Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Inquiry /15

I have some set of questions that I could not find any answer.

My build is : Wiz 1 -> Pyro 3 -> Chrono 3 -> Sage ALL INT


  • What skills limited to wizard class only, works with Micro Dimension duplicate?
  • The duplication is 1 or 2? I tried with stacking fireball, it seems to duplicate 2.
  • About fireball, it explodes upon contact. Does it have a decent radius? And does it hit all within the radius, or limited to # of enemies.
  • What skills should I max in Pyro? I want to kill mobs.
  • How to cast reincarnate? Before the enemy dies? or after? I seem to fail everytime.
  • Can you ressurect boss using backmasking?

Here’s my build :

Follow up question:

If you have 10 burned enemies, stacked close to each other, and when you cast Flare, each mob receives Flare x10?

Wizard1-2-3 skills cannot be duplicated. Best skill to duplicate is allied cryomancer3 Frost pillar. Use duplicate right before it disappears, another tree will be created.

Fireball explosion hits 8 targets.

No, cannot.

No. Max 1 flare hit per mob per flare cast. I don’t remember if flare is able to affect beyond 3 targets per cast (on itos).

Pyro’s flame ground has pretty bad scalling i feel. you are much better off putting points into firewall or flare. put points into firewall if you can place them well, if not then max flare to use on mobs when they are in flame ground, fire pillar or under burn debuff.

Reincarnate can res bosses but it has a chance of success from what i heard.

for sage, you should max blink. take out points from micro dimension and ultimate dimension. Blink acts as a good agro tool for you to cast spells.

Micro dimension clones stationary objects like diev owls, boom traps, frost pillar and fireball.

I dont think sage is good for pyro chrono, I think enchanter is more fitting because of enchant lightning which will help your pyro skills as they are multihit to stack with blessing.

With regards to fireball. It has good explosion radius but slow casting animation. It has AOE attack ratio of 8 so it can only hit a certain number of mobs.

For chrono. If this is an ET character then you should place more points in stop. Take them out from slow. if it isnt ET chrono(most likely not due to no cryo c3) then slow is decent.

Hello friend, sorry for my sincerity. But I’ll only express my opinion.

It looks like you want a hybrid build of Pyro and support (Chrono).

Don’t focus on Pyro your damage, it is VERY weak. I have a Pyro2-Thauma3-Sorcer2. My Thauma3 increases between 2700~3000 Matk and I use a Heart of Glory +11 with a dagger on it and even then the Pyro does a lot less damage than my Summon.

I know how you feel, I also really like Pyromancer and I loved it when they launched agny, but now the Pyro has been destroyed, near any other DPS in the game it’s not worth anything.
I only see use in Pyro for control in Fire Pillar and Fire Ball to kill groups of low level mobs.

My advice is: don’t focus your DPS on Pyromancer.

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exactly, pyro just got nerfed for some weird reason. imc balancing lul. literally is the weakest dps mage class and it got nerfed two times, one for fire pillar and the second for its fireball.

I think that IMC is planning to boost up pyro damage with upcoming master classes, but we shall see. Would take a while for us to see it.

The idea may be good, but it ends up nerfed in the same way.
Because you wouldn’t get a strong class in Rank 9, like Warlock 3 or Featherfoot 3.

Thanks for the input guys.

I just reset my skills yesterday. I had to max my Fireball because I think I found a good combo:

Chrono STOP -> Fireball x5 -> Microdimension

When the STOP ends, the fireball explodes. It seems good in PVP, but I haven’t tried TBL yet. You can add more fireballs if you had more time in STOP skill. I’m trying to recalculate my skills in order to max stop.

I have some additional questions:

  • Can you debuff an enemy while STOP skill is active?
  • If an enemy is STOPped, will Frost pillar still pull the enemy?
  • Sage’s blink replicca have HP? or it’s indestructible?

I might need to create a new character Enchanter for having additional buffs.

  • Can you bring Enchanters craft spell book skills in PVP / TBL ?
  • If my Enchanter is full SPR, and craft a buff, will the crafted spell book still take into account my Enchanter’s SPR?
  • What skill can you use with craft spell book? Does it include Cryo’s frost pillar?

i think you can only have a maximum of 5 fireballs out at once, not counting the ones cloned from microdimension .

stopped enemies will not be moved once in stop from what i see.

Enchanter can craft the following skills
joint penalty
pole of agony

The effect of buff depends on caster’s stats not crafter’s i think.
Does 20 spr per con buff from enchant armor use your spr or customer’s spr?(just curious)