Tree of Savior Forum

WL2 x FF2 x Sorc/Necro?

Hey guys, so i’m considering create a new class and i think i’m going to wizzard, since i play a lot with archer and sword but i can’t decide which build follow… I want some class that can play solo with a nice damage but go great in party, but needed have a good durability tho and it’s exclusive for PvE, since i don’t go PvP.

While searching, i saw this 3 builds…

  1. Wizz3-Ele3-wl2

Has a really good AoE and really nice damage, but i think that the CD it’s too long (i never played with wizzard, so i think it’s quite long since i don’t know the skill rotation) and i don’t think that this build has a good durability even with the good damage…

  1. wizz1-pyro3-sorc2-FF2

Almost all builds was with thauma2-linker2-wizz2 and they say it’s for farming, but i don’t wanna play with a character only for farm, but i think FF a nice class (since they fly/levitate :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: ) and than i saw this build, nice damage, good sustain, lavitates of course and watching the videos, i fell in love with it but everyone said that it’s not worth it to play with pyro anymore, so i wanna know if this is true… and to achieve the best damage possible, the enemy has to be cursed right? (Btw i saw this build too: Wizz3-ele3-FF2, what do you say about this one?)

  1. Wizz1-cryo3-sorc1-necro3 / wizz1-cryo3-sorc2-necro2

The currently meta (one of them at least), yeah it’s really awesome to summon an army of undead + bats + boss but i think that depend on those summons to deal damage it’s not what i want, this build can do a nice support but the idea of do just that doesn’t pleases me…

So can someone help me to decide? Any advice, point of view or experience with those builds are welcome <3

P.S: Sorry for my english :persevere:

I believe build 2 is what you’re looking for, except replace pyro 3 with either wiz2-pyro2 for surespell (which is only for bloodsucking, but it’s a really important skill for FF) or pyro2-thaum1 for squeezing out a bit more from what should be a full spr stat build. Focusing on pyro is what’s not worth it imho, but using pyro to compliment the rest of your class picks is not so bad which is why I think pyro2 is okay.

sorc2 is actually really nice already on its own, as long as you have a netherbovine you will be able to solo most content well so you can just tweak the rest of your class picks to suit your other needs. your summon will be able to tank for you, and you can also give your character some durability with enchant armor from enchanter shops (it gives 1 point of con per 20 spr for 24 hours). The only real issue with this build is that it takes some setting up to do damage, and even then you probably won’t be doing as much damage as a wiz3-ele3-wl2

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I see and what if i change that build for wizz 3 - ele 3 - FF2? I still have the buffs (levitation <3) and debuffs from FF and the AoE/Damage from elementalist…what do you think?

ye…ele3 is basically what makes elelocks so stronk. though since they buffed mastema the wl part does also quite abit. FF actually got pretty low dps but good sustain indeed. you cant really go wrong with wiz3 ele3, thats basically already high dps no matter what.

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That should be good too, you will lose some really good no-cast-time aoe compared to going WL2 but if you really want levitate and self-sustain then it’s not a bad trade off. Just keep in mind that the next pve update might make aoe more relevant again for clearing bonus maps faster

What do you mean with this update? I’m a little lost with all this updates :sweat_smile:
But WL add all that damage with just 3 skills? (i would get PoA, Mastema and Dark Theurge since the other skills are nerfed/bugged, but i can’t see all that damage this 3 skills could improve…)

EDIT: I was talking with a friend and he said something that i really forget…since FF skills are “single target”, even without linker can i play well with this build?

yes that’s what I meant, FF is mostly single target. Blood Curse and blood sucking can AoE but still not as effectively as mastema and pole of agony, and they have high cooldown too.

The next update I’m referring to is the equipment drop from fields with random stats and the bonus dungeon which might have a time limit but nothing is set in stone yet so I don’t know how important it is to have more aoe

I see…so i go to WL, just one more question, PoA, Mastema lv10, but what about Dark Theurge? Should i put lv10 or lv2 and invocation lv8?

I put lv1 dark theurge, lv1 evil sacrifice and lv8 invocation on my WL2

Thanks, i’ll do the same. Thanks for helping me:slight_smile: