Tree of Savior Forum

World Bosses, are they myth or real?

Yes, the title is supposed to be a joke, I’ve faced some world bosses
sometimes, and some of them people doesn’t even care about facing
anymore (low level ones).

What is the point of this thread? Let’s get into it:
So, I were grinding at the Tenet Chapel, 1F, until I saw a message saying
that the World Boss were going to spawn. The End.

Yes, that is it. No indicative that the world boss spawned, neither
while searching in the Channel 1, I saw any trace of the world boss,
and the map were kinda empty around that time, only with a few
bots running around (as usual in this game).

This game should treat better the World Bosses, at least to the point
that people look for facing it, includding people at the level of the dungeon.
Maybe the game could have something that tracks if the world boss
have spawned in the dungeon the player is in, and tell the player where
the boss is located, like, show a mini window like the party suggestion, telling where the boss is and how much health it have, but if does so, would also rise up another problem this game have.

This game have a stupid system where only a limited number of players who faces the world boss can receive the loot box, I believe the limit were
of 5 full parties, the problem is that it turns the world boss fight less attractive and unrewarding, making so players does not seek facing a world boss for the simple fact that their supplies are wasted, so the idea would be of having at least a minimum damage or threat caused on the boss, in order to receive the reward from killing it, and also avoid the famous (I dunno if were fixed) exploits of causing maximum aggro in the boss to hog the loots.

Also talking about the boss reward, last time I faced a World Boss, I found It’s exp reward very… Ok, It were horrible, the game could give a better exp reward for defeating it.

I guess that is all.

Notifications for world boss spawns happen halfway through their spawn period.

So if the worldboss spawns 4 hours after it last died, the map notification happens 2 hours before its next spawn.

At least this is how it was back when I last played. I assume it hasn’t changed since. That was back when worldboss competition was actually a thing, and we had very serious organised guilds working to farm them and compete with other guilds over them.

I honestly think those days were pretty good. But a few people complained that you couldn’t fight a world boss if you weren’t part of an organised guild, and so they added the worldboss debuff timeperiod. This killed organised worldboss hunting on every server.

The debuff was a mistake.

But yes the bosses are out there, those map notifications aren’t very clear. They happen a loooooong time before the spawn. The one I’m guessing you’re talking about is the Ferret rainforest people set of maps. That’s probably my favourite boss design in the game. Toot toot.

Actually, the fact of having guilds hogging what the world boss offer is also bad, because makes the other players who were not only wasting the potions they bought with coins, but even dying at the boss while helping taking it down, receive a big fat nothing as reward.

Also, show a notice 2 hours before a boss spawn is a stupid thing IMC did, they should show the message 5~10 minutes before, not 2 hours before.

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In Telsiai, there are a few high-level bots/macroers (some even well-geared) roaming around Tenet 1F to hunt for BB. I’ve seen one (Warlock2) easy take on Chappa by himself in a few seconds.

It’s a shame that IMC still haven’t worked on WB mechanics (spawn, AI and rewarding method).

What I mean is…


Not many game use this, so far, the only neat one I ever saw was on GW2, with some cut scenes and pre-events announcing its coming.

On ToS, I already suggested this before, but I also said that until they fix the optimization, this cannot be implemented.

The suggestion was, when a boss is about to spawn, some effects start to appear in the map background.

Ex.: I will pick the boss you mentioned, Chaparition in Tenet.

It could start to leak some black miasma around the map (note, they are only effects, don’t cause damage or stats), spawn and/or when the mob pass through the miama above would receive different effects like a light bluish aura (again, only effect, no special meaning except visual).

The map could become a bit darker too…

Note that is just an example of spawn warning.

This is the most important part for WBs, they move kind sluggish, but also they need to reach a certain range to use certain skills.

All my WBs fights felt mechanic, I mean, you only find the most safe spot, and burn it away, this make the whole thing boring and kinda meaningless.


This part already caused lots of issues in the past, specially the part where the top 5-8 dps receive the cubes.

One thing that could be done is, limit the drop to chars -+10 or 20 levels the boss level and make the difficult dynamic (based on the number of players hitting the boss).

