Tree of Savior Forum

World Boss PSA: Fade WIPES damage contribution

Hi all. My name is Saintone, a Cleric player who frequents world bosses as a primary DPS and often wins cubes (highest damage contribution rankings).

I thought something was odd during the battle against a few demon lords, Rexipher and Helgacercle. For the un-informed, these are extremely durable world bosses pushing 260’000’000 HP and take over an hour to kill with a notable party size.

In five instances, one against Helgacercle and four against Rexipher, I FAILED to procure cubes every time. Helgacercle while I was the primary DPS, and Rexipher all four times playing support with very, very strong players that should’ve been able to secure cubes easily with their damage.

At first we blamed death resetting damage, but after numerous tests against the Big Red Kepa, a monster that counts as a field boss, we determined that death and resurrection in every capacity (Revive, Resurrect, Soul Crystal, revive at base camp, revive naturally, Backmask) did not reset damage and loot was yielded almost every single time in our tests.

Tonight I’ve tested that the cause of this phenomenon was a skill I used extremely frequently in all five of these encounters to dodge ground-based skills, Fade. Fade eliminates aggro on you by turning you transparent and allows you to dodge all ground-based skills during its duration, which served to allow me to mobilize near bosses without getting hurt. It’s also a party buff and fades nearly allies.

What it does NOT tell you is that it does this by completely wiping all damage you’ve dealt to the enemy up until that point.

I tested this at three fights at Dullahan. In the first two tests, I was alone, and did full DPS with numerous rotations, in which on all other days I’ve easily secured a cube for myself. In both these runs, I used Fade at the end, and did not gain loot.

In the third test, I partied with two Fletcher players that I know could individually solo DPS loot from Dullahan as well. Near the end of the fight, I casted Fade onto them and to our prediction, there was no loot. We’re three players that otherwise always get loot.

If you intend to world boss with a Cleric, or go with other players, this is a PSA NOT to use Fade.


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Nice find, It’s a shame though, since certain bosses like to rain down area spells.

Will Scout’s Cloaking do the same?

Do you think it is intended? We could use this throughout research of yours to make a good post on bug report/suggestions. Really nice work! :+1:

Well I suppose the makes sense because if you use it when trying to kill a boss alone the boss’s HP goes up as if there are no characters around to attack it. It must be coded for the monsters to work like you “died”, which would also reset everything.

It seems confusing that it happened when you partied with Fletchers though. I’ve not played with fade that much because I usually prefer to take the agro for other party members that are squishy on my cleric with c2… but does it remove or reset the entire party’s agro? Otherwise it might be some weird bug. It should be self only I think.

Thanks for the heads up

Thank you for the public service announcement. Hopefully, they get it fixed.

wow, i’ve never liked Fade, just for … idk even know what reasons, lol.
now i actually have something to back it up with! :smiley:

meanwhile, this is immensely crappy for an clerics who -thought- they were contributing, only to be surprised by missing out on a cube.

Great Post, you should move this to Bug report section

I’m interested in your buidl and stats, care to share?

And another reason for sadhus to go ■■■■ em selves … I always toggle between SZ and fade.

Curious :
If Fade resetting damage means less/no chance for a cube, does this also mean that Swashbuckling and increase-aggro attribute on swordsman class increase the chance of getting a cube, aka does it increase the damage counted for that player?

@nuclearmissile & @garienza - [Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

@Biskee - If no one tests it, I’ll ask someone to test it and report back.

@Ainnsworth - I think it’s coded to be this way, and intended. That’s the terrible thing.

@Raven - Casting it nearby other party members gives them the ‘buff’ as well, as well as wiping all of their damage contribution as well.

@stefan.hohnwald - Great question, and in more than one Rexipher battle it was swordsmen who carried the fight for more than one party. Makes you wonder. Needs more testing.


Oh cool I didn’t know it had a splash. Good to know. I’ll have to play with it to test it out.

Thanks @Veritas for the valuable information. I wonder does this affects all players in the party or it only affects those who are in the range of receiving Fade’s buff.

If it is the latter, then it is still a valuable tool for support clerics who can use Fade away from the party and have the aoe protection to run in and heal.

But sadhu also likes to use it… :confused:

Only those who are in range to get the buff will have their damage wiped.

Does [fade] have any weird interaction with xp?

Honestly surprised everyone wouldn’t expect Fade to do this, I naturally assumed it did. The monster no longer registers you as a threat, ergo the damage you’ve done fading away seems the next logical step - to me at least. You’re trading one thing for another. If Fade didn’t do this it would pretty damn OP.

I tend to use it as a super-super emergency crutch when I know I will die other wise, or if I am lazy and want to run across a super mobby map :d

/Please excuse my horribad pun/ x)