Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Advice - New Player

Hey guys, i´m a new player that just recently created his Wizard and has a lot of questions about the game in general and class specific + technicals. I coulnd´t find guides of the Re:Build and since i´m new. I don´t know if the old guides (2016, 2017) can help me.

Thank you so much in advance, me and my friends (who just joined with me) appreciate it a lot.

  1. I want to reach Wizard rank 3, is that attainable if i just switched to Pyro? (The game told me to advance and so i did, but i couldn’t go rank 2 Wizard) Am i able to still choose Wiz 2? How?

  2. Is there any post or youtube guide that shows me how the class system works on Re:Build?

  3. Are there resets?

  4. What are the exp cards im receiving when i quest? when should i use them?

  5. My computer is high end (i can play the witcher 3 at max settings) but my FPS is between 30-60 and in Klaipedia it lags really hard, i´ve seen that my brother´s computer doesn´t do that. Is there any way to fix this?

Thank you so much in advance!

1-2: best youtube guide my dude.
3: 3 per day free atm, after events 1 per week.
4: when you feel despair lvling
5: man its tos, what’s your problem?
Your welcome so much in advance!

1: There was a recent update to the game called Re:build and it abolished the rank system. You start as a base class, Wizard in your case, and then choose 3 other classes to upgrade your character as it grows stronger. So no, you can’t choose Wizard C2, only other wizard classes, like Pyromancer. If you want to look what you can do beforehand,’s simulator may help you.

2:[TOS] The Re:Build Survival Guide

3: Yep. On the same tab you chose to become a Pyromancer, you have the option to change your class choices. With 1000 “rank change points” (the yellow bar), you can pick another class to replace the one you don’t want anymore. There is an event running until next week (01/29) giving every character 3000 points per day. You can also use this system to reset the skills of your class (changing to another and returning, using 2000 points), but there is an item called Skill Reset Potion given as a reward on a major quest around level 100 and in other situations later, so don’t worry too much on getting the skills wrong right now.

4: You get exp killing monsters, completing quests, running dungeons and using these cards. Don’t be afraid to use it. See the level of the monsters you are facing and, if they are a much higher level then you, it means you NEED to use those cards. You may also go higher level on purpose. Remember the game is not that easy early. But I suggest you go slow so you may enjoy the game and its mythology.

5: The game is not that good in performance and optimization yet. If you are able to see the action and react to it in time, so it’s fine.

Good luck and have fun!

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