Tree of Savior Forum

Wizards underpowered? Thought discussion after 100 levels

So ive gotten to level 98 atm, doing 3/1(roughly) Int/Spr: 113/65
Wiz c1 > Wiz c2 > Linker c1 > elementalist c1.

I have gotten to level 98, with 2k hp and 1.6k sp, where almost all others are 5k+ hp and dont rely as much on sp. Compared to other classes i’ve seen roaming around (mainy swordsmen classes, archer and clerics :p) it seems as though the wizard spells and abilities are almost worthless in comparison.

I almost cant afford to get hit by any boss attack (on 230ms is hard due to server displacement lag) due to be combo’d to 0 instantly without having a chance to potion or stand back up to dodge.

Im not sure anyone else is having this issue levelling their wizards of if its just my build path. But seeing even cleric builds out dps my whole kit with a single spell seems rather off. Same for all of the other classes.

In my opinion and through my experience of playing closed beta’s and since launch, I feel as though wizards and their upgraded classes need a rather large buff in order to keep with with the game and the rest of the classes. Not just in terms of dps, but in terms of survivability as well. Re-work some of the skills, tweak their numbers and add a little more survivability.

Or maybe wizard classes are supposed to be this hard?


Going link instead of wiz3 was your mistake… a big mistake :C. Go wiz3 next circle.

This is your problem, if you goes wiz 3 you can literally faceroll everything till at least lv100+ with magic missile + quick cast.

well, it’s wrong to go full int/spr. i am lv 103 with cryomancer, 11k of HP, tanking way more than a lot of people and even building a full support my damage is decent enough to solo. Like was said, going link instead of wiz c3 was a big mistake…

Why oh why would you not put any points into CON?

I guess you could call this build…

The weakest link!




Through all the builds I reviewed before playing and building my character, not a single one of them put any points on Con, all SPR/Int - one with dex. SO going into playing I had no reason to beleive the outcome would be so bad

I have no idea what builds you’ve reviewed. The majority of korean ToS wizards ive seen had a ton if not ALL their stat points into CON. x:

And elemental does not work without quickcast, you’ll be casting super slow and doing much less damage than one who went wiz3

Yeah I knew about the kroens building all con, that was because PvP and abilities didnt scale from Int, but now they do (or so I read). SO now going int instead was the more viable choice. And yeah, being interrupted every cast sucks so much. Class reset pot plox

You need a minimum of CON regardless, 2:1 or 3:1 or even 1:1, but get some

Wiz 3 is a blast, Magic Missile is OPed, you just made a silly mistake, I got 30 Con only and all bosses hardly ever got me to 50% HP

Wiz is an all or nothing class. Either you get the mandatory C1 and move on, or you go C3. C2Wiz doesn’t offer enough on its own.

Going 0 CON is a big mistake for any class. I can’t express how frustrated this gets me. I don’t care if you are a DPS class, you can’t DPS while dead. A 15-20 CON investment goes a long way.

SPR investment can be minimal, I get most of my SP/SPR from gear atm, just be ready to pot a little on your way to higher levels. Learning which spells are essential to cast when is also key. I never used Surespell or Quick Cast every mob, I never used Lethargy on anything but a boss, Earthquake after a few levels became simply a panic button. Knowing which spells you HAVE to use on an encounter can save up a lot of mana.

My stats at around your level are around 20 CON, 20 SPR (out of which a good 9 come from a necklace), and 160-170 INT. I do not get one shot ever, which makes it so my Cleric can keep me alive, and I never drop below half mana unless we are fighting a boss.

if you aren’t a swordsman, you won’t have good HP unless you invest some points in CON. Which I highly recommend you do ESPECIALLY as a wizard, seeing as we have the lowest health scaling in the game.

I’m lv116 with 5.5k health.

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I half disagree with this. You are right that for the most part they are noob traps, but not to the extent where you shouldn’t spend any points on them.

SPR and mana can be solved easily through gear and pots, so there’s no need to add to SPR, CON is a different story.

The issue with CON is that there will be times where things will 1 shot you, and that isn’t good because you can’t use potions after you are dead, your healer can’t heal you while you are dead, and you can’t DPS while you are dead.

That said, doing a split even like 4:1 is too much for a wiz. It doesn’t take much more than 20 CON to take you through the 100s without instantly dying to bosses. SPR as a whole is a waste, the more SPR you have the less efficient your mana potions are, what you should do instead is manage your mana and invest in potions.

Spending points in CON past the point where you don’t get one shot by monsters is a PvP only thing atm.

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LOL I’d like to see you get to 175 without getting a single point into con.

You’d get drive by from the archer ambush in higher maps; they spawn and you’d die instantly.

Lol at this guy’s tone, I’d kick every 100x char with less than 2k hp out of my party any days now. What you gonna do with all your awesome damage scaling when you dead in like, 3 hits ? Noob trap my azz

He should be over or close to 2k by the time he hits lv50… One stray arrow or nuke with crit on top and there won’t be anyone to do the damage.