Tree of Savior Forum

Would you come here if the title was "Get rich quick, free money for everyone!"

Good job posting a random screenshot of a reaction to a player joining a guild in a salt containment channel where the literal description of the channel states “do not take anything in this channel seriously as it is a salt containment channel”.

btw still waiting for real proof for

reddit forum for a personal playground for yourselves and Yoro to shi* post us.

Outside of 3 or 4 fanboi guilds the rest of the server calls you whalemoon and generally dislikes you, its the #1 reason no-one uses reddit b/c they know you just delete anything you dont like and/or steal ideas and credit for your own desires.

For the whalemoon part sure people joke about it but anyone geared is considered a whale regardless if they paid for it or farmed hard for it so that is hardly an insult. Id argue it is a compliment if you farmed your way there.

You can only change player and npc shops taxes, the market one is global and each spot gives a 3%(4% for genar) share of that tax.

Its the other way around also btw, we never said anything about being righteous but you seem to advocate your guild as holier than thou and a victim of everything and everyone.

This is also when you have YOUR members shtposting on shoutchat and other public chats and misinfoing on forums.

Not sure what you are bringing up ur standing randomly when we ask for PROOF of your Accusations.


Provide proof of:

  • me allegedly using yoro to shitalk you or telling them to shtalk you.
  • a complete database survey of all current players of tos klaip and what they know me as(if they even know me at all)
  • me allegedly stealing ideas and not crediting them on the sub reddit.
  • me allegedly deleting things I dont like on the subreddit due to personal feelings(not to be confused with subreddit rules which are basic sub rules for all to follow).
  • me allegedly calling myself a good person and calling myself righteous.
  • me allegedly commanding yoro to attack you in gtw( not to be confused with their own personal decision to attack you).

Just to touch on the gtw subject too. We were contested by multiple guilds on both week 1 and week 2/3 INCLUDING yoro/infinity/melody/fmc/rekindle and of course 4bn.This can be all proven on recorded streams to show. So stop trying to push the stupid false narrative of all other guilds just being against you while we sit on the point at all times. The simple fact is that you guys lost gtw (not saying its a bad thing) MULTIPLE TIMES then started to shtalk and be toxic when NO ONE ELSE did anything, this spilled over to boruta which started the entire alliance drama mess

In terms of standing I assume you mean reputation, it is no doubt that 4bn might have a high maximum amount of members, however you are also plagued by alot of people having a negative view of your guild due your
member’s constant toxicity and shtalk.

This doesnt help when you guys, dispite having one of the largest numbers of members, cannot manage to win gtw or even hold your own in boruta considering you have been trying to exclusively recruit cyro kinos and clerics for the past few weeks and days. Why even some of your members directly said that “they are just here to fill the channel spots and be a distraction in boruta”, because they themselves knew they cannot manage to fight other guilds evenly and must resort to either being target dummies or spawn camping.

Now to finish off this reply, along with showing absolute for proof of everything i listed earlier, please also know that if you and your guild members dont start to shtalk and drama for no reason then nothing would happen as a result.

Basically I would appreciate it if you were to stop starting drama and misinfoing either in a direct or roundabout way trying to throw false shade.


Proof still not present. Waiting…

So you have absolutely no proof of your false accusations and only want to shtpost and start drama constantly, cool that’s all that needs to be said.

Also like I said earlier week 1 and 2 of gtw we were against 3-5 other guilds attacking at the same time (proven on streams) including yours. So please stop throwing that narrative around thanks!

b/c unlike you, we arent that petty.

Here is how you show proof btw. PNG

Not petty, eh? Notice how nobody was trash talking infact Skerry (forbidden) and BlueSaint (yorozuya at the time) are just saying hi to each other. Look who comes around showing how petty they are.

Another example of being petty. The stream video where we started fighting in Boruta has a larger than normal amount of dislikes. I have high confidence in that it was passed around in forbidden discord or something and disliked by 4 of forbidden members. No other video has that amount of dislikes despite having 2-5x more views.

These are all from a 4hr stream with the title shown above if you want to find it.

But anyway, there is nothing to discuss because you have yet to show proof that you arent spouting out misinformation/lies.

you asked Melody for a truce so they would let you in and leave you alone, then you and FMC waited an hour for our guild to afk before pincering us and pushing us out of the instance

Show me proof. None shown to this point and you keep trying to walk around it.

You have my stream, but you probably wont find what you are talking about because it doesnt exist as well as all of the other lies/misinformation you spread.

You have shown again with each post that you have nothing to show except for fanfics you keep typing up.

Also another thing to note, how do you know if a deal was made or not between melody and yoro. Forbidden isnt one of those two parties, so where are you even getting this information? The answer is pretty simple, you dont know and you are making up false information as always.

Anyway as long as you dont show proof, im not going to bother responding.

Woah calm down everyone.

We get it, Palemoon is a bad moderator, and we don’t like each other.

But you know what I dislike more than you guys, and I hope you dislike more than you do me?


Okay I agree, silver sinks are good, but how about this.

What the ■■■■ is that!? That is not okay, why is there not a limit at the very least on how much we can be taxed a week. Like anything over 3 mill, is too much. It’s not worth trying to make money off the market when you lose so much of it.

