Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard build skill for solo'er player

So, anyone have suggestion for me to be a solo player with Wizard class ?
Pls take a look at this build, and how many lvl do we need to change rank class ? like from 1 to 2 ,and 3 to 4, is it 15 lvl ?

here’s my build skill :
Mozart Wizard Build Skill

That is a very colorful build with many problems.

I wouldn’t do it…

well,that’s bc wizard’s skill has long time for CD… so i choose to be “Jack of all trades, master of none”
can u tell me the reason y my build skill is so ‘colorful’,
i’m new on ToS, planning to play it.

Basically rank 1 of every class is weak.

Alch is also a mercenary class, so if you take 1 rank in it you would want to take 2nd rank for sure.

Same with Sorc, they only get to control their summons starting from class 2.

Same with Elementalist, their rank 1 spells are weak and if you take 1 rank you have to go 3 for frost cloud.

Pyro is just weak with 1 rank in it, it’s just a early game class.

uh, just checked it (comparing rank 1 and rank 2).
i cant believe, it’s really really really weak D:

So, any suggestion for wizard’s solo build skill ?

I’m playing Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock

so far still at Wiz3 lvl 77 and even being pure INT its manageable for PVE