Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3 > Ele3 > ?¿


I’ve decided to reroll my wizard since i screwed up with the classes, Lv.190 RIP, but it’d be nice for the team exp.

Anyway, i’ve been checking up a few builds, and decided to go with the most standard PvE, Wizard3>Elementalist3.

However, i haven’t decided R7 yet.

I saw a video of a group running Earth Tower 5F, and their wizard went Wiz 3, Ele 3, RuneCaster, but he regret it, and wished he could go warlock.

And most people in my guild also recommended Warlock.
What other options are there tho?

This is the build im gonna follow.

I’ve seen different ones but i took note for each skills.

  • Reflect Shield
    Becomes useless at higher levels, some say it stops interrupts (but it was a bug and has been fixed now)
    And it should also have some resistance for knockdowns
    Would be great if any Lv.250+ could confirm whether if this skill is effective or simply pointless at that stage.

  • Energy Bolt
    I honestly don’t see any use of this at all (@ higher levels)

  • Earthquake
    People only told me negative stuff about this aswell, it spreads and therefore pointless, especially in Earth Tower.

  • Lethargy
    1 point would be enough for the 100% [Strike] attribute.
    (However, it’s gonna be used alot during my gameplay, so why not dump the left-over points in it)

  • Sleep
    Our strongest CC and can be cast instantly.

  • Surespell
    Could go for Lv.5 but theres not much else to add, why not go 25 seconds instead of 15, there will be alot of clicking anyway during rotations.

  • Meteor
    Takes awhile to cast so isn’t it obvious to increase its fullest power if its gonna be worth it?

  • Rain
    1 point is enough for 35% Lightning Damage.

I simply choose to go with Electrocute instead of Freezing Sphere, i believe there will be enough filler skills without it.

Regarding Electrocute & Meteor.
Lv.15 Electrocute only adds 34 base damage compared to Lv14.
I choose to use this point to max out Meteor, which is a comparison between 2980 and 3229, which i find more valuable.

Rain - Lightning Property Additional Damage 35%
Quick Cast - Increases Magic Damage 50%
Electrocute - Additional Damage 100% On Frozen enemies (Hail)

Quite a combo, not to mention if you throw in Frost Cloud.

That’s the information i’ve gathered from alot of people, and the forum will probably be the last place before i start this adventure.

Is there anything i could change?, please do explain why if so.
And what other choices are there for a Rank 7 class.
Share your opinions!

A few points I’ll toss out there:

Energy Bolt apparently can be good at about Lv5 and above I think? This is because with high enough skill point investment into it, a simple tap will cause you to fire the spell rather than having to wait for the cast. It can be a good filler when all your other skills are on cooldown, particularly if you’ve gotten attribute levels into it.

Elecrocute at Lv15 may be something to consider as, if you get Divine Might from a Cleric, Lv16 Electrocute will be able to hit an extra enemy. Which also in turn, increases the hit count I believe since the more enemies hit by Electrocute, the more hits it subsequently will deal. Plus it means Rain will be more effective due to the extra target + hitcount.

I actually reduced Hail to LV13 in order to get 1 in Freezing Sphere to have it (And as Rune Caster, it’s one of the few Elementalist spells affected by Rune of Ice) and to get Electrocute to LV15. Hail is by all means a good spell for sure, but I just find the “randomness” of it a bit not to my taste.

It pretty much boiled down to 2 seconds and 38 potency VS Electrocute hitting an extra enemy with Divine Might + 3 overheats of Freezing Sphere.

I’m not sure if the “math” of it will end up as beneficial for my decisions, but that is what skill resets are for! Plus we have no idea how Rank 8 is going to change everyone’s build, so that’s another thing to consider.

I am almost sure that Warlock would probably be better than Rune Caster as a Rank7 choice if you’re looking for absolute best efficiency for damage; but I chose to be Rune Caster because I didn’t want to be evil as heck haha. Plus Rune of Ice is nifty (here’s to praying it eventually will effect Hail + Frost Cloud after the ice bonus gets nerfed some day), and Destruction is great burst damage.

Part of me wishes that Rune of Destruction and Rune of Justice had Holy property so it would get elemental damage bonuses on the many dark enemies in the game, but alas…

That’s all stuff from the top of my head! I hope it helps you out a little bit!

Just curious how was your other wizard built? Are you just going to abandon it? I’m sure it could be useful somewhere.

I’m just like u stuck at rank 6 (currently 210 Ele 3) and haven’t decided my rank 7. I was leaning towards Featherfoot cuz it offers something no other class has besides cleric paths, which is self sustain with damage. My issue is, as a DPS dealer, neither Warlock or FF C1 are great for this role at the moment, but the one who seems to get better C2 and C3 for damage is Warlock, with pole of agony and dark theurge (fixed now) scaling well.

