Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Raid Weaponry (Masinios Edition)

Between the Masinios Staff, Rod and Mace which do you feel is best suited for each build?

MATK 1203

INT 57
SPR 57
Added Lightning Property Damage 295
30% chance to deal 2000 Lightning Property Damage

MATK 1337

SPR 122
HP 1654
10% chance on skill use to gain SPR + 5 (Stacks up to 10 times)

MATK 1605

AOE Attack Ratio 1
INT 122
MAGIC Amplification 645
Added Lightning Property Damage 337

Would the staff be best for pure DPS builds like War/Ele? I figured that maybe the rod and dagger would be useful for AA builds like Chronomancer[3]Enchanter[2] but the mace would pair better because of the DMG bonus and special perk. I guess the rod would be best for builds that heavily rely on SPR (Sorcerers, Thaumaturge[3])

What do you all think?

depends on the dagger and skills, but I would go with rod

So you would go with the the rod regardless of how you built your mage?

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Well the rod only seems better for SPR builds. The increased base magic damage from staff is even better with transcendence so I see most DPS-focused non SPR wizards using staff.

Also, a lot of highly geared summoners (sorc specifically) will use a rod just for the SPR but after summoning they will switch to a staff since it is a stronger weapon.

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Rod for thaum3 and sorc
Mace for AA builds
Staff for any dps

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rod for hi-SP usage dat kent easily replenish by pots alone, a larger SP pool kyan halp during pots kool downe. shadowmancer skills use a lot of SP widde low kool down. ur SP kyan zero out in a mattur of secs

rarely du i see wiz using maces but i guess an balanced int an spr ees nice fer support typs

de staff ees fer glass kannon builds i guess ‘w’?

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Depend your budjet, I do think anything with orange +16 (even 1 line) is better than Masinios +11, with much less risks to anvil. I would rather use 50m to make a +16 Primus Raffye than buy a recipe unless i got it myself.

But if you are aiming to be +16 Masinios then as frould said:

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Imo the mace’s passive syncs really well with AA Cleric or PD builds as the continuous hits from BDS and Inci can proc it frequently. Other than that, i dont think the INT and SPR is that high compared to an orange Raffye with perfect stats. But if you ask me i would say i prefer that mace for my PD over a good Raffye mace/rod.

Rod is for high SPR users like full support Cleric or Sorc. Thauma buff in the future will not add bonus dmg to off-hand anymore so i think its still better for Wiz (aside from Sorc) to use staff, and high/full INT is still better (gives more to output dmg and Thauma buff) than high/full SPR.

How do you manage to get +16 primus rafye (good stats) with only 50m?!

I always fail enhancing after +11

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If you are aiming for good stats probably it would be 100m (consider the raw item cost)
I grab those 1-2 useless stats with 2m-3m each and i have 5,
using some fodders anvil method getting to +11 is quite easy with lost 1-3 pots, but indeed to +16 is quite some hassles, but if you have 5 chances 1 of it can be hitting there.

the sorcerer will need both Rod and Staff… rod+0 for summoning and staff+15 for summon damage