Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz- Pyro- Linker2- Sorc- Alche2 or Wizz- Pyro2- Linker- Sorc-Alche2

Wich of these two would be viable? I know that sorc one is not that good since I won’t have attack ground but I’m kinda okay with that.

Or maybe even Pyro3 and no sorc

Leave your opinion please.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Well, it mostly depends on if you want to be able to deal more damage, especially to bosses, or will rely mostly on your summons. Pyro2 or3 will mean you can actually do something yourself. 1 rank of pyro will be good against big groups of mobs because you’ll have 2 ranks of linker that will distribute it everywhere.

So just ask yourself what you prefer, cuz the summons can do some of the work, and then do you want good ability against groups, or decent damage against bosses that you can do yourself, or screw the summons helping you with some of the damage and do it all yourself?

Summons have a bad AI right now so they make you get real close to bosses and can make it hard to dodge attacks if you actually want the summon to do anything but run around the whole fight. I honestly don’t recommend going sorc without sorc c2 which has all the control commands so i would probably replace the sorc in you builds with something else.
You would probably be better off with wiz pyro 3 linker alch 2

Except for that 1 summon that’s actually useful even with bad AI :stuck_out_tongue:

Pyro 3 damage is still good at late game? or the summon would more reliable ?

I ‘think’ it wouldn’t end up with a big gap of damage between the two. Pyro is considered one of the bigger dmg dealers (tho of course it doesn’t compare with wiz3 buffed Elemental c3 skills) And you can’t get Warlock if you want two ranks of Alchemist.

No, the summon isn’t reliable damage, but between pyro c3 and it, it’s hard to tell without testing it enough. I will say though that the advantage of the Sorcerer is that there’s actually more going on at the Same Time as you’re using pyro c2 skills, so some of the time you might actually deal more damage because your summon(s) is dealing dmg and taking hits for you to cast more stuff. You can also grab summon familiars for a bit more skills to use yourself.