Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz3 linker2 Chrono3?

Is this a good build for offensive support endgame?

Other option are the more common cryo1 linker2 chrono3 linker3 or sage

Wich one would be best ?

I just laughed: I was thinking about it just a few hours ago… I believe it’s awesome :smiley:

You can take max level sleep which is cool and even build your char on SPR to make use of Reflect Shield (I do have a Wiz3/Thau2/Link2 and Wiz3/Link3/RC both full SPR and Reflect Shield is truly nice in PvE, helps a lot)

Is not better build around con ?

I think SPR is pretty solid, with SPR based Reflect Shield you drastically decrease incoming damage (pretty good for standard PvE).

Lv15 Reflect Shield with something like 400+ SPR “absorbs” about 500 damage for 9 hits (each party member has his own Reflect Shield). You can renew it every 41 seconds, in the case they use up all their 9 “uses” (4500 HP), it would be like “preventive healing” somehow… I had less troubles levelling my SPR characters compared to INT ones, you can also carry Cleric SPR based “Skill Scrolls” (like Zalciai & Barrier) to offer more support to the party…

Furthermore, with the incoming R8 classes, Enchanter will be able to “Enchant” equip giving you 1 CON every 20 SPR you do have. You can put that enchant on up to 3 equip pieces (the only 3 that will be able to be enchanted) and it’s additive meaning you’ll get extra 3 CON every 20 SPR you do have, with 500 SPR that would mean 75 CON which is 6.375 Health…

I am close to 20k Health on my SPR wizards by just getting it from equip (not even final equips) and we’re even gonna get some more “health-boosting” equips soon… I find it pretty solid also cause by “absorbing” damage you help the role of healers in party as well as HP potions usage.

On a side note, you won’t need to spend money on SP potions and if at Rank9 you’d ever pick Link3 you’d share your SPR to the party that comboed with Pass would really increase party’s SP regen…

Maybe im wrong but 4500 is like nothing in endgame damage dont you think? Build around spr is related as a mistake in this game since spr dont scale with nothing other then our Shield, with full con you can easely reach 30k+ hp with no that usually is better

EDIT: The new bônus from enchanter looks nice for full spr build, but still means -29k hp in comparison with full con on lv 330, distance will rise as The level goes up.

Also, Shield reflect only Works with multihit doesnt it ? Means if a mob single hit 8k The reduction will be only 500 for full spr am im right ?

At rank 8 i would take enchanter instead of linker 2

It might be “nothing” vs Bosses but still a good aid, as for maps mobs it does work quite well (also, every reflected attack can proc the user additional property or ignition-like triggers).

Also keep in mind, as I already stated, you can refresh it every 41 seconds so it’s like preventive healing and it’s not a personal buff - you’re basically reducing “500 x 9 = 4500 x 5 Party Members > 22.500 damage absorbed” which is less burden for the healer.

As I already said, “CON” brings nothing more to the party imo, it’s just for selfish survivability, SPR on the opposite does both with Reflect Shield but also - if you intended to spend some silvers - with SPR scaling Barrier/Zalciai scrolls…

Also, on a support character, what equip would you get besides Health? Full CON + Health equip would give you a huge amount of health which would then become useless (just a burden to heal up). On the opposite with SPR you’d have less basic Health but can easily reach 20k+ with good equip plus those “4500 refreshable extra health”, but well, that’s the way I see it :slight_smile:

It works with every hit you receive (personally, you usually don’t consume all the 9 preventive hits available). Only bosses or OP mobs would hit such huge amounts (especially if you wear Plate/Leather/Cloth which boost their attack depending on their attack type Strike/Pierce/Slash).

Go full con, last thing a support needs to do is die.
Heal is % based anyways so your hp doesnt really matter in the long run.

Why enchanter? what him would bring for partys and maybe future synergy ? And trade linker2 isnt a bad Idea ? Since link1 is way worse then 2? With wizz3 linker2 chrono3 i feel kind of complete for future classes and currently meta game.

Its likely a good build. The only thing you lose out on is missle hole.
Missle hole IS important, needless to say, but its not the end of the world without it i guess.

Missile hole is importante how ? What would you trade to get it ? Any improvement on my build ?

The most noticeable buff of Enchanter is enchant lightening therefor you can open shop and sell scrolls.