Tree of Savior Forum

World Bosses loot change

World Bosses loot should go to:

  • every player dealing damage to the boss
  • every player in the same party of someone that dealt damage on the boss as long as they are in the same area

easy changes to do… as world bosses are now it’s totally useless to even try to defeat them for 90% if not more of the playerbase

Agreed. Right now there’s no point going for World Bosses unless you’re level 200+ because it rewards to highest DPS which… is pretty stupid, especially when those DPS are all in the same party.

Get a decent group. World bosses iirc award 5 or 6 groups that dealt the most damage. Thats 25-30 cubes per boss maximum which is enough imo. The problem arises when solo players with high dps come - they are counted as a group.

In short: 30 players in 6 full groups - everyone gets a cube
30 solo players - only 6 get cube and 24 nothing.

OR, we could ask the EDVS to do it like much better mmos do (GW2 for eample) and just give individual loot to everyone invilved in the battle

then they would have to vastly increase Talt drop rate then to keep item inflation at bay.

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you’re right… this is such a problem in every other mmo with world bosses that actually give prizes to every player involved in battles

try to kill dulahala with lvl 185, u cant cause all pts who get it is lvl200+

You’re are wrong.

more itens more competition, prices drop, otherside we have people spend less money in itens, can be good or can be bad.

I said item inflation meaning item influx (overproduction crisis), not currency inflation. Please dont take one word out of context.

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Stupid suggestion. That way you would get 6000 players in the one place just to hit Boss once and get drop. It would overflow the marked with very expensive and rare items which would effect people gearing up much faster and ending their gameplay much sooner. We dont want that.


As i already said… it really doesn’t seem to be a problem for the other hundreds of mmos that actually work that way

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I never played a MMO when lvl 50 character can get drop item from boss lvl 150 by hitting him once.