Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz Ele Warlock Gear

I just came back to the game and im a bit confused , i cant find any updated guide to gears for Ele Warlock , just builds and builds , when i left the game Virtov was still a pretty good set , idk right now if its still good or what . I’ve seen the market and oh boy , theres a lot of stupid items , but i just dont know which one i should go for , can someone help me?
Items im using right now:
Virtov plate Set
Catacombs Club
Didel tower Shield
Rhevisan Bracelets
Max petamion

Atm im level 254 , i need to change something now? Something is still good?

there are lots of option right now:

  1. Low-budget gears: blue HG armor with INT, wizard bracelets/archmage bangles and animus
  2. Decent-budget gears: Laitas Robe + Laitas Gloves (for INT and some extra matk, mamp), blue/purple HG pants and shoes with INT+CON, archmage bangles + animus
  3. High-budget gears: Solmiki Cloth set, or same as above but with Lynnki Sit Accessory set (elewl can max Lynnki stack without any problems)

And for the weapons, rush to lv 350 and use +11 purple Raffye Staff with decent stats, or +11 Primus Raffye Staff if u have enough budget.

At your level, don’t bother changing anything. The “faded” stuff (aka stuff prior to the introduction of random items) is basically better than anything you’ll find, and you can pretty much storm the game up to level 315. I played my Warlock with (faded) War Mage set up to 315 without trouble, and my alt Cryo/Ele is using the Elkosh set at roughly the same level without trouble either.