But again, what if rank 8 comes with a better DPS option than Warlock, then i think maybe FF is a better option(?), cause it’s C1 already offers self sustain for HP and this alone will still make ur build viable to get later DPS ranks, while if i get Warlock i will be stuck with a bad overall C1 with huge CD on pole of agony and okay cd for dark theurge, and thats all.

Truth being said, none of those classes seems to synergize that well with Ele 3, cause they are not AoE DPS classes at all at C1. Now i’m leaning more towards Warlock just for full damage, hoping it gets better at C2 and C3 with some new skills and stuff, as 95% of Elementalists 3 are hoping for this too.

I dont think getting either warlock or FF will screw up an Ele 3 build anyway cause u still have a lot to work with having Hail,Electrocute, Frost cloud, Magic Missile, Surespell and ofc Quickcast. But that just my opinion.

Thanks for all the feedback!
Well lets look at it this way,
If warlock already brings great amount of damage, then i really doubt that C2 & C3 gonna suck.
We can’t predict the future and therefore there has to be some gambling. Since we’re on the subject.
Was there a class called Shadowmancer that’s eventually gonna be released?

And im not sure about FF.
If its main purpose is healing.
Im able to obtain about 600x Lv.10 HP potions everyday thanks to our farm in the guild tower.

Alot of people are selling them for dilgeles at a ratio of 1:1

I went cryo3>kino2 just for one purpose.
To reach 16 cells from IW.
To reach 16 targets from PP.

It only goes up to 14 targets at Lv.10 but its been said that +AoE Attack Ratio increases the targets, but i can confirm, it does not.

And that burst combo wouldn’t last very long in the end anyway due to its CD

Get Warlock, simply for the defensive aspect of Dark Theurge.

I’m surprised not many Warlock knew that Dark Theurge can block many skill and missle/magic attack from mobs and even in PvP.

I’d love to know whats worth picking in the warlock tree tho, anything you wanna recommend?

I assume maxing Dark Theurge
Anything else?

Max invocation and evil sacrifice. Get 1 level of Mastema if you wish. The rest go into Pole of Agony.

Also, Energy Bolt is very useful even at Rank 7. You don’t use it to damage, but to setup the monster for frost cloud (after sleeping them), or in PVP as utility purpose.

Reflect Shield is just useless, unless you are content with it’s damage reduction that hardly matter in high level.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Can we debate here?
Mastema’s CD is 37sec.
Seems to have higher damage than Agony.

Is it because Agony has a longer duration?
Because the CD is 2min long :o it seems more reasonable to get Mastema rather then Agony?

The damage increases drastically from each level aswell.

Why only 1 point , and 3 into Agony?

Pole of agony is multiple hit.

Oh i see, but isnt Mastema that aswell?
I mean it covers a big spot on the ground, dosent it?
And who ever comes near gets damaged?

Also, whats the difference between Agony and Invocation? They look exactly the same and how its described aswell :o

Edit, i just saw a better video of all skills and now its understandable :stuck_out_tongue: i dont think ill even put 1 point on Mastema :stuck_out_tongue:

But this raised another question,
If i dont tend to throw away my Dark Theurge with Evil Sacrifice then theres no point wasting a point in it either, and therefore im able to max 3 of those useful skills instead.

I honestly cant see myself using evil sacrific, i mean in what situations? Theres so many other filler skills for that.

What i will use alot would be Agony, throwing that combined with cloud and hail on trash packs in earth tower, i just think itd be more useful.

How does this work though? every hit u receive u “waste” 1 instance of damage from spirits?

Yea it does, i saw one with it, 4 spirits. He got attacked and 2 of those were used. 2 left and those 2 he cast away by using evil sacrifice.
As for the defensive part, id rather keep it on me for as long as i can. Throwing it away against targets makes no sense to me. The entire point of the protection you throw aswell o.O

In my opinion, maxing Agony, Invocation and Dark Theurge would be the best choice. Its atleast very clear to me that ill be using them the most after seeing them in action. I dont quite understand the other two.

Each orb has 4 charges at level 5. I’m not really sure if the damage will eat up a charge though.

It’s really frustrating when you need the orb for protection but it burst at the monster instead.

You need to throw the orb when you are in dps mode though. Evil Sacrifice has a max level of 1, and is useful at time.

Pole of Agony don’t really give much extra DPS by levelling it, that’s why it’s the last choice.

How about invocation though? is it bugged like people say? i dont really know how it works so i was thinking about not leveling it for now. Do the spirits stay on the ground or u can pick them up ?

They stay on the ground like land mine. You can stand on them for increased dark damage.

A taste of it :stuck_out_tongue:

Jesus Christ…

LMFAO i’m maxing this thing, greatest grind spell ever.

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