Dear my friend any wizard expert can tell me, wizard still good at this new patch? and what job is the best for pve & pvp
only touch wiz if you intend only to pvp
for pve go for other thing
It’s dead. Move on.
Can you share the link?
Thanks in advance.
No. It’s dead. Move on.
I don’t think it’s a matter of equipment, when asked about average damage in the new solo boss content Wizards were almost in the last spot, I think the only reason they are not in last is because Clerics deal Holy-damage and are weak against holy-element bosses.
I think for Bernice, CM and content like that Wiz is still decent, but it is definitely not on par with other classes when it comes to bossing potential.
Maybe the high critical def 3.3k of the new solo boss is the main reason.
Wizard doesn’t have any buff for the critical rate, so we are hard to do critical atk. on the boss.
even for pvp wizard is not that good, it’s nice in gtw and tbl where you can just cc enemy and fire aoe from afar and let your teammate do the tanking, but in feud oh boy: no evasion no block boost skill, lowest hp gain, you are a prey for all swordman and every fight against archer and scout is a hard thinking battle.