Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard 3 pyro problem

As of now, i’m wizard c3 pyro c2, i dont know how can be viable or useful. Any suggestions? Please help me.

Hum, that is an unusual build; there is not too many advantages pyro gets from wizard 3, but I believe you can still be useful.

If I were you, I would pick Linker as my Rank 6 class (great synergy with pyro) and Featherfoot as Rank 7 (goes well with Pyro+Linker and Surespell helps with its sustained damage spells).

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Get necro or linker or go pyro 3 with firewall 15 for rank 6 and warlock as r7

Linker c1 has 50 hit limit link, which can be easily broken in higher lvls so I really don’t suggest linker c1 if you don’t go linker c2

I suggested necro not for its summmons but for flesh cannon, op as fk with quickcast tho it has a bad aoe ratio, its good for bosses

I don’t suggest FF as I believe that it still needs lot of rework and if u ever plan to go FF, don’t go FF without linker.

And I think you’re still useful as a dps, though not just a tier 1 dps such as a wiz 3 elem 3. (frost cloud way too op)

I’m a Pyro3/Linker2/WL

How necro can be useful to my build path? I dont get the combos or sync with the skills.

As of now, that’s wat i’m thinking about, linker>ff, but the problem is i think 1.6secs to supress is not enough. What do you think.

Most of the FF builds require Wizard 2 for Surespell. You already have that; but it is true that FF right now has a few issues.

I suggest you read a bit about the Featherfoot class before making your decision. Getting Warlock as Rank 7 is also viable, as it gets a lot better with Wizard 2/3 (which, again, you already have), but has no combos with Pyro.

When I found myself in this kind of predicament, I like to go through all my options, thinking them one by one. Here are my considerations about your choices:


My first choice. Linker is useful here even without FF (but, if you take FF, linker is a must). As you have been playing with Pyro for a while, you must be aware of the class difficulty to keep mobs in one place; Linker solves that problem. It is also warmly welcome in parties.


It`s also a viable choice, since Wiz3>Warlock is always good. In this build you could either get Linker or Pyro3. I myself always choose Pyro3 over Linker (unless there you got another class to combo with Linker, such as the Featherfoot).

Sorcerer 1/2, Necro 1/2

They are valid choices. Sorcerer gets along with Pyro as long as you have a Linker between them, and is useful even at the first circle; it is a waste of the Wizard 3 you have, however. Necro has a few nice damaging moves, but does not benefit that greatly from Wizard 3 (besides the extra damage). If I were you and chose this path, I would pick Linker1+Sorc1 or Necro2.

Crono 1/2, Thau 1/2

Those two classes are great with Pyro, but they would be a waste of the Wizard 3 you already have. Also, they are better at Circle 3, which you cannot get as you are now.

Cryo 1/2, Kino 1/2

Another two classes to forsake here; Kino may have its combos with Pyro and Linker, but you shouldn’t waste a Rank 6 on it, and Cryo has no synergy with Wizard 3 (although I`ve seen some interesting builds of Pyro+Cryo).

Alchemist 2

You do have enough DPS to burn a couple of ranks with Alchemist, if you like what it offers, but it isn`t my personal choice, as it is useless in battles.

Runecaster 1/2, Elementalist 1/2

Runecaster is great with Wizard 3, but has no combos with Pyro; it is better with Cryo or Elementalist, so I wouldn`t pick this one either. Same thing for Elementalist; it is great with Wizard 3, but you would only be able to get two ranks of it. There are better choices.


Either Warlock or Featherfoot is a good choice for Rank 7; before that you could pick Linker 1, Pyro 3 or Sorcerer 1; all of them would have its uses. You could also get Linker+Sorc or Necro 2 and ignore the Rank 7 classes.

To finish, I must say that this is my own personal analysis and encourage you to read it, but to do your own separate research before making your choice.

I hope this helped you.

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Just want to know why? Pyro at rank 4??? Because there are too many Wiz3>Elementalist?

The thing is, pyro is currently sub-optimal with a wiz3 setup. Even more so since pyro was taken late and delays progression until rank 6. That said, its not all that bad.

