Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3>Ele3>(WL3 or RC>Sage2?)

Hello, I’ve recently come back to Tos and since I’ve missed the Wiz rebalance I didn’t have the opportunity to try out the builds I wanted so I’m resorting to who tried them.

At the moment I resetted my Wiz into wiz3>ele3>Warlock3 and don’t get me wrong I like wl3 skills and the gameplay is smooth (maybe there isn’t much interation between classes but it’s not boring) but after playing a day or two I’m realizing that maybe I should have gone RC>Sage2 because I’ve always liked this combination plus it seems more fun/useful with protection/giant runes, portal shop, compression, missile hole (is it useful as it sounds? for example to grind in sausys?) and blink (which I know is not great but seems a decent utility tool to escape)

damage wise I know Warlock wins but by how much? Also WL3 has only 2 damage skills (PoA excluded) which are mastema and demon scratch so I’m pretty much using Elementalist skills 80% of the time while RC>Sage2 will give me:

  • RoDestruction,
  • RoGiustice (useful?),
  • micro dimension(useful? do I kill myself using it with the attribute?),
  • ultimate dimension (seems pretty much like mastema ),
  • dimension compression (doesn’t seem to do a great lot of dmg? I don’t know)

Lastly with WL you need to mantain 2 buffs all the time(using 3 skills: Invocation, dark theurge, drain) and despite being great buffs I’m not huge on buffs so RC>Sage2 will save me the hassle by just having 2 situational utility buffs ( rune of protection and missile hole)

If someone with experience on the classes could fill the questions in the () and give me some recomendations it would be very helpful because if you don’t play a class it’s very hard to judge

thanks! :smiley:

I have a Wiz3> Pyro3>Ele3 and I’m enjoying it more than warlock c3, just my 2 cents there :smiley:

i my opinion if you go RC should go Onmyoji next to use combo between Rune of Ice and Water Shikigami :slight_smile:

no one can solve my doubts on sage? :frowning:

In paper the build you’re planing sounds nice, you should go for it without fear mate, I was thinking about the same build but I decided for Pyromancer c3 for the upcoming costume and the meteor x5 hits :smiley:

sage dps here :slight_smile:

micro and ulti dimension shines with an attribute… called after effects… it doubles your dmg… also dimension compress… in a pure int build with a +16 primus 350 staff with 5 lvl 7 blue gems trans 5 couz thats what i use now. can reduce a mission boss hp to 30% in full charge also dimension compress has 2 overheats so 2 uses…

bdw if you really want it to shine… its all about the weapon :slight_smile:

i used the mission boss couz @ 360 the hp of mission bosses are 1m + rougly… at least you get an idea how hard can it hit

hope this helps… if your still unsure pm me :slight_smile:

for rune caster… get the rune of destruction attribute. magic def destruction… it helps on the dmg… if your afraid of knockbacks. rune of protections mentain casting…

hope this ans some that worries you…

i’ll mention this before i forget dimension compress has a downside if the boss has mobs. it will divide the dmg. solution kill the mobs 1st before hitting the boss with a full charge DC…

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i will stick with lock3, why? invocation is imo one of best spell for grind and kill bosses with mobs, mastema is GREAT and demon scratch is fun spell with big damage :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

it’s indeed very strong I’m not denying that at all :smiley:

thanks a lot for your contribution @game8bravo