Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz-Pyro3-Chrono3-Sage vs Wiz-Pyro2-Link1-Chrono3-Sage?

Hi, I’m planning to reroll my character into one of the mentioned builds, but I’m not sure which to choose between them.

I already have another full DPS wiz-ele3 meta char so I was hoping to try out the support role this time - not full support tho since I still want to be able to solo through quests. After researching I decided that Chrono3-Sage is a must-have. I also love Pyro so I don’t want to miss out on that, especially when Agny comes out already. The only thing left that I’m wondering is whether Linker1 is worth having over Pyro3 or not (their skill description sounds quite useful, and I did see people look for Linkers in parties a lot in game). It’d be nice if I could hear more info & insights from the experienced players regarding this matter.

Thanks :'D

Why not linker3 instead of chrono? Still supporting. But, you get a massive link for all those multihit fire skills?

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I read a comment in another thread that some monsters nearing endgame content are immune to JP so that’s one thing to consider.

As for going pyro3, we’re not really sure yet if Agny stays the way it is now or if it will be “changed” in the near future, knowing IMC.

Quite a dilemma, but the best decision is whatever fits your playstyle or most fun to you.

It seems you won’t have that much problem rerolling later in case something bad happens to the currently rising agny-pyro meta.

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Thank you for your suggest. The reason why I picked Chrono is because I heard they could also semi-rev. I play with my friends in kinda fixed team, and we only have 1 Cleric character that could revive - so I kinda wanna share the role for my friend to play other character if she likes :'D

Considering what @ZeroFoxGiven stated about high end mobs immune to JP, maybe I will pass Linker as well - not sure another free rerolling would be available at the time.

Besides, this is just personal but I actually had a dream about having ability similar to Pyro’s and Chrono’s one, so yeah… would be fun to see how it turns out xD

Thanks for your insight :'D. The char I wanna reroll is a Pyro2 as well, I was going Linker1 for the next rank but accidentally picked Elementalist instead (was still a noob back then so I messed up the names a lot LOL). That, of course, didn’t turn out well even if I tried to live with my mistake - I can’t handle Ele’s long casting time without Quick Cast/Surespell at all, and end up being utterly useless in battles.

But although I remake another meta char to be useful for my team, I still miss Pyro’s funny playstyle (yep to me kicking balls around is fun LOL). The reroll is perfect chance for this xD. And even if the necklace get nerfed later, as long as my semi-support role still works out somehow I won’t mind it much.

I’m also tempted to reroll my old meta elememe into a new meta DPS agny-pyro, as I also heard people complaining that Ele3 and WL2 don’t do much damage in high end game anymore - but I need more research on this.

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If ever nerf comes, it probably wouldn’t be too much. Maybe just enough to not make the Pyro circles useless so that they still are relevant to r8 content as DPS like Cryos are as support.

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linker c1 is not worth it. go with pyro c3.

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The only video I saw of the Chrono revive trick the guy died right afterward. Cause he came back with no hp. And if you don’t cast it immediately you don’t get a second chance. Not saying it doesn’t do what you want it to do. Just seems really janky…

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From the description of the skill, I’m aware of the fact that it won’t really be a true reviving one, that’s why I called it semi-rev. I’m also prepared that the class won’t be able to fully replace a decent Cleric support as well - but nonetheless it still has some other support skills that could benefit the party, hopefully. My Cleric teammate chose the Monk path as well, not a pure support role - so if we ever need more support power in higher dungeons I hope to be of help somehow xD

Tbh I did consider picking another pure DPS path by going with pyro3link3 instead, but in the end that would just leave me with 2 DPS wizard meta chars - which means I would just pick one of them to play most of the time, so something else to utilize my char slot might be more fun.

Just read in another thread about the playstyle of the pyro3chrono3 path as well - and it seems to fit my taste perfectly (set up trap and sneakily wait for your preys to walk in it, instead of being the glass canon shooter)

I think pyro2 - linker1 is not really a good idea, if you added 2 fireballs, ur link target is only 3
Pyro3 imo, the best thing is Fire Pillar lv10 -> which is able to buy you 15s enough time to setup all fire traps:
Fire Pillar -> Flame Groud > Micro Dimension > Fire Balls x2 > Micro Dimension > Pass > Flame Ground > Fire Balls x2 > Fire Breath (if still have time)
Which I believe is enough to kill everything.

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Cool :o I’m set with Pyro3 then. But from your setup I find something else to consider - the skills. So far I’ve known Fire balls and Fire pillar are must-have. But the rest Pyro skills seem quite varying to me. I’ve seen people choose Fire Wall over Flame Ground or Enchant Fire over Hell Breath, and vice versa. I wonder how those choices differ from another, or which kind of playstyle would they benefit? Would be nice to hear more detailed on this! :smiley:

From what I’ve read most people leave Flame Ground at 1-3 points. It doesn’t scale as well as the others. And maxed Firewall is just cool…