Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz-Wiz->Linker->Wiz 3->Ele 3

So, I already have a Wiz -> Cryo -> Linker -> Ele 1 atm and am thinking about rerolling.

I like Linker a LOT, its awesome in solo and groups, no reason not to take it. Even with 2 linkers in a party it is still useful because it has a 22sec cooldown. Cryo 1 however, is not so impressive. Ice Wall is cool, and you have freeze, but Hail already covers some of that. And also, I really don’t have anything in particular i would want for rank 7 :(.

The idea is to be able to deal quite high damage at end game, and I believe Wiz 3 with Linker covers that, allowing me to focus on DPS classes on rank 5 and above.

What do you think about this particular class progression? Should I take Ele 1 before Wiz 3 for more spells (on higher cooldown), or Wiz 3 first for magic missiles and quickcast?

What am I missing with this build? (is Warlock amazing, or will I not miss it at all?)

Just to clarify, I am thinking about end game PvE builds no matter how troublesome it will be to level it until there. Thats why I dont take Pyro, because I believe Wiz 3 + Linker + Ele to be better than any combination with Pyro. But maybe Im wrong? Thoughts?

Linker isn’t super important for AoE builds like elementalists.
Links are mainly for turning single target damage into AoE damage.
An attack can only hit an enemy in a linked group once, if your AoE is big enough to hit everything in the link you’ve really just wasted mana.

The usual build is wiz3-ele3-warlock/runecaster

No Linker + Ele PLEASE.

Or Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > whatever

Or Wiz 3 > Linker 1+ > Whatever

Do not stop at wiz 2, Linker synergyzes very nicely with classes other than wiz 3 too.

what do you mean no wiz3ele3 whatever? isn’t that the most common wiz build?


Yes. That is also the path that I am taking.

Yes it is, but the guy is talking about Wiz 2 > Linker > Ele 3 from what I got, Linker doesn’t work well with Ele.

Nope, i said Wiz 2-> Linker -> Wiz 3 and then Ele.

I intend to go to Wiz 3 for Quickcast. And I already play an Ele, and Linker is actually pretty good with Ele:

  • Works wonders with eletrocute (+150% dmg)
  • Works well with Hail (+100% dmg and make it more predictable as it splits the damage to all mobs instead of just the ones that actually got hit)
  • Make prominence a bit better (more reliable)

And its an overall very good class to have in parties (probably the best wizard class in parties, it increases the overall dmg of a party by A LOT).

Runecaster is actually pretty weak for Ele, according to this:

So the only interesting class Im gonna miss is Warlock, which I don’t know ho good it actually is.

Also, while Links should work as described above (no dmg increase for AoE), it actually works for a lot of AoE spells. The ones I know for sure (tested myself) were Hail, Ice Pike and Eletrocute. It increase the damage on those skills by 100%.

The idea of taking Linker is to actually have some party play and not only solo everything. I also think Linker 1 has a pretty awesome cost / benefit, only 1 rank makes you awesome in parties.

Runecasting Isa doesn’t have to work with ele’s hail and frost cloud to be good,

It already provides cc immune for pvp, another burst skill and the Isa could be used to buff other cryomancer in the party.

And in the future they may release a new rank 8 that has use for the buff other than cryo.

isnt it preferable to go wiz 3 linker 1 before going anything else? at wiz 3 you get magic missile and quick cast for a huge improvement in soloing, while going from wiz 2 to linker, you get no new damage spel and your lvling will be quite harsh

Also, wasnt the 100% increase on AoE removed for linkers? I guess electrocute and hail are fine since its multihits, and so, will transfer their whole damage to the links, somehow, remains to be seen how exactly it works, but it sounds promising.

While you dont get any new spell, Linker adds 100% dmg to your existing skills, and distribute it on 5 enemies making it an interesint option.

The 100% AoE increase was removed, but several AoE skills count as multihits, so it still works on them. The only skills where Linking won’t increase dmg in the entire build are Earthquake (which is kinda useless anyway), Meteor and Frost Cloud (which both already do so much damage that linking isn’t needed anyway). But in parties linking increase the overall dmg by a lot, so I don’t think you lose much for what you get.

The only thing I would miss out is Warlock, and thats the main question for me, how good really is Warlock? Is is it amazing and a must pick choice?

That’s perfectly viable… But you’re soloing will be more SP heavy for a small block of levels when you don’t have Magic Missile and you’re relying on JP/Sleep/Bolt or just JP/Bolt to kill things. That said people will love you in parties earlier.

I have two Wiz/Links going right now that are slated for two different builds (playing with friend groups). So I got plenty of experience using magic missiles as well as the basic skills. I generally use Magic Missiles vanilla… Then while my missiles are on cooldown use JP/Bolts(sleep when needed for dmg attrib) to kill another pack.

With all my experience looking back I think picking up linker earlier so you just ransack the early dungeon would be fine. You’re not hard crippled but you will be slower when solo questing.

it’s the path that every person is taking so, no surprise there bud.