Wiz3>Pyro2>linker1>[FF or Warlock] is probably the best option. In your shoes I’d try to get back on the main dps track considering the investment spent on wiz3. However, linker will help to re-optimize your character and, unlike pyro, can be taken at any rank without much consequence. Warlock and featherfoot are both strong options here.

You could also go Wiz3>Pyro2>Linker2. Heres why: wiz3 + pyro already forfeits being a tier 1 dps build. Linker2 will let your character provide a solid support role in parties regardless of the other classes you chose, so it doesn’t matter all that much if you goofed. At rank 8 you can resume a dps role, provided theres one to choose from. Either way you will lose some efficiency compared to similar builds without pyro in them.

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Very well said. Thank you for explaining. Maybe i’ll get lnker>ff. Do i need to use plate set armor rather than cloth type? Or i’ll just put some con in my stats.

flesh cannon has great benefits from quickcast and has nice damage potential even at rank 1 necro (16 hits).

about 1.6s not being enuff, u got surespell so dont mind about bloodsucking being interrupted

Anyway, pick linker1 if you think you need utility and necro for more dps and additional meatshield(shoggoth), both are good but in terms of synergy, I can say linker would be better because of two points:

  1. It helps alot on aoe deficiency of pyro skills
  2. FF skills costs alot of sp but linker skills doesn’t cost much

I’m wiz3 pyro3 psycho and recommend you wiz3 pyro2 link something because in party pyro3 is irrelevant, by the time fireballs ticks the targets should be dead (7.5s for 15 ticks).

I recommend you warlock or featherfoot for your r7, not psycho because without pyro3 the combo drop in power significantly.

Weird dps build. I would rather pick Pyro-Thauma if I want to boost my Pyro damage since Thauma not only benefit multihit of pyro skills much, also boost whole team damage output. Make you useful as semi-dps and damage-support for team too.

And also, since I am pyro3-link-alchemist, I feel that I really cant live without linker even I remake another pyro. Fireball + JP is too good. Not to mention with enchant fire / sacrament / cafrisun set, make your AA so good with 4 multihits if you have arde dagger, thauma, and blessing. Since your AA is so good, by using JP from linker… make you able to hit whole group of mob at ease. (and not to forget your wiz3 quickcast damage boost)

In short, I suggest Linker. Or if you want focus damage, I suggest thauma.(But thauma need lots of silver to boost even more stronger on its buff)

Linker Warlock for final 2 ranks.

You can try Pyro 3 > Linker, Necro 2, but I think Wiz 3 > Pyro 2 is messed up already, low damage to be increased by quickcast and no cast times.

Reroll before it’s too late. dunno but wiz 3, pyro 3 seems good.

I would have preffered thauma2-3 to strengthen your pyro skills and still be useful to parties as a buffer, but since you already have come all this way to wiz3, pyro2, I would recommend first finished what you started and going pyro3-FF.

Why? Well, pyro IS good, despise what everyone says. The class is just not good at parties (or current meta parties) because of how the skills works (fireball knockback, lots a positioning, etc). But pyro is still a great soloing rank class. You can embrace that and finish your pyro ranks, get FF to have hp recovering skills and became a soloable wizard. And, who knows, in the future when pyromancer ktos buffs hit ups, you may became a very strong character.

But, if you want to stay relevant to the current meta, or party playing, still with this character, only 2 ranks is very little to work. I assume your damage is already good with pyro2 and Quickcast, but ‘true’ damage dealing wizard classes end game are hard to keep up if they are not ele3 warlocks. So, my other suggestions would be:

Thauma2 - Damage and defense support, control with swell sizes, buffer role in parties.
Sorc2 - Utility with cat and constant damage with summon and ocasial burst with riding.
Runecaster/Warlock - Try to to go with the most DPS possible, taking advantage of your wiz3 ranks.
Linker 2 or Linker/FF - Joint penalty utility and heals(?).
Linker/Necro - Optional DPS output.
Alchemist 2 - Potion making and awakening, yay.

What I don’t recommend - don’t go Necro or FF without linker, you will lose a lot of potencial. I would not start touching lower ranks now either (cryo, kino).

Good luck, and if you feel you need to start over, don’t be afraid. Better now than later.