Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3>Ele3 vs. Wiz>Cyro>Linker>Ele3 vs. Wiz>Pyro2>Ele3

These are the 3 builds I’m considering:

  1. Wiz3>Ele3 seems to be the most popular/recommended build because of quickcast, but I’ve heard that the build suffers from just not having enough skills to cast and even though they can cast faster, they have to wait on ele CDs which hurts the DPS.

  2. Wiz>Cyro>Linker>Ele3 seems like it might be good for the cyro freezes + lightning 50% dmg bonus, plus having the linker skills for utility both solo and in group.

  3. Wiz>Pyro2>Ele3 is similar to the above, but rather than linker skills and freezes, you would get pyro skills to cast so that you’d never have to wait on CDs.

I’m looking for a good ele build that will be viable in both PvE and PvP, so what do you all recommend?

I tried a Cryo/Linker/Ele and it turned out to be very inefficient, so I’d go with Build 1 or 3. Although I’m not sure how good Build 3 will be.

build 2 is pointless because you get freeze from hail;

build 3 is what I had in cbt, it wasn’t bad; but build 1 definitely is better. (you’d just have harder time getting to wiz3 with it)

build 2 is what I used in kTOS, it was okay but utilizing freezes for chain lightning was difficult, because of lightning’s 1-2s cast and I guess high ish ping. wiz3>ele3 is the best build here, and probably the most efficient build for wiz. I don’t think cooldowns will be a problem for wiz3>ele3, especially after you get warlock, which completes the cookiecutter wiz3>ele3>warlock. People also underestimate freezing sphere, which is a really good fast cast with high damage and relatively low cd. Between your main high cd skills and low cd magic missile, freezing sphere, and warlock’s skills, it will be fine.

Build 1 was on par with Build 3 until Wiz 3 get buffed.

Now Wiz 3 Ele 3 don’t really have not enough skill to used.

Is there any reason not to get Runecaster? Is the warlock’s skill outdo runecaster so much that runecaster is pointless?

Currently at lvl 110 now.
I m elementalist at rank 4 atm.
My build is Wiz>pyro>cyro>elem>pyro>cyro>elem.
stats focus = INT:SPR:CON 2:2:1.
I know its sounds ridiculous to spam SPR.
but as for me its useful in many ways.

First, benefits of having reflect shield affected by SPR.
Second, I’m using shield and rod. Shield block rates affected by amount of SPR.
Third, SPR improves CC, you have plenty CC spells if you go my build.

Now lets talk about attributes ,
If you using shield and prioritize SPR stats,

  1. you will get more benefits from cyromancer’s shield master which is increase magic def and ice resistant based on your shield defend.
  2. cyromancer/pyromancer attributes on elementalist class, yes sounds weird right? but elemental have attributes for cyromancer c2 and pyro c2.
    -cyromancer attribute give chance to slow enemy for 50% chance for every ice spells. which is great if you have more CC, which increase the duration of slow.
    -pyromancer attribute give chance to let the fire splash around(basically more aoes) on 30% chance with 80% of the previous dmg.

so right now my focus more to having good tank survivality as well good amount of dps supported with huge mana pools.

how abt the skills?
lv15 Electrocute
lv 10 Meteor
lv 5 Frost Cloud
lv 1 Stone Curse
lv 1 Rain

for the remaining 13 skill pt what should i learn?
A) Full Prominence
lv 1 Freezing Sphere
lv 1 Hail
lv 11 Prominence

B) Full Hail
lv 1 Freezing Sphere
lv 12 Hail

having only low rank classes will kill you
that build…ugh good luck.

i say go chase your dreams, play the build u think is the coolest.
to me it’s only cool when it performs the best.
i played pyro cuz it was good and cool, until it started not being good.

maybe because u never invest on attributes to make sure ur spells better? good luck to you too. but i m having good time soloing alot monsters.

what’s the optimal skill distribution for elem3
im putting 15 electro, 15 hail, 5 prominence, 1 freezing sphere, 1 rain, 5 frost cloud, 3 meteor. should i sacrifice some on electrocute, prominence, or hail to buff meteor?

should i go above 1 on freezing sphere?

Thanks for the input everyone! It seems like build 1 may be the way to go.

