Tree of Savior Forum

Would randomizing providers help the market?

I was wondering about this. I don’t have an alchemist myself but I feel like I could be comfortably paying more than 360 silver for lvl 15 potions.

Of course, they’re probably that low price in the first place because people are competing against each other to be the one people buy their potions from.

As someone who sells blessed shards I do sometimes feel the urge to lower my prices thinking that nobody will buy my shards before they expire (I however decided to keep them for now to see where the market prices go after the token has removed min-max restrictions).

This is by no means trying to emulate real life and is a huge stretch, but what do you think of this:

What if the market took certain stackable items (by this I mean that armor and such don’t apply, only things of which you can buy/sell more than one of per market slot) and then sold them randomly, let me give you an example with potions:

Person A sells 100 potions
Person B sells 50 potions
Person C sells 100 potions

Customer buys 30 potions:
The system takes 10 from each seller (I am aware that there’s dozens of people sellings potions by the way…lol).

That way people would not have to compete and wouldn’t have to lower their prices to the point of selling near non-profit

Plus, it would kinda emulate the way in which NPCs sell their potions, at a standard price (I don’t know if this price would be determined by offer/demand, I doub’t it’d be practical to set the price in stone).

I know opinions on this would be split, since some people want certain material’s prices to raise and others to fall.

I’d personally find it endearing if the players were the providers of potions seller NPCs lol

I’m no economist and a lot of factors were not taken into account, so sorry for the ludicrous suggestion :slight_smile:


In the potion example I mean for all potions of the same price.
for stackable items of the same price to get equal chance to be sold

Person A sells 100 potions at 400silv
Person B sells 50 potions at 400silv
Person C sells 100 potions at 400silv

Customer gets the pots they want at price they want but distribuited or randomized amongst providers

This system steam uses doesn’t seem too bad either, all cards of the same price are placed together. Works probably whoever put them up first gets the priority on “sold”.

at least for potions only


You are only looking into the sellers side, not the buyers, why would someone then use the market to buy cheap stuff if they know it will be randomized and they end up paying even more than they wanted.

Taking your own example:

  • You go on market to buy HP pots, which normally cost 360 silver each pot.
  • With your suggestion, we would see the follow scenario:
    Seller A put his/her pot in market for 360 silver.
    Seller B put it for 1k silver.
    Seller C put it for 20k.

Now you can see where this would take the market, in fact, it would destroy the whole system make it useless, we would only use silver to buy token or recipes (1 unity tho), and use talt or other material for bulk amount of stuff.

@Lostac It is the same system GW2 uses in the market, and when a certain amount of the cheapest item (you can also pick the highest price) end it will automatically select the closest cheap item being sold.


As a buyer I think 360 is too little to pay for pitions
But yea, I forgot to mention something , I’ll add it itn as an edit.

I mean it would randomize it, but everyone would be selling them at the same price, otherwise, what you said would happen and it would defeat the purpose of the idea in the first place, for everyone to get the same chance at selling their product for a fair price.

@Lostac this looks like a wonderful idea, actually!

I think what I mean to say was something of this nature, which would encourage less people to cheapen their price.

The thing is that peope cheapen for many reasons, the most prominent one being to compete, to sell one’s prodyct first, which results in cheapening

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300+ isn’t bad actually

if you were on the EA launch people were bonfiring like F because we either use fedimian scam potions or expensive 800 alch potions. Most people went with bonfire.

specifically for lower level no cleric parties and newbies

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I remember that! Haha

I wish neither for sellers or buyers to get a ridiculous advantage.

It just seems to be that some items could afford to make more (and I say it as a buyer).

As a seller it’s a bit discouraging to watch prices drop about 20% in value because someone else is afraid that their product won’t sell, so they cheapen it.

I’m not expecting economy to work on an MMO, but it could maybe improve a bit?

If anything criticism is always nourishing to everyone involved :smile: