Tree of Savior Forum

World Bosses, and what you should know approaching them (Updated 9/20 - Fade myth reproven)

Thanks man! Very informative.

Do you think a 1:1 STR/DEX multishot A3 > Hunter > Scout > Falconer > Cannoneer get a shot at the top six? I know my build is quite weird, but I’ve been having fun playing it.

Do you think I should re-roll while I’m still at 150-ish? I haven’t used my stat and skill reset potions yet by the way.

Then I guess its best to quote that as unconfirmed since I have not seen more than 2 parties getting cubes but I can assure it ain’t more than 10 cubes per boss. If its 6 highest dpsers then it would be strange where only 2 parties and not even 3 or more parties obtaining cubes. Once the Boss dies the amount of cubes dropped can be seen looted by 2 parties. Easier to spot if your party was one of it. Nevertheless good post. :wink:

To summarize his post:

  • Get a linker C3 with MAX DEX into a party of Physical Damage dealers (like in the video) and link the party giving everyone max stats.
  • Camp bosses, make timers and timetables

I’ve appropriately added a note that the exact number is speculation. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think you should re-roll purely because of world bosses. If you enjoy your class, stick with it. There are many other alternatives to world boss gear, and you don’t need to be world boss geared to run Earth Tower.

[quote=“Veritas, post:24, topic:219901, full:true”]
I don’t think you should re-roll purely because of world bosses. If you enjoy your class, stick with it. There are many other alternatives to world boss gear, and you don’t need to be world boss geared to run Earth Tower.
[/quote]Should I re-roll if I’m not fit for neither world boss nor ET? :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“elysium, post:19, topic:219901, full:true”]
If you want to debate about whether the system needs improvement then the other threads would be more appropriate.
[/quote]points to one thread for that purpose

i know right? this is pretty terrible system, feels like you are playing a single player game most of the times? you are questing and see a person? oh my god switch channel asap :cold_sweat:

I second this, my group barely has any world boss gear and we manage just fine on Earth Tower.

PS: Grats on 280 :smiley:

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Good advice. Thanks again man, and sorry I wasn’t clear enough - I would have asked specifically if I’d do well in ET too. Do you think I’ll easily be able to get a spot in parties there with my build?

I think you’ll be okay, especially thanks to your R6 and R7 selections. Your build overall may not be optimal, however it is absolutely viable. It may be a bit discouraging at first, but finding a good fit as far as party goes should allow you to progress in ET with your build.

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Thanks man. You’ve confirmed my expectations.

Chronomancers using Stop on bosses to pause DPS, Cryomancers using Icewall to block players and Psychokinos intentionally pulling bosses away from ground attacks.

These kind of scumbags are toxic. I’d suggest writing their team name down and make a spreadsheet of said players. Keep toxic players with their toxic friends. Don’t let them spread.

what is you class? :open_mouth: mind to share? :wink:

I did a lot of world boss hunting in beta, but never played kToS and was too focused on leveling my Templar and then rerolling to do any of the post-200 WBs (except for prison cutter which I killed once and rolled 3 drops for just to see what he might drop; of course I ended up with 400k silver spent on talts). Do you have much experience with the 200+ WBs, know any of their drops?

Took a nap and people are still bitching about world bosses. Jesus people, you don’t get everything so easy or for free. Good things do not come without hard work. No, world bosses should not give cubes out to everyone. Frankly this system as of now already gives A LOT of rewards if done correctly. Apparently no one played Ragnarok Online or dealt with the fun days of MVPing(World bossing) in that game. Guilds would hold MVP spawns for weeks / months and some of the MVPs had 6 - 12 hour spawn times(some even longer). You had to be one lucky mofo to get a MVP timer back before they put in all the pay2win shit. Now you have convex mirrors, altering spawn times and such now and renewal / third classes that just ruin the game. Either way Mvping in Ragnarok Online, which is the crowd of players you are going to get with this game since this game is the wet dream we’ve always wanted. Mvping was based on last hit, and it dropped w/e it dropped based on the % chances. The person who killed it got the chance to grab the shit before anyone else and that was it. Guild would keep MVP timers for the things that dropped gear which was really needed to guild battle / MVP ect all to them selves. Did people bitch? No, because we knew if we wanted that gear we either A) had to buy the shit off other players who were farming it, B) Try and steal the time by camping on it for how ever long its spawn time was, or C) join a guild that had people camping them. You should not get FREE rewards just cause you hit the damn thing, You should work your ass off for them like game should be. Make them any easier to farm and they will be pointless because of everyone will have the gear. I’m sorry if you are a casual player and don’t have the time for camping the bosses ect. You can always buy the gear off the people who are farming them. Could the system for world bossing so far be better refined? Sure, instead of the top 6 dps( which 5 of them could all be in the same party). It could be, the top 5 dps in separate parties. No dps should be able to solo cube unless it is in a party forcing people to make them even if you do not need them. I have seen higher levels solo dps world bosses to just get a solo cube so other people do not. Either way they do not need to make world bossing or mvping any easier, maybe just change it up a little to force people to party for it.


Sorry but comparing this game or any game to an older game for justification on a current system makes no sense.

“You think this is bad? Back in my day…” is not a valid argument. Games improve, the audience change and more things are expected.

kids now days want everything for free, they have the (gibs me dat) mind set. :checkered_flag:

Back in my day we had to walk uphill both ways barefoot in the snow with sub arctic winds blowing to even get the chance at fighting a world boss much less get any loot. And we were grateful. Making it any easier is for more than 5 people to get loot is obviously a ploy to make this game casual.

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True games improve, but audiences don’t. You will always have a specific audience follow specific games. The audience for the most part i’ve seen in this game do nothing but bitch and moan about how they should get everything easier and yes comparing this game to RO does make sense since this is the successor to it hands down. Sure there are a lot of players who are going to play this game that have no idea what RO even was but there will always be a core group of players who want that challenge that it gave us years ago. Make things easier and you lose players faster. I’d rather see these whiny (Give me everything for free) players leave than the people who have everything already cause it was so easy to obtain. The hardcore players are going to fuel the game not these complainers who bitch about every single thing.

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Obviously only the top DPS has to get loot. Tanking, supporting… back in my day everyone was a DPS and we liked it!