Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz1> cryo1>link1>ele1 .. Am i screwed?

RSo my build now is w1c1l1ele1 and i did this to be a linker semi dps type in the dungeons… Having freeze and link for suppport and supposedly having ele3 + a rank 7 for dps…

Reason for me not going wiz 3 instead because i have read in many places that the quickcast and sure spell is not needed most of the time to successfully cast eletrocute and hail… And ive experienced it first hand and its true… There are some exceptions situations tho… And i like to link mobs tgt

Now the problem arises at my end game… I wanted to do a FF since i had a linker for the nice dps but looking at bloodsucking i jus realized that it gets interupted while channeling without surespell…so im expected to get interupted every damn time…just messed it up

Looking at warlock im not very fond of it with the long cd (2min) … Unless there is someone who can clear this up cause it seems that wl looks bad now…

Can anyone recommend a better path for me? Like an alchemist path? Can my path go for alchemist or sorc/necro? Any response would be appreciated

You cant be interrupted when they are all linked together and frozen. I did this build and its fun. Also, freeze from cryo is a beast at duels, but its getting nerfed in pvp soon™.

Sorry for bad english :smiley:

After the freeze? How bout if there are annoying rage mobs or something?

I think mages are generally annoyed at ranged mobs anyway xD

True… So r u guys saying w1c1l1ele3ff is still viable?

W1>P1>L1>E1>S1>A1 here and I have no problem whatsover.

I think you need to add a sorceror to your build for personal tanker. My build is totally pointless for PVP but since i’m not into that anyway so there’s no problem (to me, at least)

True that your dmg per hit will be considerbly low but if you spam all attack spell on a linked target or a boss, damage will flow like a waterfall. Quantity over quality.

When monster lost interest on your summon, run around your summon, let it hit and draw the aggro; wash-rinse-repeat

Linker has upgrade thunder attack on linked traget and Ele has upgrade thunder damage on frozen target.

Alchemy is a good source for your character and other character. Summon Familiar has SP regen boost and it’s way faster than taking low grade potion from NPC, but you have to sit and lit a bonfire from time to time. If you chose to be an alchemist, SP pots costs won’t be a problem.

Don’t loose hope, life will find its way :slight_smile:

my wiz build is 90% C1 too xD

Honestly, I would remake and go Wiz3.

You will get Surespell AND Quickcast. Surespell is obvious to keep from getting interrupted, but Quickcast has an attribute attached to it that gives you +50% Spell Damage. You can imagine that applying to your HP steal and damage, and Magic Missile is decent now since the missiles will spawn more missiles on a hit.

Chronomancer is there for added melee synergy and to provide you with soft CC. If they increase your max ranks, you’ll also be able to get Chrono3 and reduce your CD times for your big abilities like Bloodsucking.

Otherwise, go Wiz3 and then FF with the rest of your build. It’ll be hard, but you will at least be able to test how FF feels with Wiz3.

Also just so this character isn’t a complete waste, farm up and pass an Arde dagger to your alt. It’ll help a lot with the melee build and Chrono levels.

Thx for the advice guys… Any more suggestions are welcomed please

I did the same build as you, Cryo1/Link1/Ele3 and i love it. You will really want to max out electrocute and get frost cloud and get the freezing hail attribute. Ele 1 just isnt worth it.

Also with the joint penalty attributes i.e:

And (until you get your lolopanther):



You’ll make up most of the damage missed out from Wiz 3 while getting a hell of a lot more CC and imho versatility and party damage. When it comes to stationary earth tower you may be slightly behind your counterparts if they’ve got a perfect makeup party with another linker in the group but normally things don’t go that easily.

Linking makes Frost Cloud work against flying targets if there is a ground target in the linked mob and it makes hail hit all the monsters EVERY tick.

In terms of R7 featherfoot seems a little bit underpowered at the moment and while it works with linker it seems the rest of the build is a little wasted on it. Personally i see benefits in WL, Kino1 & potentially rune caster (also cryo/linker 2 both deserve mention i believe).

Against a boss you probably wont win, but you’re unlikely to beat a dedicated Cryo Kino Rune Caster or Fletcher build there anyway.

what do you guys think of W1C1L1ele1sorc1necro2 / W1C1L1ele2Alch ?

Alch could work, Ele1/Sorc1/Necro seems messy

Thanks @Tenra for your response… i dont quite understand ur point of boosting earth dmg with the road and joint property attribute ? Which skills in ele is earth property or am i missing something i dont get it haha

Maga Rod has extra earth property attack. The whole reason every wizard wants Arde/Karacha dagger is for the fire attack. You have a skill that also multiplies that earth damage for Maga… same goes with the poison on venom and Otrava

So the extra earth property attack will get added to all your skills i.e: Hail will add the earth property damage every tick etc… on top of the extra damage you and your party are doing through link itself.

i see… does the joint penalty attribute that boosts earth dmg boosts those dmg from maga/poison on venom as well ?

Haven’t done any formal tests yet but I believe so yes.

From what i gather it just works on the poison/earth part of the attack though, So with Maga + Venom it’s like a flavoured extra 123 Matk on linked targets which themselves are getting 2x damage from all non AoE attacks.

Like I said it’s not like a flat 50% increase but it’s not bad either…

yes at least its something haha …thanks for ur input learnt something

Oh one other thing, HK’s AoE ratio attribute comes in exceedingly useful with your AoEs:

yes i believe this is particularly useful with hail since the hitbox of each hail is so small