WorldIsMine- So you are saying wiz3/elem3 is the build that performs best? Also you mentioned having low rank skills being bad, but from what i’ve heard, the majority of the damage from a skill comes from your stats and not the rank of the skill. Is that true, or am I missing something?

it’s true most skills scale with stats.

the primary reason is that most circle3 skills have a really really good last skill

for example wiz3 QC, cyro3 frost tree, priest3 iron skin, etc etc.
some circle 3 skills are junk though.

but generally going 3 circles is good in the long run. also with alot of low level skills sure u can spam whatever, but it’s just not going to be as efficient.

as its rank 7 cap so far u can wiz 1, pyro/cyro3, something else 3.
doesnt have to be wiz3elem3

Hey are you that elementalist that tank for us during lv 90 dungeon yesterday? I’m the other elementalist in the party~

I have a question though, does SPR really increase shield block rate? From what i read, it increase block penetration while CON increase shield block rate.

You don’t really need high level on prominence. Just take it at level 1, and buff meteor.

Freezing sphere above 1 is up to preference. Personally I found it as a good weak mob clearing ability, but useless when come to elite mob or boss.

Also, the build by kazekumo is probably useful, I actually partied him yesterday, and he works better as a tank than the swordman tank I met in the next few dungeon run.

In icbt i had only 1 point in meteor and it was sufficient, because more points just increase the sp cost +casting time and adds only flat damage.

Now they buffed meteor. When you put more points into meteor, the radius gets bigger and bigger. its worth putting 6-8 points in it now. rank 1 has only a very tiny radius which is imo not good enuff. ofc its increases aswell casting time, but as a w3 you cut the casting time in half :wink:

I dont believe Meteor was changed at all.
In CBT2 the rad also got bigger the more points you investedinto it.

I made a Wiz->Cryo->Link->Ele (at ele 1 right now), and don’t really think it performs bad at all, at least in PvE (didn’t get to play PvP yet)

First off, Linker is pretty awesome. By itself its great when leveling, but in parties it shines. Theres a clear difference between not casting joint penalty and using whatever other dmg skill you have, or using joint penalty in terms of time to clear a mob. Its ridiculously faster to clear in a party when they are linked. So much so that when I go in dungeons I usually only cast joint penalty and then auto attack to save sp (and eventually cast ice pike/ice wall to save a bad pull), and you always see people asking for a Linker to join their party, everywhere. Linkers are the priests of the wizards :smiley:

Secondly, linking adds lightning damage, as well as frozen enemies (with cryo attribute). So while you can cast hail to freeze and then eletrocute with bonus damage in any Ele 2 build, doing Hail -> Joint Penalty -> Eletrocute just melts enemies (in dungeons, because you actually won’t need this much increase in damage outside of them), you do basically do triple damage with eletrocute (+100% from Joint Penalty, since eletrocute is a single target skill with jumps, then +50% dmg from joint penalty lightning bonus, and +50% bonus from cryo on frozen). And all this while having a more “efficient” hail/eletrocute, since enemies are sharing damage, so if one of them gets hit all of them are damaged, so say goodbye to “killed 4 but 2 remained full half life after using hail/prominence” (im assuming a joint penalty gem to add 1 skill level)

Cryo also has lots of utilities. Ice Bolt is a low sp freezing machine, and freeze is one of the best CCs (increases damage received, can’t move or use skills). Ice Pike has good damage and is a insta-cast AoE freeze (which also benefits from +100% damage from Joint Penalty for some reason), and Ice Wall is just awesome… Hitting the wall does a ridiculous amount of damage against big targets (such as bosses), has good range, good angle and freezes the ■■■■ out of everything. It also scales directly with your Matk making it useful on all levels. Freezing by itself increases damage dealt by ~30% just so you know (you can test this auto attacking a frozen/non frozen enemy)

And finally, while quickcast is a cool skill to have, it doesn’t increases you damage, since the biggest concern are cooldown times, and not so much casting times (meteor for example has 90s cooldown, so it doesn’t really matters much if it is 5s or 10s cast). While linking enemies actually increases your party’s overall damage by a lot.

So the way i see it:
Cryo > Wiz 2 (by a longshot)
Linker =~ Wiz 3 (both are pretty good but depends on usage, Linker seems better for dungeons, while wiz 3 seems better for PvP)

Feel free to disagree with arguments!

My current build: , going almost full int and a bit of con just to survive. I’ve no idea what to take in rank 7 and am open to suggestions.

Linker is better for party. Wiz 3 is better for soloing.