Tree of Savior Forum

[Wizard] Master Class topic

So the devs talked about wizard master classes in the future. While it is still early in development, I think such a discussion can at least give us insight on what are the possible build in the future.

For now, we only know about rank 2 classes getting master classes that will boost their attack power and effectiveness. I personally hope for pyro to come back as a strong dps class. Cryo seems to be in a pretty decent spot for what its supposed to do. What do you guys think?

If the Master Class of Wizard give the 50% damage attribute to quick cast again, then it’s already totally worth.

Pyro could use faster ticks in Flame Ground and making it comparable to Frost Cloud.

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And Fire Pillar like Pole of Agony.

This isn’t difficult, just make the Ice Rune last 5 minutes like other buffs now and create a similar skill for fire skills, like a Fire Rune.
I don’t know why the Rune of Giants and the Rune of Justice lasts longer than the Cooldown and the Ice Rune doesn’t.

And just one more detail, the Fire Wall should lose the hit count and deal damage per second.

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maybe enchant fire masterclass attribute? +50% damage to all fire property spells? as in 1.5x and not 50% like agny does. Although I think if agny did add 0.5x damage pyro dps would be much more competitive now.

This i have to agree. firewall hits are being divided by monster AOE defense ratio which means the larger the mob the lesser the hits which is counter intuitive. Its a quick fix to firewall to make it more reliable as another ground aoe skill.

I don’t think Master Classes are supposed to buff all your build classes, instead they should buff only the other 3 ranks that are being “mastered” by adding new skills or making the old ones stronger.
I am Wizz and I miss the 50% damage bonus, but it would be too overpowered and everyone will back to pick Wiz3>MasterWiz3Class(c4?) to the build foundation as they can relly only in the last ranks damage dealing skills and 50% bonus damage on 1000%+ skill factor skills would be impossible to ignore.

I saw the topic about lower ranks getting master circles, but I dont remember reading for sure rank 2 classes are getting them. Where did you see the article?

They did say it in this article but “lower rank”. Id be surprised if it didnt at least contain rank 2 classes.

Oh pshhh, i already know that one
Yea they didn’t say rank 2 for sure, but i really do hope pyromancer gets something.
Is pyro the best DoT in wizard tree? (As in, a play style that casts skills and waits for enemy HP to drain. Obviously they are not best DPS)

they are not good as a red dps circle. i feel that if you take pyro, you need thaumaturge. But when you go thaumaturge and take warlock, you realise that warlock skills are the only skills that you want to use and not pyro skills.

Im not saying that pyro skills should be able to match warlock dps or be better than warlock circles but as it is i feel that the gap between warlock and pyro is too great.

Pyro benefits from most of its skills being multihit skills. It just became better because of how fireball became more spammable but sometimes i feel that auto attacking deals more dps than my pyro skills and thats when i know that the class lacks dps because i dont think pyro is meant as an AA class.

I hope pyro masterclass enhances the burn effect which might be in the form of raising the chance to burn enemies? maybe increase burn duration to 10 sec? I hope that it gives pyro the ability to do high DOT damage like it used to with old fireball.

currently warlock 2 is the best dot tree because of mastema. ele 3 is also good because of how strong hail and frost cloud are.

Well, personally i think pyro can be used as a support or filler class

Maxed enchant fire, thaumaturge, and enchant lightning is not bad at all, especially to AA builds.

I have a pyro3-summoner, and i think its great that i can cast fire spells while my summons do damages (summoners at high ranks typically dont have too many active skills)
Cryo3 may be meta, but its a bit boring to support when solo, imo.

This is exactly how i feel about pyro. Its just a green circle now like enchanter.

Nah what I meant is “BE USED AS” a support class. Most skills from pyro are still attacking skills, and enchant fire is one that increase attack, so its definitely more of a red class instead of green, just not so powerful

I understand your position that at this time and in this game, Pyromaner is only for this.

But sorry my sincerity, but Pyromancer is a class of very high DPS in all games, the fire skills are always those that give a lot of damage.

I don’t agree in any way that Pyromancer can be a support … NEVER!

Who likes Pyromancer can’t settle for that. No matter what rank the Pyromancer is in, it always has to be the DPS.
If the IMC thinks he can’t be a good DPS by being in Rank 2, why does Highlander hit a lot?
If this is the problem, change the Pyro rank to Rank 8 … Change it with the Enchanter that does not hit anything at all. Put Hell Breath on Pyro’s C2 and change it to Rank 8

But support … Never!
Pyromancer is always FULL DPS!

I’m not disagreeing with you about the Pyro’s current timing, I just want to say that we who like to play with DPS Fire Mage can’t be content with the crap that IMC did with Pyromancer by putting him in Rank 2 and leaving it almost useless for DPS.

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