Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3Ele3 - Warlock or ... Necro?

I was browsing the forum/tos database and dont you think that necro has more synergy to ele than warlock and with better dmg output? Obviously we dont know what warlock c2/3 and necro c3 will bring, but so far the only skill of warlock that has great dmg output (though at limited area - boss fights/linker) - is Pole of Agony (200sec cd !!), while necro has several skills that at least looks great on paper - Flesh Cannon (20sec cd!!!), Flesh Hoop (25sec cd with 15 sec duration at lvl 10), Dirty Pole (30sec cd with 40sec duration at lvl 10) and Corpse Tower (50 sec cd, with 55 sec duration at lvl 5). Dont know how much Create Shaggoth is worth, but should scale well with int build. And decay status (lowering max hp- does anyone knows by how much?) - looks sweet.

Whats your thoughts?

People use sorcerer’s summon, temple shooter instead of a shoggoth. And you usually want to get a linker in a summon build because AI are unreliable and require you to be near the enemy so your summon follows.
People who go sorc> necro2 for the skeletons and temple shooter

That may be true - but what about other skills (not talking about summoner atm anyway xP) - esp FC, FH and DP?

You need corpses.
One dead mob collected is one corpse

Arent corpses available at NPC to buy?

yeah go to NPC and say
YOU: “1 Dismembered corpse pls”
NPC: “WTF?!”


No you need to get them from mobs only, which is why people go necro2 2 for the skeletons, because other skills ask for too much

Is this real? Corpses used to be sold at 30 corpses for 500 silver before, is it not like that anymore?

Yep - I heard that also. So are you completely sure? Or you just weren’t interested in this class so you’ve never noticed? xP

It was sold before, I don’t know how it is now that the game is available for real because I’m not going Necro, hope some real Necro can say if they’re not available anymore.

Yyy sorry for confusion - I was agreeing with You and asking Them xP

If there is no more potions, i don’t see the reason for being a necromancer (its just inefficient).

What potions are you talking about?

Corpse potion was the one that gave 30 corpses for 500 silver. Some necro needs to confirm if it still exists.

I’ve gone wiz3 > ele2 > necro1. I’ll probably go ele3 because necro2 just gives skellies which seem bad/too fragile.

Corpse potions are still in the game, 500s for a pot that gives 30 corpse parts. They have a 30 second cool down. You can store 300 corpse parts.

Flesh cannon is really good. It hits 16 times in 3 seconds. Just from eyeballing it, it looks like the damage ticks twice as fast as frost cloud. Of course frost cloud lasts 10 seconds so it probably has higher dps overall, even with flesh cannon’s higher base damage and lower cool down, but frost cloud can’t hit flying targets and you need to make your target stand still for 10 seconds. Probably best to just get both.

I’d be very surprised if pole of agony has higher dps than flesh cannon, considering pole of agony’s 2min cool down, but I haven’t played warlock so I’m just guessing.

Shoggoth is amazingly useless. It’s damage increases when you have quickcast up. I haven’t tested decay yet.

Flesh hoop ticks really slowly. It reminds me of prominence - a might-as-well-cast-when-everything-else-is-on-cool-down spell.

I’m not wasting points on gather corpse or dirty pole so I can’t comment on them.

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IC - and whats the area of effect of Flesh cannon? (its says aoe in the skill description) - is it the size of frost cloud or more like pole of agony?

So overall you are happy that you went necro? Or do you regret doing that? How well in your opinion does it synergize with ele build?

The AoE on flesh cannon is small. I don’t know exactly how big pole of agony’s AoE is but it seems similar.

I don’t regret going necro1. I’d probably regret going necro2, since I’ve heard from another necro who went to circle 2 who said it was bad. Skellies suffer from bad AI that all summon classes have and die easily too.

Mostly I don’t regret it though because there aren’t many alternatives after ele3. Warlock is supposed to be the “more dps” class but it doesn’t look like it does more dps than necro because of huge cool downs. Runecaster’s rune of ice doesn’t work with ele ice spells, and it’s just kind of mediocre aside from that (do you really need ANOTHER meteor?).

I’d regret going necro if I wanted a summon class though. Stick to summoner if you want pets.

I am mainly Necro C2

  1. Corpse pot exist 30/500silver
  2. Gather corpse had large AOE but skill had bug. You will stay still if not success last hit.
  3. Flesh cannon had small AOE. You can increase by cat buff and 2h-staff.
  4. Decay from Shoggots only give benefit to Archer
  5. Bones and Corpse tower had fixed damage you can’t buff nor stat increase.Bone HP had arround 6000-7000 (probably increase 10bones in C3)
  6. The reason you go to C2 Necro is Greater Flesh cannon. Now I do 2700 damage per hit with LV3 + 30% attribute and basic gears (412 INT).
  7. My build is Wiz3+Link+sorc+Necro2. 6star TS 2100x2 per hit and salamion 1200 per hit Shoggot 1 star 1300 per hit.

Pole of agony got smaller AOE but no need casting time

Thank you for correcting me and sharing valuable information with us :slight_smile: