just sit and police forums, aka saying “Stay on the topic” “You posted in the wrong section” “Make a ticket” “Dont necro” “Thread locked”
Exactly how can a virtual person be trusted by a company?

What part of…

Was hard to understand?

Don’t compare other games that are under publisher with ToS who is being ran by the developer.

But if we go compare, there are a bunch of games on Steam that the developer put to sell, and with a bunch of problems, they ignore people’s complains about controller not working, crash during loads and God knows whatever else the game suffer.

Now ask if they will do anything about it? With so many people asking, begging and crying for fixes.

ToS get fixes? Yes it get, but how long it take to fix a skill? How long it take to fix a character animation? How long take to fix patcher issues?

Also, when a fix, and even when CS stuff come each week, 3x more bugs come to light, not to say exploits that are probably running wild and nobody knows, only a handful of people who probably is abusing the hell out of it.

I’m telling you, we have been reporting stuff since first iCBT 1 year ago, we still have bugs from that time running in the current version, see if IMC cares? We keep being shoved CS stuff because there are people who keep the money rolling, I’m not one of them tbh, I do have money, but I don’t find worth invest in this game. Not with the way things are going.

Well, I will leave your thread.

Good luck.

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