Tree of Savior Forum

Worth playing? Dead game?

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Don’t worry, if I end disappointed, I’ll let it know too. This why I specified that I miss a lot of things with my current experience. People who are happy won’t say it, they just play and enjoy their time, so we won’t see them here, that’s the problem. In the other hand, unhappy people will show themselves instantly and let know their thoughts.[quote=“haukinhue, post:58, topic:328647”]
I would say private servers did an important job of keeping RO popular through the years, classic pre-renewal and high rate fun servers met much of the demand that official servers cannot provide.

It’s true, to be fair, I knew RO from a private server. The best hope is to wait for TOS private servers.

It is fascinating to watch people take out their frustrations about ToS not living up to their personal expectations by hopping on the forums and attempting to ruin the experience of others. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Yea any time a thread like this comes up, the trolls jump on it turning them away and whenever anyone says otherwise they attack them.

Its sad, they use things like steamcharts to try and prove some point, then they turn away as many people as they can and try to demoralize people who like the game just to huehuehue. They need to look at themselves before they criticize anything.

the game still not dead, but still waiting R8

im so happy TOS have casual player to defend them so, passionately.

Good luck TOS, your loyal customer gonna go hiatus, then back for awhile, on and off…

good luck milking money from casuals…

Ohya, btw, those who are pumping money now and still happy, good for you too~

Keep doing what you do, coz this is the real helpful ways to solve current issue.

Turning one eye blind is what whiteknight do best.
iirc, IMC is good at turning one eye blind as well.
(hint, refer exploit/bot report thread)

no problemo here amigo, TOS is not dying…

the downward trend of playerbase is because school are opening, parents divorcing, climate problem, gf’s period is late…

Definitely nothing wrong with the game…

Player quitting is whole other issue.

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Not saying this is the only reason, but part of it. Mainly with the first month or so population.

Not saying there isnt issues with the game either, but noone is saying that. Even with the issues the game is still fun for me.

No problems for me finding parties. Guild is full. Que isnt long other than unpopular dungeons. Why should i care about what some chart says? Only you and your posse care about this and try to use it to turn off more people.

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this, this is my main cringe…


woot, so its the troll fault the dungeon is unpopular?
no matter how unpopular it is, if im lv160 and i wanna do dungeon160, it is my fault i actually go and queue for it?

so what, you suggesting im lv160 but go queue dun145 , is this my fault as a player or some random troll’s fault

afaik, troll dont sit in a meeting room with IMC decision-maker,
we didnt contribute to the downfall of the game.

we keep telling what goes wrong, what to do, how to do

IMC just like you casual, turning one eye blind and call it a day…

All-Time-Peak 55k now left hardly 5k, you’re saying 50k people’s opinion is wrong?

wow, you remaining 5k must have massive ball-saiz

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No. Its the dungeons arent worth it and im not denying this. This is why theyre unpopular.

Its like you turned a blind eye to my last post.

No, you create a toxic environment in the forums and turn off players from the game. IMC has changed many things we complained about, but still hasnt dealt with bots and exploits. I already said i know the game has issues. Why you keep saying i turn blind eye?

so, you know issue, i know issue,
whiteknight know issue, trollknight know issue

so, we’re clear right?

then, freaking fix the issue already!

toxic environment?

we are direct feedback of the lousy game/bad decision!

take Tenet 1F Battle Bracelet for example…
March to May, it was ok, channel was from 5 to 10…
June, its back to 3channel (ninjapatched)
Sept, its down to 2channel (ninjapatched again!)

so, troll causes your Battle Bracelet to hike from 5mil to 15mil?

Yes. Trolling and demoralizing players creates a toxic environment.

I do know that you personally have made good suggestions. Its hard to tell though whos the real one, impersonating, idk anymore.

I understand people are upset that everything hasnt been fixed, but trolling people and turning off players wont get anything fixed and hurt the game more. Maybe you dont know what else to do to be heard?

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excuse my caps…

but, at this point, how can you dont feel that IMC is trolling with you all!

you feel angry/disgusted by troll in forum but you smoochie/snuggle IMC for their troll patch?

7% overall improvement?

let me show you 7% overall more troll in forum!

(you get what i mean dont you…)

I don’t play this game on a toaster so I’ve never had frame drops or poor performance, but I hear it’s a very real problem to some people trying to play. 7% is still a massive improvement if you’re struggling to run the game. From what I’ve heard it has helped a number of people.

yes, but dont go ninjapatch spawnrate and channel dude!

that change arent even mentioned beforehand in patchnote

if that arent troll patch, i dont know already

maybe they need to sacrifice channel and monster spawn to satan for exchange with 7% overall improment… idk

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Im not completely happy with the patch either. Everytime people get loaded ont he screen the game stutters, but at least theyre trying to make improvements. You just brush this off and try to make fun of it. The patch did help the stuttering and fps a bit for me.

To me, little by little the game is improving. Still not perfect or how i would like. To you, even if imc fixed or makes a step towards improvement you hate and troll.

I actually thought 3 channels was a good balance. 2 is kind of small. If someone makes a thread to try and change it back ill support it.

well, it is a legit 7% overall improvement


sorry for that, maybe caps will help you understand the real problem with 20th Sept patch…

and no, we arent idiot brazillian troll as you seen in the Silute Thread…

if anything, we troll understand and care more for the game than you do…
(not to belittle anyone here…)

IMC lack of communication/interaction is the main reason things went haywire

if only we were told “Guys, the upcoming 20th Sept patch, we gonna make some changes to the spawnrate and some channel reduction. So bear with us”

Casual-whiteknight-thinking-“if i have nothing to contribute, i better keep my mouth shut and pump more monie for costume” , this is the reason why things go the way as it is.

our voice in forum is nothing but entertainment to IMC… but your wallet has bigger voting power, yet you vote to support IMC even when they did obvious bad decision.

Game is death , and it can;t come back with rank 8 cause only 3-4k ppl for 6 server = 500ppl/ 1 server and bot take 50% of population .
Just waiting for it death .

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I give it another six months before Klaipedia and SEA dies like the EU, Orsha server.

Then we’ll see if it’s still fun like some say.


They did mention channel adjustment i think. It might be my imagination, but i have been leveling up a new char since the patch and spawn rate seems better on some maps? idk. I didnt see anyone saying anything about spawnrates. Are people saying its worse now?

I think your opinions on how “white knights” think is wrong for the most part. The ones you call white knights tell imc what the issues are too. I really havent seen anyone say the game is perfect and imc shouldnt change anything.

SOME of your complaints are good. Other things you do is bad. Like intentionally turn off players and try to demoralize people who play it. Like ive said before.

New player: "Hows the game doing? im thinking about playing."
You: "Its dead, just look at this chart huehue"
New player: "ok i wont play then. bye"
You: “ooh now the chart will be even more pretty for the next ones huehue”

This does nothing to help the game or get the changes you want.

Im not sure if you consider me a white knight, but i have been on the forums for a while and i always tell imc what i think needs to be changed. I do have cosmetics and stuff, but that is from early access TP. Havent spent anything since.

Anyway, i need to sleep. I do think you care about the game. Im not sure i can say the same about some of the other trolls. I just wish you guys would have less destructive ways of trying to get the changes you want. Goodnight.

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Like @siete once said