Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Electric Build ideas - (Spark Witch?)

Since the reset event I got a “Free Wizard”, I mean, Im sick of Elementalist, Runecaster and Shadowmancer, and I already have a Onmyoji w/ thauma and sorcerer, so how good is Psychokino - Enchanter?

My Idea is to go with Cryo 1 - Psycho 3 - Linker 2 - Enchanter 3, cryo buffs eletric damage, but I fell like cryo 2/3 as a waste of ranks, linker provides, well, links for lighting damage, i can use enchent fire scroll for the extra line in Lighting Hands.

Other options are:
Pyromancer c2: Fire Ball/Psychic pressure combo and FirePillar, but i think Pyro-Psycho is better with Onmyoji.
Chrono c2: Quicken and Haste are always usefull and I really like Chronomancer costume, but i dont think is worth.
Necro c2/Sorce c2: NOPE, I really dislike summons based class, but I really hate Necromancer(not only in this game), Sorcerer c2/c1 with runecaster is fine, but necro, NOPE, and I’m looking for a INT Build(with some CON, maybe 50/100 CON).
Thauma c2: I already have a Thaumaturge, and linker c2 looks better in a eletric build.

Any other Idea?

the best “spark witch” its krivis3 tao3, wizz dps it’s just warlock or nothing.

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Currently trying some builds (well it’s more for an ice witch than an elec witch), my current one is wiz1-cryo3-ele2-rc-enchant3, but since I’ve got a reset left, I’m probably changing it to wiz1-cryo3-chrono2-rc-enchant3.

Cryo3: better Ice Wall, but mainly for Snow Rolling 10/10 (huge CC/mob destroyer)
Chrono2: quicken + haste for huge boost of your lightning AA
RC: mainly for Rune of Protection

Can’t tell about Linker, never tried the class myself.

You don’t need to build meta for all your chars, sometimes you just want to have fun with a themed build for one of your alts.

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Yeah, well, I just want a Electric theme Wizard, Krivis-Tao is Fun to play but Isn’t a Witch/Mage, looks more a Angel, and overall I’m sick of metabuilds.

@draconis Linker o gives a bit of cc(Hangsman Knot) and amplify your Lighting damage(Joint Penality Atribute) and a help against boss(Spiritual Shock, but in linker c2 isn’t really a thing, but helps), but I think I will go with chronomancer C2.
Cryomancer Snowrolling is really that strong? I mean, mob destroyer? I Know about the CC, but every time I look at Cryo damage, I only put c1 for freeze(+50% Electric Dmg).
I guess Cryo 2 RC can be fine to… But I will try Chrono.

Cryo 3 would be better than Linker 2 if you’re solo, especially if you’re not planning to PvP. If you are gonna PvP Linker 2 is technically better because of how bullshit the range is on Spirit Shock but take that out of the equation and again Cryo 3 > Linker 3. Frost Tree adds so much more damage to lightning based builds, where as the best thing Linker offers outside of the bullshit of Spirit Shock is the ability to share your buffs.

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Linker is just great. you should try it.

@thagoevil1118 The join penality atribute is just not worth it as in picking the class just for it. With or without it you kill mobs in the blink of an eye. If you want the atribute to work for bosses you have to have a way to maintain the link up for as long as you can. IE.: Link them to a fireball or something.
Spiritual Shock is awesome in C3 (with high SPR)

Snowrolling is really strong at lvl 10 and i don’t even use RC. Don’t expect it to do anything against bosses tho.

I think Chrono is your best choice BUT you gotta have SPR the same lvl as your character otherwise it will suck. Good news is that Enchant scales with both SPR and INT :slight_smile:

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I think the most fun and simple electric wiz are cryo3-psycho3-enchanter or cryo3-chrono3-enchanter.

Cryo3-psycho3 feels very nice to play from my experience. Awesome CC, and gravity pole and psychic pressure turns into lightning attribute by enchanter to combo with frozen mon. The auto attack lightning hand becomes more of a filler though.

Cryo3-chrono3 on the other hand is the standard AA lightning hand. I prefer cryo due to +50% lightning damage on frozen mob. Chrono3 for attack speed and support.

