Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard's Dungeon Dilemma

This is what happened to me in a dungeon today. I got invited to a semi-standard party consisting of 3 dps, 1 healer, and 1 swashbuckler. Unfortunately, the healer did not have priest c3 so relying on stoneskin is out of the question. And the swashbuckler only had pelt c1. However, I can work with that.

Here is the problem, almost immediately into the dungeon, I was told to stop using my cc because it breaks certain spells. Since peltasta c1 cannot hold hate against an elementalist using his spells efficiently, I now have to take the brunt of the onslaught whenever I cast and cannot use my cc. And the healer prefers to safety wall the tank instead of the one getting most of the aggro, so this makes it even more dangerous.

So I either had to just stand there and take damage like a ragged doll or kite the mobs around like a headless chicken. Should I have just auto-attacked until monsters took considerable amounts of damage before casting anything? How should I have handled this situation?

Wizzard3>Ele3>War here. It was not your fault, probably your tank has Swashbuckler but he didn’t buy “Provoke” a pasive skill to improve agro. When I do dungeons with my regular tank who has Provoke 10 (max level) I can do full rotations without take agro. So keep doing your rotation, if you take agro just stop using skills for a bit and wait until your tank take it back, but it shouldn’t happen with a good tank.


You should have just continued what you were doing

If they don’t like it, tough. Don’t compensate in worthless parties unless what they are doing is actually a better alternative

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It’s not your fault. The Peltasta is just your usual worthless swordsman player. The healer is just the alt of a swordsman player who believe that every swordsman is the most important class in the dungeon.

A good tank can easily maintain the hate using provoke attribute.

What I tend to do now is Meteor while the tank holds the aggro and only use short cast time spells otherwise. I rotate between Hail, Frost Cloud and Magic Missile mostly. I definitely run around like a headless chicken and don’t even bother doing auto attacks anymore. My spells does way more damage and if I’m holding the aggro, that means I’m out dpsing most of the other members; then they really shouldn’t be complaining.

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What is your cc? breaks certain spells? just curious

I’d assume it’s Hail with it’s attribute to freeze mobs.

“swashbuckler” hahahahhaahha. Swordman literally reduced to a one skill class. xDxD

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This speaks tons about bad game design. How in the world a base class and all it’s evolutions is reduced to one skill use.

if theyd fix the retarded aggroing mechanics it wouldnt even be so bad. I don’T understand how aggressive mobs dont aggro properly.

Actually Swordmans can hold agro without use Swashbuck if they buy Provoke, so it is not reduce the whole swordman class to 1 skill, this thread is more about why a tank, some one who decided to tank taking peltasta and the best agro skill, is unable to hold agro. Now, people love swashbuck since it does a great job during leveling in high lvl maps where mobs spam a bit far from each other, but that is it. And you can find this “reduce the class to 1 skill” in all trees, watch Linker for example some one really cares about any other skill besides Join Penalty? All cleric are reduce to Heal even they are DPS, ask to any Monk or offensive Druid.

nope. noone complaisn that swordsmen cannot hold aggro. Swashbuckling is simply a convenient way to collect mobs to rally around the “tank”.

Some may argue agressive mobs will come and attack you anyways, however, this does not really seem to be the case. Monsters are often hesistant to start chasing without swashbuckeling or repeated attacks.

Without Swash, each character can only have 8 (or was it 7) monsters aggressive towards it. And agro can be shared so a party of 5 doesn’t necessarily mean they will agro 40 monsters.

ahhh so that explains it. where did you get that from tampon?