Tree of Savior Forum

World Boss Drop rate

I think that drop rate from World boss should be better, in 10 times i killed with other people a World boss i didn’t receive a loot.

Very bad :frowning:

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Yeah, it’s very bad
In my opinion, anyone who deal at least 1 (One) Damage, Deserve a cube.


I think everyone who just deals 1 damage is a little too much. That reminds me of those carnival games for children where everyone is a winner so that the kids don’t feel so bad when they lose.

Top 10 damage dealers should receive cubes (as it is now).
Also anyone who is at least the same level as the boss (to prevent lower level players who don’t contribute anything to the battle from mooching boss drops) and is in the vicinity of the world boss for >50% of the battle should get a lesser cube (which has something like a 10% chance to drop the real cube, and 90% chance to drop junk-ish stuff) - just so support classes don’t feel quite so left out (although I would hope that if you are a support class in a party that your DPS would be sharing the drops with you >.>).

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Ok, 1 Damage is very insabe. But is very bad see Priests Helping Us, and don’t receive their cubes.
About lower level players, i think they cannot attack the boss.

Thats suboptimal. There is still the problem with higher lvled guys just taking the boss for them self, because they deal way more damage than someone who is the same lvl as the boss. Also known as bosscamping.

Setting a lvl restriction is bad, too. Because if you want a particular item you would have to make a new char and lvl it.

Maybe set an engagement timer? Depending on how long you took part in the bossfight you qualify for a drop.

At least there should be some tracking of:

" damage done " - “damage taken / tanking” - " amount of heal "

just to give all roles an equal chance.

Considering its a WORLD boss and not top 10 dps on the server boss, should be the top 10 parties/top 5 parties that recieve drops. Encourages people to group up for these kinds of events
and support classes dont get ■■■■■■ over this way.

Significantly lower level players do 1 damage when they attack. Other lower level players do minimal damage and just continuously die without really contributing much.

If the world boss system is changed to ‘everyone wins’, it will turn out like GW2 world bosses - where a bunch of noobs just pile onto a boss and start wacking it without any strategy. Where is the fun in that? There is no competition, no strategy… Why even bother having a boss? Why not just make it, ‘A treasure chest spawned in XXX map, come get your free Purple/Orange loot!’.

Any full-support characters really should be supporting though, and not trying to worry about damaging the boss to get a cube.

The problem I see is that people that uses support classes get screwed over ALWAYS unless you’re on the party who did more dmg which isn’t really fair at all.

Last time I was the first one to find the world boss, I kept hitting it for like 10mins alone until people came over, I never died, my boyfriend (I was just in party with him) came over and hit a lot too and none of us got a cube, kinda unfair.

“Encourage” i love this word.
You’re right.

As long as the entire party gets the cube if any one of their party members is in the top 10 damagers, and it is not calculated as the party’s total damage. If it is the party’s total damage, then theoretically if you have the highest DPS on the server but are a huge ■■■■■■■ that nobody wants to party (or you just prefer to fight solo) - you will never get a cube simply because you are always fighting solo, which I don’t think is right.

Yea I’m really agree with your idea. I think everyone who help doing dmg to some point should at least get some reward too even if it’ll be just a less rare thing.

This is only Closed Beta, when it become Open Beta, this will work.
Like Daenerys say, if you have a tons of damage, why don’t help players ?
This game cause some things to me, and one of this is talk with all, and try help all. I realy know new people in this game, and this is awesome, we can do all we want because is an MMO, and we can do this with others to.
Guild system will help this groups for bosses and grind.

1 player wont be able to outdmg a parties DPS, to many party dps increases. Imagine a max DPS corsair with a Priest C3 buffs, Thaum Buffs, Chrono atk speed buff, Wizards 20% slash increase, Linkers abilities, AND archers Washabi skills. Party DPS increase is insane and alot of it % based. No way would a solo player compete with that. Im a pelt + hop + hop + squire squire, and i always get a cube because im always teamed up with my max dmg buff monk friend. Team up u get cubes. Easy. If she wasnt a monk and doing DPS also she wouldnt get a cube, hence why bosses should be party rewarded and not just the top 10 DPS like it is now. 10 people vs 10 parties of 5 players = 50 people getting a reward instead of just 10 of the strongest DPS. Problem with just letting people do a little dmg and giving them a reward is well… AFK Botting world bosses inc or just slacking in general.

I was a level 151 sadhu sitting in the corner doing 1 damage Oob auto attacks against dullahan for the next god knows how many minutes and I still got a cube because I was in a party with friends.

I agree, supports are screwed. Something should be done about it, it really discourages me…