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I unlocked RC for my build, so I don’t really want to make one without the class, so do you think cryo3-chrono2-rc works as well, or chrono isn’t worth it if you don’t put 3 ranks into it? And how much SPR do you need in the build to make in effective? 50/50 INT/SPR? more? less?

Usually when you go chrono, you are building a support character where pass is a pretty strong skill( though costly). You want to get maxed haste and quicken if not you feel gimped. This means c3 or nothing.

You want at least 390 spr, then the rest into dex or con and stack dex and enchant lightning boosting stat(int or spr) as high as you can with gear. 390 spr is the cap for haste and quicken buff. (if im not wrong spr level=target level for max buff)

This build is okay though i went pyro 3 chrono 3 enchanter 3 instead, but the buffs are pretty good for other AA spam classes and you can deal very stable dps if your ping is good.

RC is only useful when you need 1 circle fillers. Its a bit hard to squeeze in to your desired build theme given there is ele and enchanter of which both are getting good lightning damage from having maxed level skills.

I guess one way is wiz 3 ele 3 rc enchanter 3, thing is is that you have decent rotations and constant damage.

Sigh, too bad that you dislike Sorc2. It is a viable filler for the Wiz1-Cryo1-Kino3 - Enchant3 AA shell.

Why is Sorcerer2 good for the build:

  1. It gives additional DPS while the enchanter is auto attacking or channeling CC skills such as Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole

  2. Cat buff grants +5 aoe attack ratio which is huge for Enchanter’s Lightning hands, especially when the build has skills such as magnetic force to clump monsters together.

  3. Riding gives an avenue for more aoe attacks (subject to type of summon used) in a build that is lacking in aoes. The only usable ones are Gravity Pole and Heavy Gravity, although pole is kind of lacking (low damage) as an aoe without Onmyoji1)

My main wizard is running Wiz1 > Cryo1 > Kino2 > Sorc3 > Enchanter3. No kino3 as I don’t have an Onmyoji circle to capitalise on the extended PP range and double hit Gravity Pole… unless I drop Enchanter3 for Enchanter2 Onmyoji1 (But onmyoji1 is bad without wiz2…)

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I understand how you feel, but unfortuenately in my opinion chrono is a C3 or none, just like cataphract and schwarzer reiter. Even if chrono2 is enough for you, I don’t see how RC helps. Is it just for general support? I don’t think cryo deals enough damage to fully utilize rune of ice…

I assume you wanna go enchanter for R8-10? I think the best enchanter build that includes runecaster is wiz2-pyro-thaum3-RC-enchanter. You can substitute pyro with wiz3 to get better magic missile and quick cast, and just buy enchant fire scroll. Basically this build just buffs and use rune of giant and start jump AA. It’s really fun!

About stats for chrono, obviously you wanna aim for 390 SPR. But I’m lazy and simply go full SPR. It’s not that bad since enchant lightning scales with SPR, more SP and SP regen, more CON from shop.

Edit: @Nekorin hey I really want at least sorc1 in my enchanter build, but I have no idea how to squeeze it in. I hope to keep cryo and either chrono3 or thaum3. Any suggestions?

Well, I don’t dislike Sorcerer at all… C1(a great filler class, cat buff and a personal tanker) and C3(You got nice skills, with a really high CD), is not a “Only summoning class”. Riding the summon is fun… I will try it, but yeah, another full SPR class for me, well, I already have 750+SPR and a Marnox Card and a Necroventer, I think that will be great.

@thagoevil1118 @Nekorin
May I know how much is Enchant Lightning additional gained from that much SPR?

750 SPR will give you bonus damage from Enchant Lightning equal to:

  • 716 at LV5
  • 1332 at LV10
  • 1949 at LV15
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You have more wizards right? Swap one of them’s build with the one you have RC unlocked and build your spark witch with one you don’t have it unlocked… that way you wont fell like wasting RC

Try my build. Wiz>Pyro1>Linker1>Thaum3>RC>Enchanter 3.

You can use nearly every skill in rune of giants for insane AA damage.