Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz C3 > Sinergys

Hello guys,

I have a question and would like your help.

I’m creating a Wizz C3.

Initially I would give sequence with Elem C3> Warlock why like massive damage.

However I am in doubt as really like the Sorcerer and also Summons.

Which combinations are good with Wizz C3?

Thank you so much.

you should not make the same mistake as me going sorcerer after wiz3 because you like the concept of sorc. sorcerer are not strong and you do not pick sorcerer because you think it could be useful, you pick sorcerer for sheer fun.

just go the route that every single wiz go wiz3ele3warlock and you’ll be good. also wiz 3 has only 1 synergy with sorc that is you can quick cast summon familiar for more damage, tested and proven this.

edit: summon familiar are useless without linker, just saying.

Wiz3 + Sorc = nombo

awful combination. Wiz is good with most things simply because of quick cast. Just the pet heavy classes are a bad combination as sorc does not offer anything that works with quickcast till C3

Thank you guys for your answers.

I go to Wizz > Ele > Warlock same.

See you guys.

Wiz3 into Sorc will age better than Ele imo.

But for now it is inferior DPS wise. Still fun I heard.
ps: Sorc does get summon familiar at C1 which works with the +50% matk from QC.

The quick cast damage attribute. actually works on summons skills that are used with riding and summon familiar. So its not totally useless

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc C2 > Warlock.

This is my build, it is intended for a 10 ranks game, not a 7 one as it is right now but it is still playable within this range.

My real point is how great Warlock C3 will be when Dark Theurge hit 75 times on a linked enemy.

Sorc C2 works like a god of tanker controller and massive damage dealer with linker.

Wiz 3 has very good skills, but only one of them is a DPS (MM) and the best offensive buff in the whole Wizard tree, so basically it doesn’t require much SP usage to be it’s best. That is what a class has to be like to work well with Sorcerer, it simply needs low SP usage.

Just think about this, by the time Elementalist skills gets underpowered by higher ranks DPS, you might feel like having a tanker that deals good damage at your disposal, a few buffs to your future ranks and those bats for some more dark nukes.

Sorcerer 2 > Warlock 3 > Shadowmancer, that is the future of Warlock, for Elementalists I’m pretty sure rank 8 or 9 have something real for them. (so you’d be mostly taking warlock for filler as a elementalist)

Exactly what @moises_andre12 said above^

I’ll requote (again) some theorycrafting I posted in another thread

Guys, look at it from this angle:

Let’s assume R8+ will add a classs with some very powerful skills with mid CDs. With ranks8-10 we can say we will have enough of these to form a full rotation or close enough.

Both Sorcs and Eles will pick said classes. Most Elementalists spells likely won’t be time to cast/dmg effective compared to the new ranks and will be dropped completely from the rotation. Our Summons on the other hand will keep adding their constant DPS since they don’t require much input.

Sure, it is expensive to keep them out but everyone else won’t even have the option to go for this “all out mode”, specialy Elementalists with their cast time (and Kinos due to their channeling).

If we get better AI and more card options on top of that, I say the future looks bright for Sorcerers.

Right now they might suck though lol.

Thank you again…

@moises_andre12 it’s a great explanation … you could send me your build and stats ??

Thank you guys.


2:1 INT:CON right now, might work for 3:2 INT:CON after levels beyond 280 are released, have to see how it’s working, at level 178 with 2:1 INT:CON I got around 16~17k max HP, but I like PvP and GvG so it might not be enough yet.

Greate man.

I’m play more PVE and in the future a little GvG…

how you up without energy bolt? :stuck_out_tongue:

tks again

Auto-attacks, to be honest I had EBolt level 8, but used Skill Reset to take it to 0, if you want you can drop your Reflect Shield for it, but I don’t think you really should.

I went Wiz 2 > Linker > Wiz 3, so I auto-attacked the sh*t out of everything until level 80 when I got magic missile.

It’s sort of boring but whatever, no game with 280 initial levels and dungeons for level 400+ already being made is played to it fullest in the initial stages.

hahaha understand you.

Well if i get a skill reset in the future i change, else my energy bolt will continue lv 5.

i’m saving 13 points for Wizz c3 for start MM and RC.

I’m Think so Earthquake, but the people not aprove.

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