Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz 3 > Thaum 3 , what now?

Simple guys .
Hi, I create some time ago a Wiz 3 / Thau 3 , and after some time frozen in the lodge , I’m thinking about up it again …

The question is it still used for some build , everybody prefers Linkers , Chronos , Elem, Necro, … Can a Wizz/Thauma Combo well with some class 7-8 or should I reroll ?

Thanks guys !

Featherfoot! (Warlock also works)


Honnestly… reroll
Thauma is the only utility circle that does not scale well. To make it short at rank8 the bonus given by thauma is retarded small. Even now the bonus at r7 is way to small.
Thauma is not needed and will never be needed in a party

If you like PvP/GvG Wiz 3 > Thauma 3 could work. For that purpose take Warlock at Rank 7.

If you don’t want a PvP/GvG character go Wiz 3 > Linker 3, you didn’t even reach rank 7 so you didn’t even grind much.

Thaum 1-2 still got their point
Thaum 1 For Transpose-Buff/Debuff (Can be off use in some build)
Thaum 2 For Reversi (Good for pvp)
Thaum 3 For … Nothing that worth a rank because thaum don’t scale at all.

I still don’t know how Bloodcurse from FF2 work but does it scale with your maximum hp or something ? Transpose can work with it then with a full intel build or something.

I still don’t know how Bloodcurse from FF2 work but does it scale with your maximum hp or something ?


Why advise a reroll?

The original poster has put the effort into leveling a wizard with pretty much one damage spell. The build is ready to come together at this point.

This build has a lot of potential. Future focused look: wiz3 with %damage increase and quickcast will allow for any long cast time rank 7-10 options, the thaum will be esp strong if tos becomes a tree of mages meta, if at any point there is a new item that adds %int or increases magic damage by %amount, example League of Legends Deathcap, then that will further boost the buffs. The build also benefits from any high damage class with a lot of offensive spells because you skill rotation is open. Even stat point allocation once the final ranks are picked isn’t that problematic with reset potions.

Only swell brain adds any pts in int.
Also thaum base scaling is just too low taking transcendence into account.
Its good to have the buff, but 3 circle is better spent on linker/chrono.

Id say warlock

FF would be good if you had linker

As for thauma not scaling well, i almost expect IMC to buff the buffs at one point. Like they did with blessing. Either a additional % of MATK or additional damage per int. I hope its % of MATK because if you use transpose then the damage bonus would go away if it was based off int.

Warlock 2 better then FF 2, but both work much better without Thauma. Sage or Enchanter looks more interesting, for my opinion. What about
Wiz 3 > Thau 3 > Link 1 > Sage or
Wiz 3 > Thau 3 > Rune > Enchanter ?

Dont reroll, U could still be a great FF 2. Just use your Chibi char (Swell Arms and Head) + Transpose for boost your blood curse explosion plus Huge amount of HP . (Transposing all Your INT + Swell brain’s INT into full CON)

Not gonna lie, its gonne be hard to level FF 1 due to lack of Linker, but once you reach rank 8 , Swells+Transpose+Levitate+Blood Curse is all you need.

Thau 3 is actually very strong in TBL. Featherfoot 2 would be good i think. Full int then transpose - blood curse.

Smart thauma is equally annoying to priest3 - PD cleric.