Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz3 thauma3 rune and enchart2

good build for fast farm and late game content without linker?

Change wiz3 to pyro1. Thauma3 brings quickcast with it.

If you go pyro why not just pyro2 instead of wiz2pyro1?

because if there’s a rc circle, then u better take wiz2 for surespell.

Rune of protection attribute makes it so your spells cannot be cancelled.

I’m just assuming this is a mario build. Can’t use anything in the pyro kit other than ench when giant.

it’s not 100% uptime tho

It’s quite nearly 100% uptime and taking wiz2 offers less than pyro2. Also the only skills in the build that require casting come from RC, so it’s not like the 50 sec downtime between rune of protection will even be noticeable. If you’ve ever played RC without wiz2/3, you should know that it’s basically the same.

If it’s a mario build, then it’d even be better to take wiz3 over pyro1 so you can cast magic missile, which is strengthened with swell arm. Enchant fire scrolls you can buy for super cheap in market…


  1. Fire pillar


  1. Lethargy tile debuff
  2. Free enchant fire + craft
  3. Flame ground for support/cc with frost lord/craft
  4. Surespell


  1. Stronger missile
  2. More points on debuff/cc skill
  3. Lethargy strike debuff for monk, milo and etc.
  4. You can just focus on dps with lightning hand

Hey, it’s all viable.

Wiz1Pyro2 and Wiz3 are.

Wiz2Pyro1 is a wasted opportunity to get fire pillar or stronger missile for basically no reason.

For you maybe. You just need to explore more how each of those variance benefits your playstyle, gear, party synergy and type of pve. For me all 3 are viable.