Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3>Ele3>War need reviews

After few class combo research~ I decide to stick with Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock~
Here is my skill plans

I’m going full INT for this and wondering if the skills I picked are good enough for mostly PVE main and some PVP.

I’m gonna play mostly solo or with another 1 friend.

Wizard: Id just drop reflect shield. Elementalists keep their cast on knockbacks provided surespell is up and you dont take your finger off the button, and reflect shield is the most annoying thing ever in game. I would put a couple more points into surespell just so there is some overlap. Put the rest into energy bolt. With a high level energy bolt you can pretty much insta-cast rank 1 bolts with a key tap, and when your int is high and you have quickcast up the inate attack bonus bolts get will make it a good filler skill on the run.

Elementalist: You want at least 1 point in everything ele (except stone curse). The reason is you skills areall on cooldowns, and 1 point in things is worth it for the filler damage. Sacrifice meteor, its not that great a skill, its just where you dump the remainder of your points because it gets some gains. You absolutly want 1 into rain for the attribute that makes your electrocute do more damage.

Warlock: looks good

Grab some con 1:4 or 1:3, but get some.

Reason I put 1 into bolt is that it consumes more mana if I put more pts into it. Rain doesn’t hit flying mobs right? Oh I thought I wanted to max meteor coz its like a nuking skills~ looks awesome lol~

level 1 bolt is going to be useless to you because you will require the full charge time, thats not going to be worth casting at higher levels. Bolts max charge time is always the same regardless of how many points are in it. If you raise its level, then the charge time for rank 1 bolt will be basically instant, and you can just tap the key. Then it becomes a skill worth using.

Just leave it at 0 if you arent going to raise it enough to get an effective insta-cast out of it

highly NOT recommended - lvling up without bolt is like training a AA swordsman on full con - its even annoying to lv a wizard 2 with lv 10 bolt xD surespell lv 6-7 is fine as well (you always wanna have a longer uptime than cooldown) if you dont spend points into spr reflec shield will become less significant the higher level you are - until its completly useless…leaving quake at 1 is fine…also give prominence some love - leaving it at lv 1 is fine cause it scales pretty bad (hail is much much better) - giving rain lv 1 is good too - for example to “kill” enemies fireballs (you wont see that effect in skill details but thats basically what rain does as a bonus)

At lower levels while grinding through wiz 1 and 2 you are best off just using earthquake and auto attacks. Bolt skills are only any good because of their built in multiplier, but thats not so relevant until higher levels with loads of int and raising their attribute some. By then you have enough other skills to use, however, that unless its insta-cast you are probably not going to bother using it anyway

I’m prepared for the boring and hard time lvling till Wiz3~ I saw many ppl said its painful but yeah im ready to endure that~ hmm the Prominence spell looks so RNG based on vids I saw~ Rain lvl 1… maybe I’ll take that…sacrificing points from Meteor~

With quickcast is level 5 EBolt enough to have a good cast?

The more the better. I know people who stop at 5 and feel like thats enough, the important thing is getting the right timing down so you are only pressing the key as long as you absolutely have to to get the level 1 bolt, since energy bolt doesn’t scale very well at all. In this regard it depends on your own ability to convince yourself to go through effort for mild gains. If it becomes a hassle to use, its likely you may just stop using it, which is why i prefer trying to get it instant.


thanks, I might put it on level 8 but I really only want to use it as a sleep combo, not as a slightly better auto-attack. Still want it as fast as possible though.

If you level with a priest friend (or in my case my brother) then you can skip Energy bolt entirely~ your auto attacks will carry you to whats after Wizard 3~

My friend plan to go Alchemist~ like 3pyro+1linker~