We have other silver sinks, attributes, magic orbs, insane warping costs, buff shops which don’t even make enough money to make up for how much they have to pay to be good (that’s 3200 per half hour of game play) not to mention Squire buffs are a must. There is so much silver sinks and I didn’t even mention the cost to play your ■■■■■■■ class. It costs 500 silver to use a Paladins Barrier which only lasts 20 seconds.

We do not need this insane market tax. Please stop fighting me, stop fighting each other, DELETE MARKET TAX.

And no Csiko, I am not talking about anything related to GTW tax, I have felt this way since before GTW was a thing, I just didn’t bother saying anything because there was 100 other issues I wanted fixed and I thought GTW would fix this one. When I found out it didn’t I knew I would eventually have to do this and now I’m doing it. Delete the market, we need to make the market suck so hard that IMC has to remove or lower, or cap the tax.

The minimum cost to break even on Velcoffer weapon is 103 mill.
The minimum cost to sell it on market without losing profit is 114 mill.
If you want to make 10 mill off your 14 weeks of effort you sell it for 125 mill.

That’s about 12.5 mill tax. Consider how long that takes to make. Now imagine not having to do that extra effort.

Good old forums. Never fails to amuse me.

*Topic is 1 thing
*A random trash talker dumps his ■■■■ about another random guy unrelated to topic
*Those randoms asks for evidence
*Trash talker being all high and might having no evidence whatsoever starts random junk and accuses anyone else who doesn’t side with him.
*Meanwhile Topic of poor TPK is still gets ignored

Oh… isee whyy forum is cancer xd now termi

My point still stands.

I can understand that taxes are a frustrating concept and they have very different applications in standard MMO’s with virtual economy’s and such. You don’t have to be an economic major to understand that silver/capital is an ever infinitely generating concept in a game. Our resources are unlimited. Some are time gated but that’s beyond the point.
Taxes are needed to help stabilize a game from entering grand-scale inflation which can be seen in Tera, in WoW, in many a game that lasts long. They scale higher and creating newer ways to generate revenue. A lot of things effect it and it’s been pretty congruent due to population being low in ToS and major sinks in terms off design. Overall it’s pretty okay.

It’s not uncommon that games that have subscription based models to have lower tax rates. If my memory serves me correctly Tera’s taxes also increased when the game went free to play in preparation to battle the influx of players and possible abusers that might of inflated the economy. It was served to promote their token based subscription to lower said taxes, much like how our modeled game is. Silver needs to be rotated out and deposed to help manage prices. If more people play and generate silver prices will rise versus basic concepts of supply and demand/inflation.

It sucks, it’s frustrating not getting that extra bit of silver. However, when you’re paying practically the same price for shards for a few years it shows that there is at least some consistency to maintain a stable economy. They were lower on Orsha due to our low population and influx of shards while sometimes shifting higher when they were low in stock.

It’s just basic economics where curve-balls like cubes and problematic situations generating large amounts of silver through necro/bokor/summoner botting. It’s on IMC to fix these problems and combat inflation. Removing taxes from the market place will eventually skyrocket prices. We do not need that.

The issue isn’t that silver sinks are bad, it’s just that market tax is too high.

It’s impossible to make any significant amount off the market without completely screwing over the buyer.

I hate marketeers and I’m not saying I want this to be better for their sake but it’s easier to compare money to money than effort to money so here goes.

If you buy shards *1000 off the market for 180k
you spend 180,000,000
Now if you try to sell them when the price goes up for 200k each. you get 180,000,000
You ■■■■■■ over 1000 shard sales and made 0 profit. I mean Melody did but the marketeer (scumbag that they are) got nothing.

Which means you need to charge even more for your shards. People selling stuff on the market, are trying to make money, they don’t want to lose 10%, so that price goes up so that the buyer pays the 10%

It’s bad enough this scumbag is making the buyer pay 20k more than they should have had to but now they have to pay for the tax to. It makes it hard to sell anything when you have to overprice everything but it makes it feel terrible trying to buy everything when everything is overpriced.

I understand and agree with the concept of a silver sink, but 10% tax is garbage and should have been dealt with years ago when they fixed the losing potential during a trade garbage and all that other junk that made the game so bad on release. These taxes are being too accepted.

You are looking at items with bad margins. During Leticia Cubes first (of two) weeks in rotation you can buy things cheap and sell them later literally the day the next non-Leticia Cubes hit. These are actual prices I actually bought items at and what they are actually worth or I have sold for in the last 48 hours (some before Leticia was even over).

If you play the market well you can profit- and ‘overpricing’ and ‘overpaying’ are choices made by the seller/buyer respectively.

EDIT: removed the word ‘if’ from the final sentence of my post.

~Azura Skyy

In the end
Rich/hardworking player willl get richer
Poor/lazy will get poorer

Giving logic, evidence, calculations, videos etc. means nothing to TPK. He will still stick to his words despite proven wrong.

Now imagine the poor guy who plays without a token and loses 30% on every market transaction… :haha:

I know games where the resell value is 2/3 of the nominal price, so 10% tax isn’t that much in fact.

A bit late but :


Funny how people still manage to do that. :thinking:

Either you’re the smartest guy ever cause you’re alone with your opinion or the opposite. :upside_down_face: