Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard dps for ET?

Been playing with my Wiz2-Linker2-Thauma2-FF2 which has been alot of fun but now i want to focus on end game, and i have this one to farm for it so if i were to do a wizard for ET and pve in general what are my choices? Do i have to go for Wiz3-Ele3-WL2? Or is there any other competitive class out there?

##Thank you very much in advance.

Wiz3>Ele3>FF2 works too lol.

If you get transcendence level 5-10, youre dps will be pretty much good with any class, but Elememe still is the best.

Well Masterma is simply devastating that all, that why WL2 is popular.
Pole is decent.
Invocation is understimated but actualy can hurt quite a lot.

Meanwhile with ff2
You got mono target spell, because you miss linker (the hardest part is mostly the mob wave)
You got your own sustain (You got a cleric already for that)
You got Bloodcurse (Masterma still do way more and don’t use 2 spell animation to cast it)
You got bloodsucking (well… If you whant to get stuck here chaneling one of your 2 aoe spell when you already have everything up because of the chrono)

'I’m really not sure why some people like eleme ff2 even more if it for ET.
Anyway that my own opinion.


main composition of a wizard ET dps build is an ele c3 that can cast hail and frost cloud effectively.

Wiz 3 ele 3 wl2 will do more dps than a ele 3 FF2 because mastema at c2 is just that good.
but that doesnt mean ele ff2 cant do the job. I

t depends on what you want the character for. Some people want a FF2 that can do ET or just a fun alternative to ele builds. But when someone says that a ele 3 wl2 does less dps than a ele3 ff2 then they are flat out wrong.

If it’s ET just play cryo chrono sage, you will be accepted in any party.

he’s asking for dps build

Whoops, my bad. Just ignore it then.

Any build with ele3 is viable for ET, people take wl just because there arent other options in r7 and r8, but you can mix ele3 with pyro3 or runecaster and do in the same way. Mastema has 40s cd and is pretty much the only worth spell in the two warlocks circles, if you can make a build that adds aoe spells that outdamage mastema in these 40s you are good to go, as people said the main source of damage of the elememe is ele3

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^ What he said. Ele3 is pretty much the core of the build. I just smoothly ran ET earlier with a W3 Ele3 FF2 and noticed it doesn’t really matter whatever comes after Ele3.

is wiz3 still useful? I mean having to cast hail in higher ET floors with so much pressure from mobs there. was thinking of swapping pyro for the 2 circles on r2 and r3, problem is the longer casting time and cancel will drop your DPS

You will not do ET alone, your party makes it easy to cast all you need to cast (multiple safety zone, ausrine, etc) if you are going to use pyro with ele3 just cast fire pillar to cc mobs beforehand, you can cast hail+meteor in the meantime and the other spells dont really have so long cast times.

If you use cryo3, use frost pillar before and with ff i think levitation do the job.
Mind that this is most for soloplay, parties usually will group mobs for you

have you done solmki? its too much pressure with mobs having higher hp than regular lolo ET. I use my monk inqui there, and wanted to try somethng out of elelock, but I think without wiz3 they’d have a hard time trying to cast hail which is pretty strong spell now, electrocute with ice pillar and meteor.

Not sure how a priest or diev to have to babysit you every time you have to cast hail elec or meteor tho having pyro would give you more skills at your disposal

btw a question to w3elelock users, with a chrono in a party for ET, do you ever ran out of skills to cast?

Yes the mobs are harder, but this dont interfere with casts, at least for me. Meta ET parties usually have 100% uptime crowd control. There are tons of youtube videos showing a variety of dps wizards doing 35f-40f (ele-runecaster, thauma-wl). After the renewal there are many more viable builds, the barrier for climbing higher is more equips/trans level

Thank you very much :smiley: for all the info!

Any idea hows Wiz3-Ele3-Pyro2?