Tree of Savior Forum


Hey everyone, I’m having some difficulty deciding my class path and overall playstyle within the game.

I’m currently at Sorc1 in my build, Lv169. I just have a few questions regarding what others think of my current set up and opinions on my playstyle.

My goal is to mainly be able to switch between having a main focus on dishing out DPS with Pyro abilities while having a controllable summon back me up or riding my summon and wrecking face that way, switching between rod + dagger with elemental damage for Pyro ticks and an Int staff for summons. I know of the heavy mana drain but so far it really hasn’t been too big of an issue while questing or grinding. I also have 5 skill points in Pyro left to spend. I’m unable to decide between maxing Flame Pillar or getting Hell Breath because of the (hopefully) upcoming buffs.

Link to my current build:

Another issue I’m torn on is choosing the class I want to go with for rank 7. I was leaning towards FF, but I’m iffy because of the channeling situation since I have no hard CC aside from Flame Pillar for normal mobs. My 2nd go to was Necro and just pull bosses out of my ass to fight for me. I’m not really a fan of Warlock as that would make all my skills placement skills that I’d have to bait mobs around to be useful.

I’m open to any thoughts/critiques/opinions on my playstyle and how I should proceed or where I’ve ■■■■■■ up. Feel free to question why I’ve leveled certain skills over others too. Thanks for any help!

Since you don’t want Warlock, then take what every Pyro needs, and what Sorcs heavily benefits from - Linker

Would Linker be worth giving up a Rank7 slot for?

In your case, yeah maybe. Pyro and Sorc get a lot from Linker.

Don’t take Necro for Shoggoth; he’s more of a stronger Salamion than a Temple Shooter.