Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz-Ele-Alch? Question


I would like to ask If this makes any sense (because I have not much idea of this some far):
I can’t really decide what to play. I am now Wiz3 and want to change now to Ele because I like what I’ve seen from that class. But I am also thinking about becoming alchemist because I loved alch in Ro :smiley:
So does something like
Wiz3 - Ele 3 - Alch
Wiz3 - Ele 2 - Alch2
makes any sense?
Or should I just go for Wiz3 - Ele3 - Warlock ?
How could a viable Build for Alchemist after Wiz3 look like?

Greetings and thanks for your answers and suggestions

As an alch in Ro you could become a MVP.
As an alch in Tos you can become a NPC.

Other than the name and the fact that you can make potions, its noting alike.
I loved my Ro alch too…