Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz/Ele/Warlock Guide - Look, Ma! I'm a Wizard!

Reached about Lv.250 so I thought i’d make a guide on Warlock. Hope it helps any and would be happy to field any questions and suggestions! ~Sephiran


I personally pumped 100con and put the rest in INT. I have a comfortable >10,000 HP and a ton of damage. If you’re aiming for PVP though, I would suggest going 1:1 ratio for INT:CON.


Your most important item would be Arde Dagger from Lv.75 until max level essentially. You can get Arde Dagger from the Lv.90 dungeon or buy it for about 800k Silver. After which you may reward yourself with the Venom dagger which is weak towards plate type monsters so you will need to interchange between Arde and Venom but it provides a sweet ~1,300 HP. This adds some damage to your multi-hit skills. For the rod, I would suggest just getting whatever you have then obtain Lolopanther items at Lv.280.

Skill Build

Wizard C3

1)Energy Bolt - 5/15 - We are not getting Lv.5 for the increased damage as damage scaling per level is horrible. Instead, we want this at Level 5 because it makes our cast time significantly lower for the much needed DPS (or lack of…) in the beginning of the our journey towards Warlock-hood.

2)Lethargy - 0/15 - How about… no. Bad scaling.

3)Sleep - 15/15 - One of the most beautiful CCs you can get on a Wizard. Just bear in mind that sleep does not work on flying units. You will need Stone Curse for flying units.

4)Reflect Shield - 7/15 - People ask… “But why? it doesn’t reflect anything!”. But lo and behold, reflect shield prevents you from being staggered when a monster hits you. Remember when an annoying archer shoots you in the face and you get that “Yamete, senpai” look? We’re not getting any of that here. This falls off during later of the game when the amount of damage absorbed is a lower % of total damage. However, would still be useful of DoTs.

5)Earthquake - 1/15 - Only Lv.1 because damage scaling is horrible. But being able to knockback enemies in the sky? Yes, please!

6)Sure Spell - 7/10 - Not a entirely useful skill but one of the better ones to take to complement your long cast time skills like Meteor. Lv.5 is sufficient for 100% uptime but we have spare skill points so might as well!

7)Magic Missile - 5/5 - Finally… we’re able to do some DPS. This skill will make you feel like you’re the Juggernaut, wrecking faces wherever you go. A huge power boost after you’ve been auto-attacking and energy-bolting everything for hours. I would recommend to keep some points in Wizard C2 so that you can pump skill points into this the moment you reach Wizard C3.

8)Quick Cast - 5/5 - Get this, level up the attribute and enjoy your 50% extra magic damage. The extra damage only works when this is active so make sure you cast this before long cast time skills like Meteor. This skill also works with your auto-attacks so try to keep this up whenever you can.

Elementalist C3

1)Electrocute - 14/15 - One of the most visually pleasing skills and dense mob farming skills you will have access to as an Elementalist. We only take Lv.14 because Lv.15 does not add an extra target and the damage increases in not significant. Would rather have an extra point in hail for longer duration and freeze chance. This skill bounces 3 times per mob… meaning it essentially hits 11 targets, with each mob getting hit for every extra more after it. So the first monster will get hit 11 times, and the 2nd mob will get hit 10x, with the last mob (mob no.11) only getting hit once.

2)Hail - 14/15 - Max the freeze attribute, this is a beautiful complement to your electrocute skill. Frozen targets will be dealt 50% extra damage by lightning spells. Take more of this for longer duration.

3)Stone Curse - 1/15 - We take on 1 point in this for the utility of freezing air units. As you may notice further down your journey in the game, our anti-air abilities are horrible unlike other classses… (yes, archers… I’m looking at you). So, we’ll need this to help us hold air units in position so that we can cast our other skills.

4)Prominence - 1/15 - Too random but nice to have when you’re kiting enemies. Does a decent amount of damage and has burning effect.

5)Meteor - 9/10 - Your most visually stunning and hard-hitting one hit skill in your arsenal. Has a super long cast time of 10 secs (5secs with quick cast) at max level. Very nice for PVP but not that viable in grinding due to long cooldown and long cast time (by the time your down casting this the mobs are dead).

6)Rain - 0/15 - I really wanted to like this skill… But I realised after using it that I rarely have time to use this skill. Put 1 point and max the attribute if you want for the longer duration and enjoy that sweet +35% electrocute damage… But it did not feel very game-changing… rather have extra points in electrocute and hail.

7)Frost Cloud - 5/5 - Finally… We’ve reached the peak of the Elementalist tree. Frost Cloud is your bread and butter skill. At level 200, each hit will do 3,000 damage and it will tick 30 times. This equals to a beautiful rounded number of 90,000. This is by far harder hitting than meteor which hits 25k-35k at the same level. They should have named Elementalist 3… Frost Cloud as you basically are only useful for this skill. I recommend saving skill points in Elementalist C2 to pump this at the start of gaining Elementalist C3.

Warlock C1

1)Pole of Agony - 5/5 - This skill basically works like another Frost Cloud but with different graphics and much smaller area of affect (probably only 2x2 compared to Frost Cloud 8x8). Damage is formidable with 4,000 damage per tick at Lv225 with 30 hits which translates to 120,000 damage. Pretty awesome for boss fights. Cast this, then frost cloud, then hail and watch the boss melt.
Anyway… this is the only skill worth mentioning for Warlock C1 as the others are pretty lacklustre. Do not expect much from this tree except an extra Frost Cloud-like skill.

2)Invocation - 5/5 - Spawns land mines (evil souls) as monsters die…Number of targets hit scales with Dark Theurge. Get this Lv.5 so we gain access to the attribute.

3)Dark Theurge - 4/5 - Just around 15,000-20,000 damage and each level increases the number of targets each soul can hit. So, a level 5 Dark Theurge will have each soul hitting 5 targets.

4)Mastema - 0/5 - One hit AOE skill… Could be useful but have not found a use for it at this moment… maybe someone can enlighten me?

5)Evil Sacrifice - 1/1 - Direct all your evil spirits (land mines) towards a target. Pretty awesome when you have 20 souls rushing towards a target.

All in all… Consistent high dps route but you will have to some downtime as you wait for your skills to come offf cooldown. I love Ele3Warlock and it makes me feel all warm inside. For gameplay you can catch me at


Reflect shield only prevents stagger at low lvls due to decreased dmg you get - for high lvls it only prevents knockback sometimes (as far as i know).

Dark Theurge - single target? R U sure?

Mastema - just one hit?

Edited stuff. Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

Isn’t it what surespell is for though?

No - but you have multiple spirits - with elementalist aoe skills - esp while solo play you can yeasly collect several. Btw - is there a cap of how much spirits can you have at one point?

Yeah - so it may be good while playing in parties - in which usually come cleric is present (obviously not all of them have holy attribute spells) or to get aggro out of u.

Or we can just save up some points for c2/reskill later.

i found that during invocation, stuff are usually dead anyway so the spirits dont really help with the dps as stuff have already died. just my experience.

Well knockback makes you stagger and slows you down a bit. Not for casting purposes. Purely mobility.

Well - but they may help you for the next group of mobs (Whats the spirits up time btw - they r dissapearing on its own after few sec or they r up until used? Invocation lasts for 25-45 sec atm - but its just a time during summoning process works (i think) - not the duration of summons itself) or to clear the rest of them (like in case of bosses which summon some trash mobs).

Ah i see. Thanks :wink:

tbh you would want 5/5 in invocation for the attribute

True ive changed it on tosbase. Yet to change it here as work blocks my tos forum access T_T