Tree of Savior Forum

Wizzard Damage dealer at pvp

What do u think now is the best Damage dealer at pvp??
Since r8 introduce that sherivan/ shaverin/ Rhivensa/ vharinsa (idk the name >.< ) bracelet and neckalce set… That give -75% to dark attack…

And i think its a murder for Warlock and FF (some skills) at pvp

So it left us with only elementalis (long cast time), sorcer (decent damage), necro (decent damage), rune caster (long cast time) and i dont even put pyro damage as it has very little tiny tickling damage over enemy at pvp

But i cant take ele and rc coz i have to have kino3 for pvp build…

Please enlight me with this dilema… Or may be theres some way that warlock has a little use at tbl

-+1270 PoA pertick (no dark def reduct) become
-+270 PoA pertick (with new acc set)

Wiz2 (or cryo, but wiz2 is recommended) - Kino3 - Necro2

Full set necklace + 2 bracelet reduce 60% (hidden anti dark effect) in case I remember exactly. But:

  • Not everyone got this, not too hard to get, but a little hard?
  • DT is easier to use and it’s more dangerous than PoA.
  • I tested with my friend who owner this set:
  • After wearing those item and her m.def around 350, my m.atk around 1k2.
  • Without QC, no attribute, DT still deal 8k HP (3xx per tick).
    ~> Not one hit KO as before, but not too bad with QC + Attribute enhance? Well, it’s up to you :smiley: I just give some info

Ive heard that necklace is +35%
8k isnt much considering most of the top guilds in GvG stack >1000 mdef and have >20k hp
With so much lag, if you cant kill them quickly they will kill you.


Yes, 35%, 20% and 20%, they are not added up, their effects are multiplicatively:

80% x 80% x 65% = 41,6% final damage instead of 100% - (20% + 20% + 35%) = 25%

So that makes 60% roughly correct (the effective damage is even less because of dark property resistance, mdef and stuff like that)

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But yes, if BOTH Rhevisan and Warlock’s nerf don’t change until R8 it will become something very stupid like:

Swordman can nuke from miles away for 20k+ on high def enemy.

Wizard stands close to the enemy for 4 seconds to apply 9k damage.

Wait wait…

8K without attrbt and no quickcast

So with full att and quickcast :
8.000 and qc att 50% : 8000 + 4000 : 12.000

12.000 + 100% damage attr : 12.000 + 12.000 : 24.000

24.000 seems nice??

Lol sorry if i have bad formula

Note he said her mdef was 350. Thats really low for top gvg standards.
24000 dmg is alright if its against someone with 800+ mdef :slight_smile:

But imagine if u can cast dt then succesful catch the enemy with high mdef on raise… And no pardoner to release him by indulgentia or he forget to bring indulgentia scroll…

U just need to come close to him and deal lets say 10k-15k dt plus cast poa on them…

I think he will insta death…

Even with -75% do u think warlock will deal much damage by dt and poa stacked??

I did that exact PoA+DT combo on someone the other day. Shaved about 60-70% of their hp (w/ quick cast). They escaped …
Also its more than -75%. Its*0.5 = -80%. Top that off with 1500 mdef and 350 dark resist, you got a hella big wall to chew through.

Also you sacrifice a Lot of hp for that extra damage. If you were the standard full con build or 1:1, then youd probably be hitting less than 15k w/ DT+PoA combined lol

What about these 2 skiills attribute??

Does it contribute more damage?

Well mine is 92%, so you can just refer to that. I think skill attribute applies towards the end of the equation. So if you do 100/tick at lv 0, youll do 200/tick at lv 100 i guess.

This is raw raw -%power. Not even damage resist. So no matter how high of a matk you can get through transcendence, that -80% will cut your dmg down to 1/5 TT

Well then its too bad…

Well okay back on topic…

What about sage “damage”?
I dont concern about the what so called duplicating skill… I just need a killer move at tbl…because i already have a super power cc class

I have witness a wiz3 rune caster hybrid int con build killing multiple 20k hp ppl 1 shot with rune of destruction. Look pretty good to me. 1 circle investment for basically burst version of ele.

Wiz3kino3rc could work?

Rune of destruction will continue to scale with ur weapon transcendence too. Kino can cc to apply ur cannons. (Or simply rely on team mates)