Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz1-Pyro3-Ele3/Ele2-Psycho Skill Build

Would Wiz1-Pyro3-Ele3 be better than Wiz1-Pyro3-Ele2-Psycho1? (aiming psycho for the physic pressure…)

Also, could you possibly share to me your recommended skill build?

I’m going for DPS, Full INT, 3 Plate + 1 Cloth with attributes.

ele rank 1 and 2 is pretty bad, rank 3 is goldy because of frost cloud. I wouldn’t drop that for sure, you are better of dropping pyro rank 3 then and go pyro rank 2. As the only thing rank 3 adds from pyro is hell breath / more skill points in existing skills, it’s far better to drop that over frost cloud and higher level of eletrocute + rain which will boost it’s dmg drastically, same goes for hail on bosses.

Psycho1, i have no idea bout can’t help you there.

I would be careful going ele3 without wiz3 quick cast. The doubled casting time of ele skills at 66% damage of a true ele build will make you rage quit.

I would be carefull about claiming Ele3 sucks without Wiz3.

Your main DPS skill is Frost Cloud, which doesn’t have any cast times. My Cryomentalist (nearly full INT) hits at the moment for 2,3k-2,5k/tick in EVAC (20% Attribute) and i ve not seen any standard Wi3/Ele3 that outperforms me.

besides that frost cloud is instant, and still does a ton of dmg without wiz3 skill

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Its risky for dps build in general. Its more than just frost cloud but still, dealing 33% less dmg kinda hurts.

Also wiz3ele3s not outperforming you is probably cause they are bad :X
Most of the pretty established ones can hit 6k+. When youre hitting 4k instead thats kinda hard to contest.

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IIRC someone made a calculation comparing pyro 2-ele 3 to wiz 3-ele 3 somewhere.

I’ll just paraphrase.

“You see big damage from ele 3 spells alone with wiz 3. You won’t without wiz 3. However; pyro 2 spells compensate for the small damage. The idea is to make use of many aoe spells to leash out sustained damage.”

The guy didn’t talk about cast time prob, tho.

So yeah at the end of the day pyro 2-ele 3 works, but you must be sure that every hit lands. Curse you, Fireball!! Pyro 3 at rank 7 is your best bet to maximize your multihitting capability.

I never talked about that class not outperforming that class. It’s about the best way to combine the classes. It was a discussion about pyro3+ele2 or pyro2+ele3. And ele3 is far better then pyro 3 atm.

Then the discussion was ele3 is bad without wiz3 because of cast time. well you get ele3 just for frost cloud with that build. which gives you far more burst on your pyro build then going pyro3.

Besides that, i have a wiz3/ele3/wl1 and i ditched it, for the sake of being absolutely terrible on the defense side. Everything just fully hits you, there is no way to cc flying monsters or burst them effectively. It’s a terrible build in general as its only focused on ground targets. I far far rather play my pyro3/cryo3 then that class.

Pure INT is bad for Psychic Pressure (PP) lvl 5. The skill’s range is melee and without circle 2, you don’t have the stun attribute of PP, making you vulnerable to attacks.

Also, in terms of synergy, Cryo1 or Wiz2 is better than Pyro1. Icewall+PP is a boss killer while PP generates more damage the longer you could sustain it (Surespell makes this happen).

Dark theurge protects you from range attacks. Don’t launch away as soon as it’s up. Launch it right before it expires.

Pyro3+psycho1 might sound good in theory but youll just end up getting interrupted really quickly since psycho 1 cant stun and you dont have surespell. Also since frost cloud is half the story, ele2 without 3 isnt a viable class direction.

Frost cloud is the signature move for elementalist yes, but lv15-16 hail is also pretty good. Hail, even magic missile really shines on linked mobs.

You should continue your wiz3ele3w1, there are many reasons why its hailed as the strongest and most versatile class of all atm. Remember that my main point wasnt about elememe but rather about the risk of not going wiz3 for +50% dmg. As DPS, you try to maximize damage (people are willing to spend an extra 20mil+ just for 10-20 more dmg pt). Given 1. new dps meme classes come out for wizards, and 2. quick cast isnt nerfed - you wont be considered dps without quick cast (like going wiz3ele3 but full con). Ele3 is merely the best class direction after wiz3. The foundation of DPS here is not ele3, but rather wiz3.

If you consider ele3 a racecar, then wiz1/3 is your aptitude as a driver.