Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard build Viability

Hello! I just started playing the game and had a build question.

It seems for top dps wiz3-elem3-war2 is the way to go, but I was looking more towards cyro3-sorc2-war2.
Would the second option be viable at all for pve/solo play and maybe a splash of pvp or would I be gimping myself too hard by not going the meta option?

Really like the cyro/war tree so wanted to incorporate both. If adding sorc isn’t great, would wiz3-cyro3-war2 work much better?

Thanks for the input! Loving the game so far.

you will gimp yourself a lot as a dps mage but as far as being a sorcerer goes imho you’re as good as any other build with sorc2 in it (assuming full spr with investment on a good summon card)

IMO WL2 is just icing on top of the already good Ele3 cake. Ele3 is that good.

Cryo3 is a support class but it can provide a short DPS burst with Ice Wall.

Your WL2 is just as good as any other non-Ele3 warlock, but at the end of the day Elememes will always beat you DPS-wise.

Pick wiz3 if you have cast-time and have to reduce cast times (elementalist skills, runecaster skills, necromancer flesh cannon) or would like a stronger PvE Sleep skill. Summon builds with Sorc & Necro are strongest with Full/high SPR. CryoLock vs EleLock means trading ele AoE damage for Cryo Mob grouping & freeze.

You could try Cryo3 - thauma2 - warlock2.
Warlock2 mastema is your strongest skill. Freeze + ice blast is strong though you will have to freeze enemies properly to match CD of ice blast. I don’t remember whether you are able to ice blast with other cryo’s ice tree & freeze skills. Thauma buff will force you to go 1 handed + off-hand. If you get a thaum3 partymember, your buffs will always be worse. You cannot expect to beat Elementalist builds at consistent AoE dps.

Haven’t seen many of these, just one vid I remember. Doesn’t show many skills or any party play, just swell mob & mastema on ice tree.

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