Tree of Savior Forum

[ Wizard Changelog ] Wizard changes from kTOS and iTOS

Is there any video showing the damage with mastema?I tried to look around for one but I can’t understand korean and most videos I found about rune of justice are previews for the skill at January 2016.

I can imagine the damage making a comparison with hamaya. The increasing of damage from mastema is very substantial. Something near of 50%. Lets wait someone testing. =(

Mastema: Phantom Pain damage is actually doubled but stretched out in a longer duration (from 5s to 20s) which is bad in first 5 seconds compared to before but better when it reaches beyond 10s.


  • Snow Rolling

  • [ FEB 23 ]
    Fixed issue when using the skill, only half of the snowball was actually visible


  • Raise

  • [ FEB 23 ]
    Fixed issue where targets affected by [Raise] could not be hit by [Flesh Cannon]


  • Mastema

  • [ FEB 23 ]
    Can now also hit flying targets


  • Enchant Armor

  • [ FEB 23 ]
    Fixed issues with the shop name character limit being too short

** Rune Caster changes have been delayed

Hope Rune of Giants can use with Riding of Sorcerer :sweat:

It seems that FeatherFoot’s Blood Sucking and Kuradiatcha are now uninterruptible sans knockback and knockdown. Is anyone able to verify if that’s the case in the kTOS/jTOS?

wat? I’m playing FF and still be interrupted by even smallest knock…

Is Interrupted except knockback and knockdown, it will not make any sense if you are knockdown/back and continue draining oO

Go test out Blood Sucking on a mob that can live through your Blood Suck and hit you a few times without knockdown or knockback. You will be uninterrupted. Whereas BS use to be interrupted with a singe poke.

As per my reply above, you’re no longer interrupted by normal attacks while BS. Only interrupted with knockback or knockdown attacks.

Kuradiatcha on the other hand, can still leave footprints while you’re being thrown around the map lmao

I am crying, because, i got wiz 3 to my FF just for Surespell(ok, quick cast is good, but i think have better options to

Thing is, there is no indication of such a change. For all we know it could be a bug right now. That’s why I’m posting here to see if someone playing kTOS/jTOS can verify this change.

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I hope its not a bug, FF need buffs, its not a huge update for, but helps a lot.

Haha, I’m in the same boat as you. I’ll be happy if it’s an intended buff. But at the same time, it would render my wiz2 useless :sob:

No choice but to wait for R9 hopefully for another Rank Reset…

edit: In case this conversation has derailed my initial post. Anyone able to verify the aforementioned FF skill changes with jTOS & kTOS? Thanks.

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get a kino3 to try the “uninterruptible” attributes. it’s highly possible some programmer screwed up the “if” clause… if it doesn’t have attribute on, spell is uninterruptible :joy:

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Mehhh… I’m feeling so emotionally confused right now :upside_down:

Troll master /GG

Big bait

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oops

thanks for pointing it out