Tree of Savior Forum

WORLD BOSS CUBES - Drop Allocation based on threat (poll included)

So basicly if I’m stronger than you IRL , I make the rules? I mean, that would be nice. By your standards I can break your arms and take away your money and then leave you and saying that you are a weakling and you deserve it.

By your posts it seems that you think that you are somebody if you can be “strong in a game”. This is a game, everyone has the right to enjoy it. Stop being a lifeless loser… You wanna be somebody and called strong? Achieve it irl, not in an mmo, loser.

You are still a joke for thinking comparing a RO MPV to ToS world bosses was a good idea

That’s pretty immature. Bye.

That, then Sound as “bug” then, and need to get fixed?
I killed Abomination, well he had not much skills, was easy kitable, and we 3manned it, i died because of his Reflect buff, and killed myself. Still didnt look bugged.
And i killed after several hours of camping, Temple Shooter, which kinda spammed skills and movements, since 5minutes trying i did less then 1% i guess, and Megaphone call, well there was fast bunch of ppls, still the boss seems still to work, dont know if my dmg contribute or the luck i invited players in party, but i got a cube with 3 cards in it and was Happy :smiley:
Still now knowing a bunch of the others ppl just got nothing, for helping me killing him, is sad, and i raher had % chance to get a cube, but anyone else too.
Loot from the cubes are more rng anyway.
Well i camped 2days with 4-6hours each, and think deserved it, (the 4hours just seem to not be true…)
Im already 3 days of several hours, even with the message “Field boss spawning soon”, not finding the boss in Tenet Chapel. Just to add him in my Journal would be “loot” enough for me already…

Can you guys check this thread, cause current world boss system is really broken, and i can say that our small guild have no chance on getting drop from any WB, and thats really bad, cause players will just be dissapointed by this even more, and on ftp there will be huge roar from new players who just can’t get any reward from bosses.
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

Worst thing that I see is when those said elitist guilds/players start harassing those undergear’d players/ small guilds who wants to farm casually :<

I held aggro on a world boss before 70% of the time (As PD), boss killed and nothing drops for me. Idk what went wrong and i didnt die either.

I wondered that many times, but assumed is being looked at already.

What i noticed when the big zerg is there wit the boss, no skill go out at all.

Do you really expect Rogue to be high-moraled person? :sweat_smile:

Second bye on a row lest see how many it takes for this salt shaker to get going.

Yes this is what world is. But power isn’t just physical strength, ya know. Same goes in game.
I am fine with what I’ve achieved in both reality and games, ty for your advice man, but I prefer to be good at everything I’m in. Can’t say the same about you, tho :smile:

I can let you guess, anything, but problem is that majority can’t deal with the fact, that any method is worth the goal :smirk:

More like the fact is that the current system is just forcing people roll FOTM if they want a shot at the box ? It is unquestionable that archer architype is the best single target dps.

Either way I don’t really mind other than it is kind of a flawed system if only archer’s will bring a cube to your group. And to make it worse, we have the team douche bag’s who will literally just stack 5 archers so they can satisfy their greed when in reality they would get a cube with just 1 archer more than likely.

If you are good in everything, you shouldn’t cry about others being good too, isn’t? I mean… if you are ok with your achievements and happy, why does it hurt that somebody got something too? I’m one of the guys whose are farming Dullahan, got karacha dagger and etc, yet I’m not mad if others can experience these things.

Why should I? If you are good in something, you will be still good…or are you affraid that you wont be special in this game and you will stay grey? Cause it seems that way. [quote=“savethecrystals, post:133, topic:217477”]
but I prefer to be good at everything I’m in. Can’t say the same about you, tho

This also proves my point, cause you didn’t even know anything about me, nor I write down anything, yet you assume that I’m bad in something. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are pretty much an open book here… Do not worry…you wont be grey as in your life. You are already noticed as one of the idiots. :smiley:

All I know about you is already enough for me to guess that you are lowborn, nuff said :kissing:

Well, if you think that somebody is lowborn cause he doesn’t take a game seriously and he doesn’t think that a world event should be a unique, elite thing… Ok! :smiley: I’m not saying that it’s pathetic that you feel yourself special cause of a game but… :smiley:

@Athem @savethecrystals

Can both of you stop getting so personal and spamming the topic with your tryhard insults?

The world boss drop rate for cubes is very biased towards DPS. It does not take into account support. FFXIV does this with FATEs and hunts. You can do nothing but heal and be rewarded because the game looks at threat. It’s a good system.


Why not make a countdown … after killing a certain boss you wont be able to hit / get cube from the same boss for the entire day until reset … that way others can have a chance for the kill unless … the player have a bunch of 280’s in his lodge >.>

Ayyyyyy just do X amount of damage and you get a drop.

Unfortunately this isn’t FFXIV ARR. So deal with it :slight_smile: