Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard- Reflect shield useless?

Quick question- ive seen a bunch of wizzard c2/c3 builds say that reflect shield blocks absolutely NO damage late game, is this true? should i just put all my points into sleep? i was thinking putting enough points for 10 sec sleep and the rest into shield because im going a support build.

Any help is welcome

well, ya defenses that are additive linearly across lvling character/skill/attribute in a similar fashion fall off compared to how mobs gain power over the course of lvling and your hp grows. BUT, the points in the skill arent useless, preventing damage is okay if little to no money investment is involved as less damage taken could mean the difference between almost dying and dying.

not logged in atm, but my wiz alt has either 5 or 10 in reflect shield.

fyi, ppl rush to call something weak useless too much imo. but i’d put this skill into a category called “spare points, weak but not complete garbage”

Useless unless you max it and have high spr

is 13 points enough?

Damage Reflection: (65 + SPR)
Duration: 85 seconds
Reflects 8 times

So does it block a decent amount of damage end game? worth i put 13 points into it -

Damage Reflection: (65 + SPR)
Duration: 85 seconds
Reflects 8 times

im also going 1;1 int:spr if that matters

assuming you have 200 spr at max lvl its 265 per hit reduced, 8 hits means you prevent 2120 damage per person. if everyone has 12k hp or 20k+ hp this isnt a whole lot. 65 x 8 would be very minor. now 2k hp over a course of many hits is good imo, but if a mechanic would kill you in 1-3 hits, you are looking at only 265 - 795 damage reduced, which is meager compared to the whole effect.

still, in many situations, this added with stats prior to forming a group with each person and other buffs and heals etc, has an effect on each person’s survival. there are worse ways of helping out. imo 5 or 10 is good enough as a just in case it is needed icing on the top unless you absolutely have no where else to spend the points. afterall, lethargy is low point wonder, EB and EQ are low damage per pt investment, quickcast is 5 pts and surespell doesnt have many points either. gotta spend those points somewhere in addition to sleep.

Yes it’s “useless” if you’re in a party when there’s already a buffer class like priest, chronomancer or thaumager. It reflects damage too low and too limited instance to make it worthwhile for it to “eat” a buff slot. But if you’re solo or in a party w/ no buffer class, then sure cast it freely since it’s better than nothing

Its use is too unnoticeable to justify it taking up 1 precious buff slot. If there are no other buffs around then by all means use it. But as soon as you get more useful buffs just take it off your bar.

Highly recommended max sleep, not also the duration but also the attacks threshold. But, sleep’s duration reduce to 5s in PvP now (as I remember changelog).

unless you like spaming energy bolt late game, those point better goes to shield.

aside from blocking small flinch, just by my observation the shield also increase durability of your armor. as long you took hit (no matter how many) when the buff is on. armor durability wont drop

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In high lvl groups people will just tell you to shut it off for waste of a buff slot. You could try breaking out your essay of credentials and maths everytime you enter a dungeon, but I doubt your party mates would care.

[quote=“YuseiXyan, post:2, topic:302194”]
fyi, ppl rush to call something weak useless too much imo.
[/quote]Since the shield is good early game, decent mid, and bad end, this was not a “rushed” call.

RS scales with SPR, and the only other Wiz classes that scale with it are Sorc and Necro, for summon defense (another underwhelming reason to get SPR). Even full support builds are better taking CON rather than SPR.

Low amount of blocks/skill level/cooldown, considering how weak the mitigation is and that being the only use of the skill (RIP bug that made it work like Sure Spell…).

Sadly, Wizard has many skill points to spare… since Lethargy and EQ are lvl 1 wonders, Sleep is nerfed for PvP and EB just needs enough to be cast quickly.

ya, was mentioning in general ppl rush to call something useless.

either way, i stand behind my opinion that the since A) the op wants points in spr, B) as you said it is good early and decent mid game, C) its an extra piece of survival just in case, and D) wizard has many points to spare, this means that the skill isn’t useless.

it is not good overall, but it is not useless either.

I have the same predicament as you.
I was deciding between reflect shield or lethargy.
I went wiz c3, had max sleep, 1 pt in earthquake and energy bolt, 4 pt in surecast.
So in the end, I went with lethargy instead of reflect shield. I figured most people would go with reflect shield. So if i were to use lethargy, it would complement well in party with another wiz that use reflect shield.
My lethargy is level 14, and I maxed the attribute to level 50. Yea, I sacrificed 1 point of surecast for 1 more point in lethargy because I don’t really need surecast to run for 15 seconds.

So how was lethargy lvl 14+50 attribute level (-95 atk/def/ -30 evasion)? I think it is pretty good actually. I went to understand the damage formula and in the early stages, you can actually reduce a substantial amouint of damage. I made it a point to keep it up on bosses 100% of the time, although it was a little steep on my sp. But be warned, it’s not a skill that does big wonders, just reduce damage by the range of 20% or so. The higher attack a monster has, the less effective it would become as it doesn’t scale so well in late game. But reflect shield doesn’t scale well either so, maybe toss a coin and let fate decide.

lethargy is mainly used for its attribute, duration is good but debuff on atk/def doesnt scale well. points for wizard should be focused on magic missile, sure cast to 100% uptime at least, quick cast, and sleep for more hit limit.