Some will say, “Ah! but that way who need some stuff for high level chars can’t farm”, but from this we get 2 things considere:

  • First, this would give some new players the way to make some money with certain items/recipes/mats.
  • Second, limit a bit the fast killing of WBs by guilds avoiding monopoly of WBs and taking one of the feel fun parts of the game.

Your ideas are nice, but the part of the reward.
Some people may need the Chaparition card, either for equipping, or for invocation (That Wizard class I forgot the name), I still suggest that there should be at least a minimum dps to cause on the boss, in order to receive the cube reward, so there would be no monopolization of loot, and also eveyone would end up winning.

That can be simple changed to make the boss drop the card instead and the cube go to other char that is in the range level, or make the high level chars reduce their levels and stats when in the area the boss is.

The second option can be triggered when the higher level chars try to hit the boss, it will ask for confirmation, until they say OK, they neither can do or take damage to and from the boss.

If you don’t announce the WB spawn to the whole server you’ll still get monopolisation because the guilds will discover the spawn mechanics for them and fully organise methods to track and follow them over the course of each weekly reset.

The DPS mechanics were never really complained that much about. People appreciated that it rewarded the better players.

What people did not appreciate was that they felt the guilds were too good at competing for them.

The thing is, the debuff removed worldbossing from the endgame altogether and killed a piece of the game that a large part of the playerbase enjoyed.

I think the complaints were less important than the enjoyment that others got out of it. The people complaining weren’t high enough in level to join the competitive guilds anyway. They were complaining about endgame content and weren’t yet at endgame.

I agree that announcements should be clear and made a fair amount of time before the actual spawn. 2 hours was always a bit weird.

Anyone who participated should get a cube regardless. Maybe the top party should get 2 cubes? I think this would be fair and more people would join in. That’s one idea GW2 had that was really good.

Even at higher lvl, people are ignoring them. Only worth doing is Canceril because there is no 8hour debuff restriction and wind runner sells high. Even blut and Nuales are being ignored even though their loots sell very high.

World bossing is dead since 8hours debuff patch. Players dont care about them anymore (except canceril).

Back in R7 when the debuff was added, many guilds in the server I play still pursued world bosses, they only had alts to do them.

Thing is, back in R7 certain enemies did drop things that were good, elleganos dropping max petamion for example. that one always had competition, regardless of debuff and whatnot.

As people geared up and had excess items to sell the market began to satisfy the need killing the need for hunt.

There’s also that many world bosses don’t actually drop anything worthwhile, Marnox’s talt sure are amazing.

So, here we are now, with badly designed rewards and encounters, do not blame the death of worldbosses on the debuff only. that is not the whole picture.

Sure, canceril might not give the debuff, but wind runners are coveted by many.

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IMC could change it like how " Duties " function in Final Fantasy XIV. Where a specific area is highlighted for the World Boss’ encounter and if the player(s) enter said area, they start fighting the event/Boss. Upon entering or getting near the area however, you would see all available parties doing or preparing for the fight to encourage party-play or general survivability. Also if your character is too high level between the Boss (Let’s say 10 or 20 higher/lower) you are then promptly asked in a window: to Participate you must lower your level and stats accordingly to those of a similar range to the event or Boss. Also if either you or the World Boss leaves the " Area ", all progress will be lost and resetted, so players can’t abuse it by being afk or finding a " safe spot ".

In addition to the loot and how to gain it. Top DPS shouldn’t be the only ones to be able to get it. Balance it out by giving a cube or whatever drops from the boss that dealt at least 1% of the total HP, so even undergeared players will have no issue dishing it out. And if you’re in a party, split the goal of 1% between how many players are present in the party; 2 Players 0,75%, 3 Players 0,5%, 4 Players 0,25%, Max players 0,10%. Or something like that, so that everyone has a fighting chance to receive a cube regardless of how much damage you dealt in the end.

And maybe also when the Boss spawns, remove all monsters in the general area so that they won’t interfere with the fight. Possibly a marker on your map to let new players that never came to the area know where to head to fight it too.