Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3 > Linker3 > Featherfoot or Warlock?

Hey guys, I’m going Wiz3>Linker3, it’s already decided, therefore I do not want to discuss my first 6 classes choice, please.

I’m only wondering, which of the rank 7 classes will have better synergy with Wiz3/Link3?

My current stat distribution is as follows, I want to provide not only utility but also be a damage dealer later on (that’s why I decided on 3:1 INT:CON, is it a good idea?). The downside is, I find myself using 20 sp potions during a dungeon run. I’m more worried with the necessity of spending 100k for a few hours of grinding in late game :C. Shall I add some points to spr? Can any high-level wizard share their experience?

Thanks in advance for the replies =)

I think given the fact u are a linker 3 u should have some High Stat to share with ur party, like HIGH CON or so. Going high INT is okay but any DPS wizard will have as much INT as you have and sharing it with archers/swordies wont do much, as oposite as having HIGH CON and giving huge hp boost to your DPS’s. It’s the “optimal” way to build a linker c3 given ur lifeline skill.

About the rank 7 choice, it is a very popular build the wiz 3 - linker 3 - Warlock in ktos, as an attacker support (have CC, utility with spiritual chain and lifeline and efficiency with JP) and also some great damage with quickcast + darktheurge in linked mobs for example. FF seems to be a DPS class but also a “self sustain” class, and i dont know the lifedrain interactions with your party (i think it doesnt share health recovered). But being a support/attack class with a self sustain is not a bad idea, as the healers dont need to babysit u so much sort of saying.

But if u want some more dynamic play i would pick FF cause it has lower cds and more skills to be used constantly (nghahundi, blood bath, blood sucking, bone pointing) as Warlock at the moment is almost 100% pole of agony and dark theurge only. Both choices are good ones, maybe Dark theurge has the best synergy with linker but we gotta wait to see what’s coming from C2 of both classes.

Sorry for the long answer, good luck.


Thank you for the long answer <3 May I ask you what is the popular stat distribution of Wiz>Link3>Warlock? Do people go full con?

I still have my stat reset potion and might use it one day in late game =)

If I decided on FF, shall I go full con as well or the 3:1 stat distribution is acceptable?

I’m going for the same build as you. I am also torn between FF and WL.

At the moment I’m currently leaning towards FF only because I like it better thematicaly and visualy.

My stats at the moment are full SPR. Like you, I have a stat reset saved in case the end result is subpar.

I’d love to hear your feedback on your build once you reach cap! If possible please keep posting.

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If your doing wiz3>link3 do feather foot defiantly.

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Featherfoot is nice but it sucks against mutant and plant type enemies

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I would go Warlock because FF doesn’t work well for all mob types and PvP.

Taking Linker 3 makes you depend a lot on your last choice so if either FF or Warlock gets bad in the future you will regret it a lot (considering the time you spent making this char)

If I were you, I’d go full CON or as high CON as possible to share it.

I’d also stop at rank 6, class level 15 and probbly wait until rank 8 comes out.

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Imo, while FF spells might not drain HP of all mob types, that’s not something you actualy rely on. You are still in essence a Linker3 support with some damage on the side, akin to how Ele3-WL is still an Elementalist with some extra burst on the side.

Considering you went 3:1 on stats, I’d assume you planned on being DPS from the get-go so maybe it is better to wait for more info on rank8 as @moises_andre12 said above. I am planning to do the same for my alt Thau3.

Personaly, I took Linker3 to be a support, with Wiz3 providing QC and RS.


I think either taking Warlock or FF doesnt have much influence in ur stat build. But this build i told u was common in ktos is based on HIGH CON for sure ( cant tell u if its full CON or not, there may be some INT involved). I couldn’t find the video i saw some time ago to show u a wiz 3 - linker 3 - warlock gameplay =(. U should try to research more so u can polish ur build better, trying to talk to people with the same build as well, to see what is working or not xD

Anyway the stat reset potion will always help when future classes are released =D (i’m saving both skill and stat potion as well)

As a future FF player, i truly hope some limitations such as mob types / PvP will be changed cause they make no sense to me (it would be better just to nerf HP healed in PvP or reduce some lifedrain from PvE mobs).

One thing is to have some extra damage/effect on specific mobs, the other is the core job of ur class being limited to specific types, which is our reality now.

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Those are only from early access packs. So if he doesn’t have one, getting one in the future could be a problem.

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yeh but OP said he has it so he’s fine =D

Ah in their first reply, i missed that.

I am going kinda the same way (W2L3 at the moment). What do you guys think about W3L3Thau1 Full Int until Rank 8+, then add a DPS class. (FF for Hp regeneration).

It seems like a pretty solid Hybrid to me.

I would love to know your opinions about it.